Chapter 362 Accommodation Arrangements

Chapter 373

Luo Ziyue gently touched her tense little face.

Seeing that the rest of them have come back, "There is no time. Let's go out first!"

While speaking, she had already taken out their nameplates and returned them to them.

Because they didn't walk too fast, when they arrived at the gathering place, everyone had already stood up at the age of the class.

Only then did they realize that except for Wen Yunling who was far away, everyone else was next to Luo Ziyue's class, and they could almost see them on tiptoe.

"Because of your outstanding performance in the freshman test this time, after the research of our elders, we plan to make minor class adjustments to a very small number of people. The specific list is as above!" The principal smiled treacherously from Luo Ziyue's eyes. Sweeping across the body, the power of the palm surged, and a series of names appeared in the air, among which Luo Ziyue's name was impressively listed, but this completely disrupted their team just now, and separated randomly.

"I'm applying for a class transfer, I want to be in the same class as Shi Sha!"

Mi Xuan was the first to jump out to protest, and other members also stood up one after another, demanding to be in the same class as Luo Ziyue.

This was something Luo Ziyue hadn't expected at all.

"Even if she is going to the worst class in the whole grade, do you still want to follow? You should know that there is currently no instructor in her class, and the learning depends on your own self-consciousness. Even so, do you still want to go? ?”

The headmaster didn't seem too surprised.

It's just that as soon as he said this, the others showed a slightly hesitant expression.

On the other hand, the fat man didn't have any hesitation, and decisively went through the crowd to come to Luo Ziyue's side, and put his arms around her shoulder: "I'll go~!"

"I'll go too!" A soft voice sounded very softly.

In the next second, Luo Ziyue saw Wen Yunling trotting to her side with her head down, she couldn't help reaching out and rubbing her head, "Silly girl, what are you doing here?"

"I want to be with you, I know, you are sincere to me!" Wen Yunling's voice was not loud, but she was extremely firm.

Just as Mi Xuan was about to stand up, Luo Ziyue stopped her with her eyes.

The others are too far away for her to stop, but she can still stop them when she is around, and she must not let them mess around with her.

Except for Yan Ming, who was already on the list and was in the same class as her without any objection, everyone else followed after a short hesitation, which moved Luo Ziyue very much, but she couldn't accept it.

"Principal, they are all messing around, you don't have to pay attention to them, just do what you want!"

"No, we are serious, we are not fooling around, so what if we don't have a mentor? We believe you can solve these problems!"

The other people looked at her firmly, but Mi Xuan was stopped by the instructor Lin Shan who came out in time, and she was stunned to watch other people go to another class with Luo Ziyue, while she But he could only stand where he was, staring at Lin Shan speechlessly.

"Well, if this is the case, then this matter is settled, and all students have no choice but to raise objections. At the same time, the points of the top three students in this test have been included in your nameplates. The accommodation of all students, you All the tutors have been assigned, and considering that the new class does not have a tutor, classmate Shi Sha will divide it for the time being." The principal disappeared after explaining everything in a few words, leaving Luo Ziyue in a mess. The class that came out of nowhere was thrown to her like this, which made her quite speechless, but she still had to be patient and arrange the dormitory for each student.

Considering that the yard she currently lives in is quite big, just enough to accommodate eight people, she simply arranged for the six people who came with her to live with her in her yard. Of course, Mi Xuan couldn't follow her, but They will still live together and will not be separated.

After arranging all the things, she returned to the courtyard she was not familiar with. It was a single family and the environment was excellent. There was a certain distance between each courtyard, unlike other companions who were crowded in the same courtyard. in the room.

"Wow, this is the legendary concentration camp for geniuses!" Qi Chenxi sighed curiously as he looked at the beautifully furnished courtyard.

Luo Ziyue asked in surprise when she heard her sigh: "What is a genius concentration camp?"

"Currently, the area you live in is basically full of talented geniuses, not only in terms of talent, but also in terms of strength, which is rare in the world. We are only able to break in by taking advantage of your light. Come, otherwise, you have to live in the same dormitory as other students."

Shi Yurong looked at Luo Ziyue with a smile, and kindly explained for her.

"You know quite a lot!" Hou Wen looked at the layout in the courtyard and suddenly turned around and said.

"Hehe... To tell you the truth, my brother is also in this school, and he told me all these things. I thought I had no hope of getting in? I didn't expect that my foot stepped on a dog&shit luck. Miraculously, I was not accepted, hehe..."

Shi Yurong smiled smugly, "It's even more unexpected to me that in my lifetime, I can live in the genius concentration camp of Qingtian Academy. If I tell this, no one will believe it!"

"Isn't it?" Luo Ziyue looked at him in disbelief, and said strangely: "I don't think there is anything different here? Except for the better environment, I haven't noticed any difference yet of!"

"Xiao Sha, your question is really on point. All the courtyards of the genius concentration camp, as long as you practice inside, will be faster than outside. It's like a gathering of spirits. The energy is endless. Accelerate the operation of spiritual power."

Before Shi Yurong could speak, Hou Wen jumped out and told what he knew.

"Um, I haven't even thought about cultivating here. I really don't know if you don't tell me. However, if you live here, life will be much more convenient. You all go in and choose a room! Except for the two people who are near the stairs and face each other. The room belongs to me and Mi Xuan, and the other rooms are unoccupied, so you can choose whatever you want!"

Luo Ziyue took them to the second floor, and the four pairs of rooms side by side were just enough for them to live in.

Without saying a word, Yan Ming walked to the innermost room. It was obvious that he was happy and quiet, and other people also found their favorite rooms one after another.

This side of Luo Ziyue's room lived: her, Fatty, Hou Wen, and Yan Ming.

Mi Xuan's side lived: Mi Xuan, Wen Yunling, Qi Chenxi, Qi Chenhao.

After tidying up the room, everyone sat down on the sofa on the first floor tacitly. Since they don't have a mentor, many things are currently being replaced by Luo Ziyue.

(End of this chapter)

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