Chapter 355 Freshman Test 6
"Brother, they are really funny, hahaha..." Qi Chenxi laughed so hard that she leaned forward and backward.

Suddenly, her eyes fell on Yan Ming who had been standing quietly on the spot without any reaction, looked at him curiously and asked: "Why don't you talk to us? Brother, there are people who are more indifferent than you, It's just incredible."

"Don't make trouble." Qi Chenhao glared at her, and smiled apologetically at Yan Ming, "She just likes to make trouble, don't mind."

"It's okay." Yan Ming's quiet eyes flicked across her smiling face, and her hoarse voice sounded, attracting the attention of other people.

Especially Hou Wen, as soon as he heard him speak, he ran over quickly and put his arms around his shoulders without any suspicion.

"Brother, we will be a family in the future, we have to get along well, if you don't like us fighting, just watch from the side, but, young man! You'd better play with us, This is the only way to reflect the vitality of youth!"

"Yes, this stinky monkey can be regarded as a good talker. From now on, we will be a family. If you have any ideas, you must speak them out directly. Don't be bored in your heart. But, monkey, I don't think he looks like you." People who like to mess around, you should let him go first!" Qi Chenxi said in agreement.

Seeing that Yan Ming kept looking at the monkey's hand on his shoulder, he couldn't help reminding him aloud.

After all, they are not too familiar with each other now, so it is indeed a bit abrupt to hook shoulders together like this.

"No wonder you are called a monkey by others. Jumping up and down all day is more annoying than me. You really look like a monkey. If you mess around again, I will tie a rope around your neck to save you from messing around. Run, you're annoying!" Mi Xuan looked at Hou Wen triumphantly and said.

Hou Wen pouted, "I believe Xiaosha will stop you in time, you know, I trust him 100%, otherwise I wouldn't put my wealth and life on him, but, little girl , you are so cruel, does Xiao Sha know?"

Originally, Hou Wen was just saying it casually and had no other intentions, but Mi Xuan's complexion suddenly changed, and a pair of beautiful eyes flashed an astonishingly fierce light, causing several other people to turn their heads to look at her unconsciously. come over.

"I just said this casually, don't think too much, I don't know anything." Hou Wen was startled, and quickly ran to Shi Yurong's side, and rushed him to his feet, whispering aggrieved Complained to him: "Fatty, this girl is so scary, do you think her eyes look like she wants to eat me?"

Shi Yurong turned his head to look at Mi Xuan, glanced at her lightly, but didn't say much, but this time he didn't shake off Hou Wen either.

On the other hand, Luo Ziyue looked towards them as if she had sensed something.

Seeing Mi Xuan confronting them, her brows frowned unconsciously.

Fortunately, the group of people around her withdrew and left the scene as if they had finished venting, leaving only a girl sitting on the ground with her legs wrapped around her knees, her eyes blank.

"Are you going to join our team?"

When Luo Ziyue's voice rang in Wen Yunling's ears, she raised her head in astonishment, and looked at her in disbelief.

Of course she recognized that the person in front of her was the genius student who caused a sensation in the whole world.

It is said that her talent is astonishing, her strength is even more remarkable, and she is a fascinating existence that attracts the attention of all people.

"Are you talking to me?" Wen Yunling asked weakly.

Luo Ziyue raised her eyebrows slightly, "Is there anyone else besides you?"

Wen Yunling looked around and found that many students had already entered the dense forest, only a few students stayed where they were, as if they were waiting for something, and shook their heads slightly: "No, but why me? My strength is not very good!"

"If your strength is not good, you can practice more. Stupid birds fly first. This is not the reason for your low self-esteem, is it? What's more, since I was able to select you, it naturally means that you have other shining points in you. Work hard! They They are still waiting for us!"

Luo Ziyue stretched out her hand in front of Wen Yunling.

She hesitated for a moment, but still held her hand decisively, and followed her step by step towards the place where Mi Xuan and the others were.

"The last of our team is here, it's time to go.

"By the way, so that everyone doesn't know each other, I suggest that we introduce ourselves and choose a captain at the same time.

"After entering the dense forest, all actions must be directed by the captain, and individualism is strictly prohibited.

"If you have any discoveries or problems, you can tell them and we can discuss with each other. However, since we don't know the situation inside right now, I suggest that after going in, we should first lurk down, observe the situation inside, and figure it out before we do it. What do you think? Woolen cloth?"

Luo Ziyue's thinking was very clear and she told everyone her thoughts.

"I think what you said makes sense. The most important thing is that we must take good care of our respective identity plates. Although I don't know what the points in it are for, I think they must be of great use. We can't take it lightly." Qi Chenxi After thinking for a while, she agreed with her opinion.

"Yes, this test is definitely not as simple as walking out of the dense forest. There must be something we don't know. At the same time, it is the default rule of the people in the academy, so everyone will keep silent and not spread it. Do you know? What is it?"

The playful look on Hou Wen's face faded, and he put on a serious face, discussing in a very low voice.

Shi Yurong was silent for a while, then suddenly, deliberately lowered his voice and said in a low voice: "The points in our hands are the basis for us to walk in the academy in the future. Every time a new student enters the school, there will be old students waiting in the dense forest to snatch the new students' points. things that have been tacitly agreed."

"Wow, fat man, I can't see it. You really are so clever that you even know such a private matter!" Hou Wen looked at Shi Yurong in astonishment, and gave him a high thumbs up. At the same time, the others also gave him Cast an unexpected look.

"This is what I overheard from the freshmen who were eliminated in the past." Shi Yurong looked at them with some embarrassment.

"Fatty, you are as I expected, you are a treasure, hahaha..."

Luo Ziyue patted his arm, her face full of joy, seeing other people looking at him strangely, she couldn't help explaining: "I'm not broken sleeves, but I really like Yu Rong's chubby strength, it's pure I like it like a brother, you don't have to look at me so strangely!"

(End of this chapter)

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