Chapter 365 Being Robbed 2
"You go with us! There's nothing wrong with staying at home anyway."

Everyone negotiated, and tacitly planned to stroll around the courtyard, talking and laughing along the way, the atmosphere was very harmonious, not to mention, there is a monkey, a master of atmosphere, who can easily enliven the slightly awkward atmosphere.

Mi Xuan also gradually relaxed her guard and blended in with them.

The purpose of everyone coming out this time is actually very simple. It is to find a place to practice and spend all the points in the nameplate on cultivation. Just don't use them.

"Hey, look, what's there?"

Qi Chenxi was very sharp-eyed and noticed that there were many students gathered not far away, which was very lively, "Why don't you go and have a look?"

"It's the mercenary group within the academy recruiting new recruits, and the benefits seem to be pretty good!"

A group of people walked over and looked around, looked at each other tacitly, slipped around and came out from inside.

When passing by a relatively remote alley, a group of clattering people rushed out from the dark and surrounded them.

"I heard that you are the thorn in the side of this class of freshmen, and you stole a lot of points from our senior class?"

The young man with an evil face slowly wandered out from the darkness, his slightly evil eyes kept echoing among the three girls, making them hide behind Yan Ming and the others uncomfortably.

"What do you want to do?" Monkey and the others looked at him warily, their bodies quietly tense. They had already prepared for the situation in front of them, but they didn't expect that they would really be so rampant and dare to do so blatantly in school. robbery.

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to ask you to borrow some points, Huahua. Don't worry, I won't spend your points in vain. If anyone in this school bullies you in the future, you can just report my name as King Axe, and naturally you won't. There will be no one to embarrass you."

King Ax smiled smugly, obviously looking confident.

"You want our points? You have to be able to get them!" Mi Xuan sneered, looked at King Ax with contempt on her face, moved slightly, and turned to the group of people surrounding them without thinking. Launched a fierce attack, seeing this, the others fought with them not to be outdone, even Wen Yunling, who has always been the weakest, did not hesitate at all to make a move. They all saw it just now, those recruited mercenaries The group rewards are all points, not gold and silver treasures.

"Okay, how dare you toast not to be fined wine! Come on, take them all down for me, I want to see if their lives are more important than their points!" King Ax moved when he saw that they disagreed. Come, put your hands together, and a burst of crisp applause rang out.

Immediately, many teenagers rushed out and attacked Mi Xuan.

A group of them had hidden the nameplate before going out, just to be on guard against the current situation, even if they really fell into the hands of King Axe, the nameplate would not fall into his hands.

The bustling situation here attracted many people in an instant, including this year's freshmen. Seeing that there was no Shi Sha among them, the clever people retreated quietly and searched for their residence, intending to give Shi Sha a hand. Brake the wind to report.

Over there, Luo Ziyue and Shi Yurong were surrounded by a group of nympho-like women as soon as they walked halfway.

Everyone was chattering around them, making every step they took extraordinarily difficult.

Looking at it from a distance, it was like a superstar appeared, and they were surrounded by girls. Fortunately, there was a fat man, so she escaped from the crowd very easily, and quickly rushed to the first place with the fat man. A place to meet the principal once.

I don't know who can publicize her deeds in the college, so many senior students are very curious about her.

When passing by the magical swing, Luo Ziyue didn't know what she was thinking, and suddenly said to the fat man: "Fatty, I heard that this swing has the function of automatically attacking people, do you want to try it?"

"I'm not going. With my body shape, what if it breaks down?"

The fat man glanced at the swing, and refused Luo Ziyue's request without hesitation. However, under Luo Ziyue's repeated requests, he sat on it, and felt a force towards him before his butt landed on it. The attack came, and he got up and ran in fright.

"Ah! This swing can really attack people, it's amazing, Xiao Sha, you should try it too!"

Speaking without waiting for Luo Ziyue to refuse, the fat man pushed her buttocks and sat on the swing. The swing did not attack her as expected, but swayed automatically, pushing her high, scared Luo Ziyue subconsciously grasped the chains on both sides of the swing.

The fat man looked at the scene in front of him in astonishment, and shouted at her: "Xiao Sha, this swing is really smart, it didn't blow you off, it's really fun to kick your legs, rub, this,'s disgusting!" Am I fat?"

" shouldn't be. When Mi Xuan was sitting before, she was also knocked down by it, and she fell to the ground!" Luo Ziyue sat on the swing, slowly dangling quietly, and after playing for a while, she came down and took a picture. Patted the fat man on the shoulder: "Come on, let's go to the principal!"

Seeing that the fat man was still shocked and didn't respond, he couldn't help but frowned slightly and asked, "What are you thinking? You're so preoccupied!"

"Qiu, the swing has run into your body!" The fat man raised his hand and pointed at the swing not far away.

Luo Ziyue turned her head and looked, as he said, the place where the swing was placed before, was empty at the moment, if she hadn't really sat on it, she would have thought that everything before was a dream!
"Come in, all of you!"

Just as the two of them were staring blankly at the same spot, the headmaster's voice suddenly came from the air.

Luo Ziyue patted the fat man's shoulder, "Let's go first to see what the principal said, and find the swing later!"

"Well, this should have nothing to do with us. The swing ran with its own legs. This is the first time I've seen a swing that has grown into a fairy. It's so fucking unreal!" The fat man stretched out his hand and pinched it fiercely. His arm was so painful that he shivered slightly, and sighed to Luo Ziyue.

As soon as they walked into the principal's office, they saw the principal sitting behind his desk with a serious face.

"Which one of you got on the swing? Is it Xiao Sha?"

"Well, it's me, but I didn't know that after I sat on it, it would follow me!"

Luo Ziyue and the fat man looked at each other, knowing that the principal couldn't hide what happened before, so they admitted it frankly.

(End of this chapter)

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