Chapter 353 Freshman Test 4
"I'm really thankful to the principal for looking up to me! Speaking of which, when I knew that there was such a student in the class, I was really shocked, and I was afraid that I would fail to lead it well and make mistakes, but, This child is more sensible and understanding than I imagined, which relieved me a lot."

The other teachers were silent when they saw what she said.

Many people are secretly jealous of her good luck.

At the same time, I hope that Luo Ziyue will not be as obedient as they imagined, and it's best to poke something wrong!

It's just that everyone kept smiling, quietly followed behind this group of students, and paid attention to their subsequent development. As expected, they were not disappointed. Except for Luo Ziyue, the other students under her encouragement , but very few people were eliminated. Except for some whose physical fitness could not keep up with the rhythm and had no choice but to give up, the others basically all arrived at the back door of the academy on time before twelve o'clock and received their respective identity plates.

The nameplate already has [-] basic points, and the others need to be earned by themselves.

The way of earning includes snatching other people's nameplate points. Apart from not killing each other, there are no other restrictions, and it all depends on each person's ability.

The person with the most points at the end wins.

The academy will reward No.1 with 2 points, No.3 with [-] points, and No.[-] with [-] points.

Other than that, everyone else maintains their existing points.

Those with zero points can go to the recruitment office of the college to find a part-time job to earn points.

Of course, as freshmen, they don't know the purpose of the points for the time being, but subconsciously feel that the points should be very important.

During the process, teams are allowed to fight, and each team can have no more than ten people. Of course, if you find it inconvenient to work in a team, you can choose to fight alone.

"Xiao Sha, in this way, we can fight side by side together!"

Mi Xuan looked at Luo Ziyue excitedly. It was the happiest thing to be able to fight with her.

"Well, but we still need to find six more people to form a small team, so that the next action will be more convenient."

Luo Ziyue nodded, her eyes flicked across the faces of the other people around her, trying to find the other six people who were close to her eyes.

"Why do you need so many people? I think the two of us are enough, and there is no need to find other people."

Don't look at Mi Xuan's personality that sometimes looks carefree, but at certain times, she is still very exclusive and not easy to accept new friends.

"Since you can form a small team, why not form one? More people are more powerful."

Hearing what she said, the other people formed more or less teams with those around them, entered the dense forest in the backyard of the school first, and started a new challenge. However, many people still asked Luo Ziyue for help. She cast expectant gazes, thinking of joining her team, but he ignored them all.

She walked straight up to a boy dressed in black and looked very lonely, and asked politely: "Hello, my name is Shi Sha, and I would like to invite you to join our team."

Yan Ming looked down at Luo Ziyue's outstretched hand, did not speak, hesitated for a while, and then slowly stretched out his hand to hold her weak hand.

"Yan Ming!" A hoarse voice sounded.

"Can my brother and I join your squad?"

Suddenly, a bright voice came from not far away.

Luo Ziyue turned her head and looked over, and found that it was a pair of twins, the boy and the girl looked very similar.

It's just that the boy followed the girl with a bright smile indifferently, and looked at Luo Ziyue indifferently, without any extra emotion in his eyes.

The girl walking in front and pulling him had a bright smile like a little sun shining brightly, making people unable to help but get lost in her smile.

"I'm Shi Sha, welcome to join me!" Luo Ziyue had a kind smile on her face.

"I'm my younger sister Qi Chenxi, and he's my elder brother Qi Chenhao. I was worried that you would welcome us to join us! I didn't expect you to be so nice."

Qi Chenxi looked at her with a bright smile, stepped forward and gave Luo Ziyue a big hug.

Qi Chenhao stood quietly behind him without any expression.

It's just that when Luo Ziyue looked at him, she showed a faint smile, as cold as moonlight.

"I want to join your team too!" A thick voice said to Luo Ziyue and the others very loudly.

When she turned her head and looked over, she found an extremely fat boy looking at them with a blushing face. He looked very cute, fat and white. Just as Luo Ziyue was about to speak, she heard Mi Xuan's slightly disgusted voice. The voice sounded: "You are so fat, are you sure you won't hold us back?"

"I, I... don't look at me as fat, I'm actually a flexible fat man!" Shi Yurong's chubby face flushed red, especially when he felt the mocking eyes from around him, he felt ashamed a feeling of.

Luo Ziyue turned her head and glared at Mi Xuan in displeasure, "How are you talking?"

Mi Xuan curled her lips, and muttered in a low voice: "In the first place, I haven't seen such a fat practitioner? I don't even know how he grew up!"

"Xuanxuan, if you disrespect him so much again, I'm really going to get angry!" Luo Ziyue has never discriminated against him in appearance, not to mention, from the first time she saw Shi Yurong, she had a crush on him. An inexplicable liking, I feel that he looks a lot like Dabai who was highly respected by everyone in his previous life.

"She always speaks freely, don't mind, I like you very much, and welcome you to join our team, my name is Shi Sha!"

Luo Ziyue looked at Shi Yurong with a smile, and took the initiative to go up and give him a big hug, "You are really what I thought, you are soft and fleshy when hugged, you are very cute, I like it very much, go on Keep your characteristics, don't mind what others think!"

"I, my name is Shi Yurong, Xiaosha, you can just call me Yurong!" Shi Yurong blushed, looking at Luo Ziyue shyly.

He could see that Luo Ziyue really liked him, and the smile on his face became even brighter, making Qi Chenxi, who was standing by the side, call out: "Xiao Cha, let me see, I want to hug him too, he It's really too cute, I haven't seen such a cute boy who is fat, ouch~! Brother, I like him so much!"

"Xixi, girls should be reserved when speaking." Qi Chenhao showed a hint of helplessness in his eyes, and reminded Qi Chenxi in a cold voice.

Qi Chenxi shook the braids on her head coolly: "Hmph, I don't care if I'm reserved or not! Anyway, I like this fat man!"

"Fatty, I want to hug you too!!" Qi Chenxi ran up to Shi Yurong and hugged him up.

(End of this chapter)

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