Chapter 354 Freshman Test 5
From time to time, she reached out and pinched the flesh on his body, making his face flushed red.

He stood still and didn't dare to move.

"Chen Xi, look at Yu Rong's blushing face, you can directly grill meat skewers on it, why don't you let him go!"

Luo Ziyue looked at the two embracing each other amusedly, and at the same time, she gave a look to Mi Xuan, who was eager to try but couldn't hold back her face.

Mi Xuan stood up slowly, and looked at Shi Yurong with some embarrassment: "Well, I was wrong just now, and my words were a little thoughtless, I hope you don't mind, in fact, I also welcome you to join our team!"

Shi Yurong smiled honestly: "It's okay, I know you didn't mean it, and besides, I'm already fat, so it's normal for you to have such worries!"

"Hahahaha... Now that you have a fat man here, do you still need a thin man? What do you think of me?"

Suddenly, a thin figure jumped out from behind Shi Yurong, making him subconsciously reach out and grab him, glaring at him: "It's you again!"

"Old man, why did you react so much when you saw me? Don't you think we are a good match when we stand together?" Hou Wen moved extremely nimbly to dodge Shi Yurong's overstretched hand, and looked at him cheekily, "I This time I didn't come for you, I came here for him, it is said that I have sex with her!"

Hou Wen put his eyes on Luo Ziyue, and fought with Shi Yurong with extreme agility, which also let other people have a certain understanding of his and Shi Yurong's strength. The strength of these two people is better than they imagined.

"Yu Rong, do you know each other?" Luo Ziyue asked curiously as she looked at the interaction between the two who seemed to be enemies.

Shi Yurong looked dissatisfied at Hou Wen, who was alive and kicking like a monkey, "I don't know him. Three days ago, he suddenly came out and insisted on joining me. Walking on the road, everyone always looked at me with strange eyes."

"Pfft! Fatty, what do you mean by sticking to you like a dead skin plaster? I just thought we would be a good match when we stand together, so I want to be with you?" Hou Wen looked at Shi Yurong quite speechlessly, his hands resting He gestured from them, "Don't you think we are quite eye-catching walking alone in the crowd? Instead of doing this, we might as well get together and at least form a wonderful concentration camp, just like your current squad! "

"What's wrong with our current squad? Is there a problem?"

Qi Chenxi looked at him puzzled, his eyes swept over everyone present, and he didn't find any discomfort.

"Don't you think your squad is a weird concentration camp?"

Hou Wen quietly slipped to Luo Ziyue's side, pointed to everyone present and said: "Nuo, big fat man, little skinny man, withdrawn man, twin brothers and sisters with very different personalities, a girl like a wild wolf, a genius with outstanding talents... Sheng, have you ever seen a team that is more amazing than this?"

"Dead monkey, explain to me what a wolf-like girl is!" Mi Xuan put her hands on her hips and looked at Hou Wen dissatisfied.

Hou Wen shrank his head, "You roared in Luna Square that day, which caused countless wild wolves to howl. Do you dare to say that you are not a wolf-like girl?"

"Come here to my old lady, and talk to my old lady well, I promise, I won't beat you to death!"

Mi Xuan stared at him, smiled stiffly and waved at him, as if she wanted to settle accounts with him.

"Tch, I believe you are a ghost!"

Hou Wen shook his head arrogantly, ignoring her call at all.

After being made such a fuss by him, the team atmosphere improved a lot in an instant.

"Introduce yourself to everyone!" Luo Ziyue turned her head to look at Hou Wen who was circling around her.

"Ahem..." Hearing what she said so well, Hou Wen stood up from behind her, looked at the people present solemnly, "Hi everyone, my name is Hou Wen, you can call me monkey, I'm very happy Join your team."

"We also welcome you to join us."

Luo Ziyue nodded and counted the number of people, "Well, as long as we find one more person, we can set off."

"Let's find another girl!" Mi Xuan suggested to her.

"Well, wait for me!"

Luo Ziyue nodded, and suddenly walked out as if seeing something, and walked towards the group of girls in a corner, staying a few steps away from them, looking indifferently at the girl who was surrounded by her. The besieged girl had no intention of going up to help.

The other members stood not far away and looked at her, a little puzzled about what she was going to do, and just watched her quietly.

"Xiao Cha, maybe you want the girl under siege to join our team!" Hou Wen observed silently for a long time, then suddenly asked.

Qi Chenxi looked at him curiously: "How do you know about the girl who was besieged?"

"Isn't this obvious?" Hou Wen looked at her as a matter of course, "Didn't you see that there are a group of girls around? You girls can only bully girls. If you are really asked to bully boys, You don't have the guts yet!"

"is it?"

A strange smile appeared on Mi Xuan's face, and she sprinted towards Hou Wen, but he quickly dodged it.

He stood not far away from her and looked at her.

"A good man doesn't fight with a woman, so don't force me to fight you! You know, if I fight someone, I will scare even myself!"

"Just you? Are you still scared?" Mi Xuan looked at him with contempt, "I really didn't mean you, just your body can blow you away with a gust of wind, and you want people to be afraid of you. Just kidding."

"It's really not good for you to judge people by appearance like this, you have to change..."

Hou Wen shook his head helplessly, looked at Mi Xuan earnestly and said, "You really should learn from Xiao Sha, I think her eyes are comparable to those of piercing eyes, and you can learn from so many people. It's really a blessing to be picked with the big fat man, especially this fat man, don't underestimate him, he is very powerful!"

"Damn monkey, I think you may be malnourished and have reached menopause early. You talk so much, it's so noisy!"

Shi Yurong reached out and slapped Hou Wen on the head.

This time the shot was quick, without giving him any chance to dodge, causing Hou Wen to cover his head and look at him with dissatisfaction.

"Fatty, haven't you always disliked using force to solve problems?"

"Who said, I like using force the most against you!" Shi Yurong smiled honestly, and there was even a hint of contortion in his thick voice, which made Qi Chenxi laugh out loud. They really are a fun and happy couple.

(End of this chapter)

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