Chapter 360 Freshman Test 11
"We have to figure out a way to deal with what might happen next!"

"Aren't there a lot of freshmen's points taken away by them? Shall we try to gather them together and unite against the old students?"

"What if they want to share our points?"

"If they want it, don't we have to give it? It's not that we stole their points, whoever snatches them will go to them."

"Besides this method, there seems to be no other way. If we want to go to the dense forest smoothly, we freshmen must unite together to deal with their old students!" Listening to their discussion, Luo Ziyue thought about it in detail, It seemed that there was a certain amount of arrival, and he nodded quite seriously.

"Let's go around first to see if there are any new students nearby. If there are any, we will try our best to persuade them to deal with the old students with us. No matter what, we have to tell them the old students that we freshmen are not so easy to be bullied!"

The people who hit it off quickly expanded their scope to look for the freshman whose points had been robbed.

After a lot of talking, they finally pulled the first batch of freshmen they met into their team.

The old students on the other side also got together at this meeting, and told everyone when the points were taken away by the freshmen. At the same time, it was suggested that all the old students unite to deal with the group of freshmen who took their points.

Qingtian Academy has always had freshmen's points taken away by old students, and there has never been a case where old students' points were taken away by freshmen.

If this got out, they would have no face to mess around in the school.

Originally, taking part in the freshman test was something that everyone envied, but after such a thing happened, the envy turned into embarrassment, and even made them feel ashamed in front of their classmates.

After discussing with each other, the old students who were robbed of points decisively decided to unite against the group of freshmen to let them understand how powerful he is. For a while, the two teams in the dense forest launched a fierce battle for people. At this last moment, they didn't dare to relax in the slightest, and quickly searched for their companions in the dense forest. At the same time, they tried to pull the freshmen into their team as much as possible. After the words, there was a burst of consternation at first, and at the same time secretly ashamed in his heart, he joined her plan without hesitation, not only that, but also actively helped to pull other unsuspecting freshmen into their battle.

The final battle in the dense forest has entered the stage of intensive preparations.

The principal and others who have been monitoring the battle in the dense forest were first shocked by Luo Ziyue's attempt to snatch the old student's points, thinking that they were too rampant, and they were not optimistic that they could snatch the old student's points. With a lively heart, they are paying attention to their next battle.

However, what they didn't expect was that they actually used one simple trick after another that they could see through at a glance.

He forced the group of impatient old students to win, and they snatched the points smoothly.

This was one of the few incidents in which freshmen snatched old students' points since they established the school. However, the next development was just as they expected. Just kicked off.

They are all looking forward to the next battle.

"Hahaha... It's good to be young, dare to fight, it seems that we are old, come on, let's guess the next battle, who will win?"

"Want to gamble?"

"I'm not betting with you, but I still want to express my opinion. I think the old students win, and the freshmen are not as good as the old students in terms of overall strength!"

"However, why do I feel that the freshmen have a high chance of winning? I think it is absolutely impossible for that kid to spit out the meat that reaches his mouth!"

"I also think that the old students won. Anyway, the strength of the freshmen is flawed!"

"Since everyone's opinions are so inconsistent, let's take a gamble!"


Unbeknownst to Luo Ziyue and the others, a gamble quietly kicked off a battle surrounding them.

Luo Ziyue, who soon gathered most of the freshmen, walked boldly towards the entrance of the dense forest, while the old students had already set a trap there, intending to defend their dignity to the death, and they must not lose their dignity even if they lose points.

"Hahaha... you really did gather all the freshmen as we expected, but you must hand over all the points you have when you leave the dense forest today, otherwise, no one is allowed to leave, and the dignity of our old students will never You are allowed to trample!"

Luo Ziyue sneered, "If you want dignity, you still need points. Let's use our strength to speak! As long as you can defeat all of us, the points will naturally belong to you. However, I still want to remind you that, don't think that we are freshmen. We are all cowards who are afraid of death, we are not so easily bullied by you!"

"The dignity of our newborns must not be trampled by you. There has never been a matter of course in this world. No one stipulates that our newborns are doomed to be bullied by your old ones. We don't need points, but you are going crazy and think that we are newborns. You really can't help it!"

"This time we are fighting for the honor of all freshmen. We want to tell you that although we are freshmen, we are by no means cowards!"

The breathless freshmen were provoked by Luo Ziyue and the others. In an instant, their blood was surging, and they fought vigorously. They waved the weapons in their hands and shouted in unison: "Fight for honor! Fight for honor!"

"I have to say that your eloquence is really good. A few short words can stir up everyone's emotions. However, these few empty slogans alone can't beat us, brothers! Fight! Fight! !war!"

The leader of the old students sneered and screamed, and all the old students quickly entangled with the new students.

In particular, the three boys who held the nameplates in their hands were completely isolated and accepted the siege of the old students, but what they didn't expect was that all the nameplates had already been secretly handed over to Luo Ziyue for safekeeping, and there was nothing on them. Any nameplate is to beware of this scene in front of you.

The gap in strength has caused many freshmen to lose their mobility after being beaten by the old students in just a short time.

Lying powerlessly on the side watching the fierce battle in front of him.

Luo Ziyue quickly dealt with the four or five old students in front of her. Obviously, these old students had already regarded her as a thorn in their side. The five people who are currently dealing with him are the five with the best strength, in order to completely take her down, and at the same time Threatening her to hand over the points.

However, what they didn't expect was that Luo Ziyue was more difficult to deal with than they thought.

(End of this chapter)

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