Chapter 361 Freshman Test 12
Even with the strength of the five of them, they couldn't take her down in the first place!

"It's really worthy of being a talented student of the purple rank, and the strength is really amazing!"

Wave after wave of violent attacks came towards Luo Ziyue, and voices of praise came from their mouths.

The corner of Luo Ziyue's mouth curled up slightly: "Brother, your strength is also incredible, otherwise, there is really no way out behind you, I'm afraid I can't resist it long ago!"

"You're too humble."

"To be honest, we are also very curious about your strength, why don't we go to another place and have a quick fight before you test your skills?"

"Brother, you have all spoken, how dare I refuse to follow, to be honest, I haven't played so happily for a long time!"

The few people hit it off immediately, their figures flashed, and they appeared in a relatively spacious place on the other side in an instant, planning to have a good time.

Although it doesn't look good to bully the few with the more, but there is no fairness on the battlefield.

When the other people saw this situation, they all stopped and set their eyes on them, intending to watch their battle carefully.

"Let's stop fighting, let them fight to decide who wins!" The other three said tacitly.

"You hand over your identity plates, and we will have a truce, otherwise, delusional!"

The attitude of the old students is very firm, those points are accumulated by them through hard work, it's fine if they take it all away, and they have to embarrass themselves in front of the whole school, this is something they can't accept.

"Our identity plates are not on us. Even if you beat us, it is useless. Compared with the identity plates, don't you think the battle between geniuses is the most exciting?"

Hou Wen and the others tried their best to convince those stubborn old students.

It's a pity that those old students seemed determined to beat them down, ignoring their rhetoric at all.

In desperation, they had no choice but to settle down and fight with them. Moreover, other freshmen and old students who had finished fighting all swarmed towards Luo Ziyue and the others, watching their fierce battle from a distance.

Luo Ziyue's shots are very sharp, and her basic moves are based on the principle of being steady, precise and ruthless.

Trying to hit the vital points with every punch and kick, so that they have no strength to fight back.

The other five are the best among the old students, and their actual combat ability is comparable to hers.

They have a large number of people, and to a certain extent, they have a certain advantage. It is impossible to escape from their attack without a certain strategy and combat effectiveness, not to mention the six people who are full of anger .

Booming explosions sounded from time to time, and successive applause came from the onlookers, making the hearts of the other people who were still fighting itchy. They looked at the old students who refused to let them go to watch the battle with extremely resentful eyes. Even more agile, wishing to defeat them immediately and end the battle.

The invisible pressure actually made them, who were already showing signs of defeat, sparks of a counterattack. You must know that this kind of battle is extremely rare. If they can learn from it, it is simply a long-awaited battle. brainstorming.

"Don't fight, don't fight!"

The old students who also understand this truth, after all, still could not resist the temptation to fight over there, surrendered and surrendered, "Our victory or defeat is determined by them. If we old students win, your nameplate will be handed over to us. If we old students If we lose, we don’t care about the nameplate.”

"Hmph! I think you guys are determined to win, you're old guys!"

Hou Wen snorted coldly, discussed with other people, and decided to join this gamble!

"Although the gamble is a bit big, we gambled. We believe that our captain will definitely win!"

"In that case, it's a deal!"

After negotiating, the two groups of people immediately ran to the other side to watch the fierce battle being fought.

"Xiao Sha! Come on! The honor of our new students is in your hands. We must defeat them and let them see that our new students are not vegetarians!"

"Xiao Sha, come on! Xiao Sha, come on!" The others shouted after seeing this.

At the same time, other onlookers also joined their team, and the voice of shaking their heads and shouting was heavily obstructed and spread far away, causing other old students who did not participate in this operation to move towards this side curiously. Come and watch.

Especially after knowing that five old students dealt with one new student, the interest became even greater.

They all want to see where such an awesome freshman is!
"Student, it seems that we played a bit too big this time, and I really want to let you down!" Seeing so many people watching, the pressure of the old students suddenly increased, and their shots became more and more fierce, trying to make things happen again. Before exaggerating, the battle was over, but unfortunately, Luo Ziyue did not take a step back at all, as time passed, her skills became more and more agile, and she did not show any signs of exhaustion at all.

This protracted battle finally ended with Luo Ziyue's sudden eruption before the principal reminded that there was still a quarter of an hour before the end of the test. The energy wave visible to the naked eye expanded around her, and everywhere the grass and trees flew, dust flying.

The five old blunts were blasted out by him, and they were blown away like cannonballs.

The onlookers looked at the situation before them in astonishment, and they didn't know who applauded first. Soon, all the people gave Luo Ziyue a thumbs up and applauded her non-stop.

Suddenly, Shi Yurong's bulky body moved through the crowd with great flexibility and came to Luo Ziyue's side, and took her body into his arms to prevent her from falling to the ground when she was exhausted. None of them came back to their senses.

"Fatty, you really are a caring Dabai!"

The moment Luo Ziyue fell into his arms, she froze for a moment, looked up, and found that he had a smile on his face, leaned on him, and decisively stuffed a handful of pills in his mouth, recovering Severely depleted spiritual power, at the same time, other team members also surrounded her one after another.

"You gave these elixirs to the previous five senior brothers. They were injured more seriously than me. I'm afraid they need timely treatment!"

Luo Ziyue took out a bunch of white jade bottles and handed them over to other people. Only Mi Xuan stood there looking at her with her mouth pouted. When everyone dispersed to find the previous five seniors, Cai asked in dissatisfaction: "They have hurt you like this, why do you waste medicine to save them?"

"Pillions are just a piece of cake for me, but they are a huge expense for them. What's more, we are all fighting for our respective grades, and we don't have any grievances in private, so why bother?" Are you fussing over every detail!?"

(End of this chapter)

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