Chapter 351 Freshman Test [-]

In fact, Luo Ziyue didn't want to be angry with her, but there were too many things hidden in her heart.

In the past two days, in order to detoxify, I have not had a good rest, and my nerves have always been highly tense.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she came out of the alchemy tower, she found that the development of the matter was beyond her imagination again.

This made the tight string in her heart pull again.

She vaguely felt that this was the other party telling her that her actions had always been in their sight and had never escaped their monitoring.

It's like a person trying so hard to get out of the control of the other party. He thought he had succeeded, but he didn't expect it to be nothing in the end.

This made her angry, and Mi Xuan made such a fuss, the expression on her face became even colder.

Before they got close to Luna Square, they could already hear the sound of playing there from far away, Luo Ziyue couldn't help letting go of Mi Xuan's walk, and walked in silence, the indifference on her cheeks was frightening, Don't dare to approach easily.

Mi Xuan walked behind them, only two or three steps away from her.

As soon as they entered the Luna Square, they saw countless people cast curious eyes on them, turning their heads from time to time and whispering to the people around them.

The girls' eyes all fell on Luo Ziyue.

All the troubles of the boys fell on Mi Xuan.

The two people with very different temperaments instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Emotions of jealousy, envy, admiration, and unwillingness came to them from all directions.

Luo Ziyue raised her head indifferently, her icy eyes flicked across the crowd, and she saw the young faces one by one, with a certain amount of thought in her heart.

Obviously, you don't need to guess. What happened in the past few days has spread all over the campus. Even the freshmen who have just entered school have already heard about them, so they are so curious about them.

There seemed to be a lot more freshmen this year than she had imagined.

On the Luna Square, this club is already crowded with young men and women.

From nobles to commoners.

They are all teenagers and girls from different cities on the mainland.

Luo Ziyue found a relatively spacious corner to stand still, and Mi Xuan silently followed behind her, glancing at her from time to time.

With big smart eyes, he looked at the people around him curiously.

Only she has her own space, standing quietly on the spot, looking ahead, and no one pays attention to it.

The chirping sounds around her could not escape her ears. Fortunately, just as they stood still, the principal had already drifted towards them from a distance. Behind him were various mentors, both men and women.

"Welcome everyone to join the big family of Qingtian Academy. Behind me are your tutors, who will divide you into classes. Please stand according to your respective class arrangements!"

The headmaster's voice mixed with spiritual power sounded in Luna Square, the spiritual power in the palm surged, and golden names suddenly appeared in the sky. According to each person's name, they were arranged in midair according to their respective classes, which is very convenient They search for their names.

The temporarily quiet Luna Square quickly became agitated.

The class leaders stand in their respective positions, with the name of the class marked above their heads.

New students only need to follow their names to find the corresponding class and stand in place.

Luo Ziyue and Mi Xuan got their wish and were assigned to the same class. Class [-], Lingli Grade [-], was led by a female instructor named Lin Shan.

The two moved quickly to find the corresponding class, and stood in the corresponding position. However, this time, Luo Ziyue did not stand with Mi Xuan. She was arranged to stand at the front of the team, facing the leader of the class. The instructor, while Mi Xuan stood in the middle of the line, with other students behind her.

"Student Xiaosha, hello!"

Lin Shan had known for a long time that there was a talented student in the class, and the moment she saw Luo Ziyue, a bright smile appeared on her indifferent face, and she greeted her friendly.

For them, having an astonishingly talented student in their class will be of great help to their future career development.

This forced her to take down the face of the instructor and take the initiative to talk to Luo Ziyue.

"Hello, Mr. Lin." Luo Ziyue responded politely with a faint smile on her indifferent face.

"For the next freshman test, student Xiao Sha has to work hard and set a good example for the class!"

"I will work hard." Luo Ziyue has lived two lifetimes, and this is the first time she has entered school, which makes her a little uncomfortable, especially when facing such an amiable teacher, she is a little unclear how to deal with it However, due etiquette is not thought of at all.

After everyone found their corresponding class, the huge banner above their heads seemed to have remained in golden characters.

In its place are the exam rules for the next flurry of freshman tests.

All students must emerge from Luna Square, pass through the school, and go around the city to the back entrance of the college.

After successfully passing through the back door, the ultimate test site is now a dense jungle. There is no explanation of what they will face in the dense forest.

All the students who did not arrive at the back door within the specified time to receive their identity cards will face the first elimination and lose their eligibility for admission.

During their running, there will be teachers from the academy following them in the dark. Anyone who finds someone secretly using spiritual power to cheat will be uniformly eliminated, and there will be corresponding signs along the running route as a reminder.

The latest time to enter the back door of the college is [-]:[-] noon.

In other words, all freshmen had to arrive at the designated place within three hours, otherwise they would be eliminated in the first round.

Students who did not come out of the dense forest before [-]:[-] p.m. would be eliminated in the end, and those who found someone cheating and looking for foreign aid could be eliminated without any favors.

During the test, students who seem to be murdered by their peers will be eliminated and will never be admitted.

The requirements are extremely strict, and the densely packed golden fonts are full of various events that may encounter ruthless elimination. At the same time, it is also stated that their competition process will pass strict monitoring, and no one can escape their monitoring. All those who escaped from the monitoring area will also be eliminated.

After the new students saw the densely packed articles and clauses above their heads, many of them showed mournful expressions on their faces, and howled in pain constantly. You must know that just starting from the college and running to the back door of the college will take you across half of the country. Xuefu City, not to mention, the routes arranged by the school are all those remote and difficult ones.

If you want to achieve it within three hours, you must seize all the time in the middle, and there should be no laziness or waste.

This caused many spoiled and spoiled children from rich families who had never experienced any hardships to complain repeatedly.

(End of this chapter)

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