Chapter 350 Freshman Test 1
"Do you know what it's called?" Yao Lao looked at Luo Ziyue with a proud face, "This is the legendary Yangtze River wave pushing forward..."

"Well, Qian Lang was slapped to death on the beach!" Yun Lao patted Yao Lao on the shoulder, passed him, and found a place in his alchemy room to sit down. I will remember to burn some paper to commemorate your heroic sacrifice."

"Hmph! I knew I couldn't say anything good from you, an old man, but this baby will be my apprentice from now on!"

Thinking of this, Yao Lao couldn't help being happy for a while.

You know, if such an amazingly talented apprentice can inherit his mantle in this life, he will die without regrets.

"What are you proud of? You are not the only master for her."

"I said, are you here to find fault, old man? Why do you like to pour cold water on people's heads so much?" Lao Yao, who was stepped on a painful spot, immediately picked it up and yelled at Lao Yun.

"I'm doing this for your own good, so that you can keep your head clear at any time, and don't be dazzled by the momentary excitement!"

Yun Lao's eyes fell on Luo Ziyue, with a calm expression on his face. Even when he was joking with Yao Lao, his face still maintained his usual seriousness and indifference, and he often made the jokes very realistic.

Fortunately, Yao Lao has always been close to him, so he doesn't care about these details.

When it was time to yell, she yelled at him, even if she jumped in anger, it didn't affect their relationship at all.

"Hey, you came here just to beat me, right?" Yao Lao sat down not far from him, looked at him and asked.

Yun Lao nodded: "I really came here to beat you, nothing else!"

"Damn it, you old man is really getting more and more rampant. By the way, how long is it until the freshman test starts? You can't let this kid be late on the first day!"

Yao Lao seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and his eyes fell on Luo Ziyue who was cultivating, "With the addition of this kid, I am looking forward to this year's freshman test. I want to see, what is it? They are old students, or my apprentice is better?"

"People haven't said they want to recognize you as a teacher yet! Don't rush to put gold on your face, there are still 2 minutes, if he still doesn't wake up, you go and wake him up, you can't leave him alone Delay all the freshmen's time." Yun Lao glanced at the sunlight outside the window, estimated the time and said to Yao Lao.

In some matters, Mr. Yun seems very rigid and stubborn. If you look closely, you will find that he is actually doing it for everyone's benefit.

Yao Lao obviously understood his intentions, and nodded slightly: "I know it well, don't worry, he won't delay the freshman test."

2 minutes is almost a snap of the fingers.

Before Yao Lao went over to call him, Luo Ziyue woke up from the state of cultivation, and her eyes fell directly on Yun Lao, "Yun Lao, you are here!"

"Well, it's getting late, pack up and go to Luna Square to gather, most of the freshmen have already arrived!" Yun Lao nodded lightly, urging him.

Yao Lao also agreed beside him: "Yes! Xiao Sha, that girl is waiting for you outside, hurry up and gather with her, prepare to take the freshman test, the first day of school, don't be late!"

"Okay, then I'll take my leave first, you and Mr. Yun will talk slowly, and we will talk about other things in detail later!"

Luo Ziyue also realized the urgency of the matter, stood up without saying a word, and bid farewell to Yao Lao and Yun Lao.

In a flash, he disappeared into the alchemy room and left the alchemy tower at an extremely fast speed.

As soon as she got out of the alchemy tower, Mi Xuan spotted her. She stood up excitedly and shouted at her, "Xiao Cha, here! Here!"

Looking at the crowd waiting outside the alchemy tower, Luo Ziyue frowned slightly, especially after hearing Mi Xuan calling her excitedly, the expression on her face was stiff for a moment, but recovered quickly Normally, due to the long distance, Mi Xuan didn't notice it.

She was still calling her excitedly, making her want to act as if she didn't know her.

I sighed secretly in my heart: It's over, she is now completely famous in the academy, and I don't know who leaked the news of her competition with Yao Lao, obviously she has acted very carefully, but she still can't hide it from the secret A person with a dark heart.

"Freshmen need to gather at Luna Square, let's go quickly! Don't be late!"

Luo Ziyue walked to Mi Xuan's side, nodded slightly to Yi Jian who was beside her, as a way of saying hello, and left behind such a sentence, strode towards Luna Square, making Mi Xuan stunned Foggy, I can't figure out why she is unhappy?

Confused, he exchanged a glance with Yi Jian, and hurriedly followed.

Yi Jian could probably guess why Luo Ziyue was unhappy, but he didn't know how to tell Mi Xuan. After all, he wasn't too familiar with them, at most, he stood there and watched them getting closer and closer. Yuan's figure also turned his head and left the alchemy tower.

Originally, she wanted to ask Luo Ziyue the result of her fight with Yao Lao.

Now it seems that she has no intention of chatting at all at this meeting, he'd better not touch her bad luck first.

"Xiao Cha, are you angry?" Mi Xuan trotted all the way to catch up with Luo Ziyue, asking in puzzlement.

Luo Ziyue didn't turn her head back, "No, time is running out, we have to speed up, don't be late for the assembly on the first day."

"Why do I think you are angry? You look like you don't want to talk to me."

Mi Xuan stopped suddenly and grabbed her with an expression that you must explain clearly to me, which made Luo Ziyue have a headache.

"Xuanxuan, I'm not angry, and I don't want to talk to you. Today is our first day of school, can you stop making trouble? I don't want to be late when I meet my classmates for the first time." Luo Ziyue looked at her with a slight frown. She said to her in a good temper.

"But, I think you are angry like this. Did I do something wrong?" Mi Xuan looked at her relentlessly.

Luo Ziyue's face darkened in an instant, "Xuanxuan, if you are making trouble, I will really get angry. As I said, we are almost late. I don't have time to explain this to you now. What's the problem? Wait until we finish taking the freshman test."

"I know, you must be bothering me." Mi Xuan pouted with displeasure, but obediently let go of Luo Ziyue's sleeve.

Luo Ziyue glanced at her, wanted to leave her and walk alone, but still held her helplessly, and rushed towards Luna Square with big strides, halfway, the two of them did not speak in tacit understanding, and hurried along the road in silence , I don’t even know what I’m thinking!
(End of this chapter)

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