Chapter 364 Robbery 1
"This may sound contradictory, but it is really what I want to tell you. No one likes to be betrayed, but no one wants to see the people around them lose their lives or their lives are threatened. I will try not to I let you get involved in my affairs!" Luo Ziyue felt a little headache.

To be honest, when the principal was dividing classes, she really didn't expect them to follow.

If he had known in advance, he would have stopped them from messing around like Mi Xuan did.

"The growth of a genius is always accompanied by right and wrong! We have considered all these, you don't have to worry!"

Shi Yurong smiled heartlessly, with a look of disapproval, which made Luo Ziyue feel helpless and glared at him.

"It's just that you didn't take the lead. These pills are for you, so please take them away!"

Slightly brushing his hands, countless white jade bottles were placed densely on the coffee table in front of the sofa, and the bottles were marked as containing those pills.

"Divide among yourself, I'll go up and have a look first, these are my meeting gifts for you!"

Ignoring the shocked people, Luo Ziyue turned around and went upstairs, talked to Mi Xuan, and comforted her for a while, before she stabilized her emotions and regained her calm. She also understood Luo Ziyue's painstaking efforts, although I can already understand her painstaking efforts, but I can't accept it. After all, we are all together now, except for her. Anyway, she still feels abandoned by her.

Luo Ziyue couldn't help but smile bitterly for a while, and promised again and again that she would not abandon her, so a smile appeared on her face.

"They are still too familiar with the environment here. You have more time to take them around. I have to leave first and go find the principal!"

"Then when are you coming back? Do you want us to wait for you for dinner?"

"Taking advantage of the time, you can spend more time with them and get familiar with the school environment. I'll go down first!"

After comforting Mi Xuan, Luo Ziyue turned around and went downstairs.

Seeing that they were still chatting on the sofa, he said to them: "I'm going to find the principal right now. If you have nothing to do, you can go out with Mi Xuan and get familiar with the school environment. If it's easy, we will still I'm confused, I can't tell where, it's best to clarify the rules in the school, I don't want to be invited to the punishment court again!"

"Hahaha...Come on, but, won't you go with us?"

Hearing what she said, the other people nodded one after another. They also thought that what she said made sense. In fact, that was what they really planned.

"I have to go to the principal, and I don't know when it will be over! If you figure it out, it means I figured it out too."

Luo Ziyue declined their proposal. Her current identity is too dazzling to go out, so let's talk about it after a while!
"By the way, fat man, you go with me!"

"Ah?" Shi Yurong, who was named, was stunned for a moment, "You want me to go with you to meet the principal?"

"What's the problem? Didn't you say that you are a nimble fat man? If something happens on the road, I still count on you, a nimble fat man, to cover me. It's just right for you to cover me with your figure!"

As Luo Ziyue spoke, she couldn't help showing a smile on her face, which made the others laugh.

"What you said seems to make sense. You have been in the limelight recently. If you didn't have my cover, you would definitely be surrounded by crowds when you go out!"

The fat man nodded thoughtfully, walked up to Luo Ziyue, pushed her behind him, and said to the others on the sofa, "How is it? Can you still see Xiao Sha? Do you envy me? Wish I had a body as big as mine!"

The other people looked at each other tacitly, and their eyes fell on Fatty's extraordinarily huge body, then looked down at their bodies, and uttered a disdainful voice in unison: "Cut!"

"Hahaha... Fatty, you are disgusted by them!"

Looking at the fat man whose face darkened in an instant, Luo Ziyue couldn't help but let out a burst of joyful laughter.

The next second, the fat man was so disgusted that he almost kicked him out.

"It's okay, as long as you don't dislike me, Xiao Sha!"

After finishing speaking, Shi Yurong gave her a wink, which made her skin crawl.

"Fuck me, fat man, you are so insidious, you actually used your strength to disgust us, oh my mother! Goosebumps all over your body!"

Qi Chenxi looked at the fat man with disgust, and kept rubbing her arms, as if goosebumps really fell off her body, the rest didn't speak, just turned her head silently, not bothering to look at the ambiguous man. It's two people with broken sleeves.

"I suddenly felt that it was a wrong decision to let Fatty go with me, or else, let Yan Ming go with me instead!"


Without even thinking about it, Shi Yurong walked out with Luo Ziyue in his arms, causing her black hair to slip down.

However, when he was going out, he turned around and said to the people in the room: "When you go out, remember to watch your nameplates, and be careful not to be robbed halfway, especially Yunling, don't be bullied again .”

"Yunling, if someone snatches your nameplate, just bully it back. If something goes wrong, your fat brother will take care of you." The fat man patted his chest and said to Wen Yunling in a loud voice.

"Okay, you can go at ease! With us here, Yunling won't be so easily bullied!" Monkey waved his hand impatiently, signaling them to go back quickly.

However, after they left, serious expressions appeared on the faces of several people.

"I think what Xiaosha reminded us just now is right. With so many points on us, it's hard to guarantee that we won't be robbed by seniors. To be on the safe side, I think we need to spend them as soon as possible!"

"Well, it's just that we don't lack any pills or anything right now. I don't know where to spend them?"

"This is indeed a problem, but isn't it said that everywhere in the school is used to find points?"

"I'll call Mi Xuan."

Qi Chenxi nodded, and when she stood up and was about to go upstairs to find Mi Xuan, she had already walked down the stairs.

"Xuanxuan, you're down, we're going up to call you! We're going to go out for a walk, will you go with us?"

"Well, I know. Where are you going to go shopping?"

Mi Xuan nodded slightly, with a calm expression on her face, not too enthusiastic.

The others were a little uncomfortable, but they still suppressed their displeasure and tried their best to get along with her.

"We plan to wander around casually. Anyway, we don't know much about the academy at the moment, so we just need to get acquainted with the environment."

(End of this chapter)

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