Chapter 363
Many things still need her to arrange, or discuss.

"Xiao Sha, you plan to make arrangements for us next, you can't let us have no mentors and teachers all the time?"

As soon as Luo Ziyue sat down on the sofa, she heard Qi Chenxi's question.

"Do you also believe what the principal said?"

Luo Ziyue sat down across from them quite indifferently, "He scares you, one of the lists he gave me before was our course schedule, but from the perspective of courses alone, our courses are really good. Not too much, more often, we still need to rely on ourselves.”

While talking, she took out a piece of paper and handed it to them, "Have you noticed that the accommodation environment of the students in our class is better than that of students in other classes?"

"If you don't tell me, we really didn't find out. We'll hear you say this. It seems that this is really the case. It seems that the principal has a lot of plans!" Qi Chenxi took the paper she handed over, After studying the course carefully, he suddenly pointed to the lecture exam on it in astonishment and said, "Why are all the elders teaching us? Besides, it seems that our courses are not many, but how can there be a class that takes a whole morning or so?" Is it one night?"

When the other people heard her words, they snatched the schedule in her hand one after another, and their eyes fell on Luo Ziyue's face, "It really is. Xiaosha, do you know what's going on?"

"I don't know, I just found out, if I'm not wrong, the principal has gathered all the problem students together, and the students in our class are not bad in talent, but their strength is not very good. "Luo Ziyue shook her head slightly melancholy.

She also couldn't figure out what the headmaster wanted to do?
Inexplicably added a class, not to mention, and did not arrange a mentor for them, but she was asked to take care of such nosy matters.

"Have you ever thought that he might be training you?" Monkey said suddenly with a flash of inspiration.

The fat man stretched out his hand and patted his head: "I didn't expect that your brain is quite good, Xiaosha, I think the principal wants to train you too!"

"Well, I'll go to the principal later to ask about the schedule. If you have time, please help inform the students in the class!"

Luo Ziyue didn't get too entangled in this question, since she couldn't think of it, she went directly to ask about it.

"Now let's divide the points first! With these points, it will be convenient to go anywhere."

Shi Yurong directly handed his nameplate to Luo Ziyue.

With such a huge sum of money on him, he didn't dare to go out, so let's share this hot potato first!
"That's right, that's right, Fatty is right. Let's divide up the points first. If I put this thing on me, I'm afraid I'll be robbed when I go out!"

Hearing what Fatty said, Hou Wen immediately remembered, and he was very active in complying.

Yan Ming on the other side also took out the nameplate without saying a word, and handed it to Luo Ziyue.

"Okay! Since you all want to throw out this hot potato so impatiently, I have no choice but to take it! Although Xuanxuan will not be here, I will give you what you got first," Luo Ziyue smiled. took the nameplate they handed over.

After throwing out the basic points, all the other points were agreed to be divided into eight points, and everyone got the points he deserved.

Mi Xuan, on the other hand, returned to the dormitory just as they were scoring points, with a rather uneasy expression on her face.

Especially when they saw that they didn't wait for her to score the points, the face suddenly became very long, which made other people very embarrassed.

However, Luo Ziyue still took the initiative to greet her, "Xuanxuan, are you back? They all have other things to do, so before you come back, we started to divide points. Will live with us starting today!"

"Whatever you want, this is your yard, anyone you want can live in it, by the way, this is my nameplate!"

Mi Xuan casually threw her nameplate to Luo Ziyue, went straight upstairs and returned to her room, ignoring the embarrassment on the faces of the other people downstairs who were looking at each other.

"She has such a temper, you don't need to feel embarrassed, she is angry with me! I didn't let her come to the current class with us in time, and left her alone in the original class, and now she is silently aggrieved! "Luo Ziyue shrugged helplessly, and put all the points she deserved on her nameplate.

"Don't we really need to go up and see her?" Wen Yunling asked a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry about her, she's been very angry lately, and if she bumps into her accidentally, she will get angry. Let her calm down first."

Luo Ziyue didn't get too entangled with Mi Xuan's affairs. It's not that she didn't feel her abnormality, but she didn't take it too seriously.

After all, they are still two independent people, she has a lot of things on her shoulders, it is impossible to put her first in everything.

Moreover, her faux pas in some matters did make her a little unhappy and unable to step down.

She didn't want to pamper her like this all the time.

"Is it really all right? I'm worried..."

Wen Yunling probably understands Mi Xuan's feelings, but she doesn't know how to tell Luo Ziyue...

"Don't worry, when I go up and give her the nameplate, I will have a good talk with her. You all live in this place, and treat this place as your own home. Don't be so unfamiliar, everyone is our big family. I really hope to go on with you, share the difficulties and share the blessings."

Luo Ziyue touched Wen Yunling's head, calming her uneasiness, her eyes showed seriousness, and she looked solemnly at the slightly embarrassed other people.

"I hope you are all worthy of my trust."

"Don't worry, since we choose to follow you, we will always guard you unconditionally. We will not do the stabbing in the back!"

"Well, yes, we will tell you with practical actions that we are someone worthy of your trust."

Others echoed one after another, Yan Ming didn't speak, but his firm eyes said everything.

"When you are with me, there may be many strange things around you and things that put you in danger for no reason. At that time, you don't need to be too afraid. Anything that threatens your life safety, I don't mind you betraying me appropriately. After all, as far as I am concerned, I am responsible for your personal safety, don't go against those people, an occasional compromise is not a betrayal!"

No one knows when the group of people in the dark will appear and what they will do. Luo Ziyue feels that she has the responsibility to tell everything first. Although her words sound contradictory, they are all her sincere words .

(End of this chapter)

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