Chapter 366 Being Robbed 3
"Well, Xiaosha, this chubby little guy is not an outsider, why don't you tell me your real identity!"

With a wave of the principal's hand, the layout of the entire room suddenly changed, and the light dimmed instantly, as if it was set up deliberately to guard against something.

As for Shi Yurong being directly ignored by the principal, in his opinion, this fat man is sincere to Luo Ziyue, there is no possibility of betraying, even if he really wants to betray, it depends on whether he has the courage.

Luo Ziyue sat down on the stool in front of the principal's desk, turned her head and greeted the fat man: "Fatty, sit down, stop standing, no one will punish you to stand!"

"This..." The fat man turned his gaze towards the principal, saw that he nodded slightly, and then carefully sat down beside Luo Ziyue.

Before he sat down, Luo Ziyue turned to look at the principal and asked, "Could it be that there is some secret hidden in this swing? Why is the principal so sure that Shi Sha is not my real identity? "

"There is indeed a mystery hidden in this swing. If I guessed correctly, Luo Ziyue once used the alias Shi Sha to walk in the rivers and lakes in Degal City, and then disappeared mysteriously during a battle. Although everyone said that she might have died, but I believe even more that she hid herself again in order to prevent being found by someone in the dark, am I wrong?"

The principal's finger was on a certain button on the desk, and a glimmer of light suddenly appeared in the dark room.

A series of pictures appeared on the white wall.

The people on these pictures are very familiar to Luo Ziyue, and the scene is even more familiar to her.

However, based on this alone, she would not easily admit her true identity.

Fatty had been knocked out by the headmaster's words for a long time, and six words appeared in his head: Shi Sha is Luo Ziyue.

He sat silently beside Luo Ziyue without speaking, quietly serving as the background board, watching Luo Ziyue's game with the principal.

"Principal, you have to know that if I don't have definite evidence, even if I am really Luo Ziyue, I won't admit it. How do I know if you are a good person or a bad person? In case, you are from the enemy's side, I will rashly admit it." Wouldn't it be self-defeating, don't you think?" Luo Ziyue looked at the principal with a smile.

The principal nodded slightly, with a strange smile on his face: "Don't you wonder why those people have been trying to kill you? Even if you are hiding in the academy now, you still haven't been able to escape from them monitoring, the popularity of the academy in a short period of time has skyrocketed, don’t you want to know about these things?”

Before Luo Ziyue could speak, she was suddenly interrupted by Shi Yurong who was beside her.

"Wait, principal, should I take a step back from what you talked about with Xiaosha? I feel that I am not very suitable to participate in your topic. What if the news leaks and I am silenced?"

Don't look at the fat man with a simple and honest face, he is really not stupid, before the principal can speak, he is keenly aware of a trace of abnormality and danger, and immediately wants to retreat from the game between him and Luo Ziyue However, neither of those two people took him seriously, as if they believed him very much.

"Don't worry, she won't kill you. Based on your trust and loyalty to her, she won't say anything! What's more, it doesn't matter that you have so much fat, and your mental strength is far stronger than ordinary people. , don’t worry that you will be raped by them, besides, you don’t want to know who the person you are going to follow is? What kind of trap will she face? "

The headmaster knocked the table lightly, looked at the fat man with a smile on his face, and immediately silenced the fat man.

He really wanted to know what kind of predicament Xiao Sha was facing.

Since she chose to bring him here, in a sense, it was already a kind of trust in him.

"Well, if you dare to betray me, cut off the meat from your body and roast it, it should taste pretty good!"

Luo Ziyue looked at the terrified fat man with a smile, and said playfully.

Seeing that she was so reassuring towards him, he also calmed down.

"It's okay. I have a lot of meat. When you want to eat, you can just cut it. You can continue. I won't disturb you this time!"

Luo Ziyue nodded slightly, and then said to the principal: "It seems that the principal has already acquiesced that I am Luo Ziyue from the bottom of his heart, but why should I trust you? You have worked so hard to find her , presumably there must be something for her, right?"

"You are right. We are indeed looking for her. During this time, many towns on the mainland have been attacked by dark creatures."

The headmaster had a serious look on his face, and the picture on the white wall suddenly changed.

A series of bloody pictures appeared in the eyes of Luo Ziyue and Fatty, making their pupils shrink involuntarily.

"What does that have to do with her?"

Even Luo Ziyue, who was used to seeing blood, still couldn't help feeling sick when she saw the picture on the wall.

"Have you found out how similar Luna is to her?
"We suspect that she is the reincarnation of the Moon God. During this period of time, the barrier between us and the demon world is getting weaker and weaker. I believe that the barrier will be completely broken in a short time.
"Creatures from the devil world will attack like us. These dark creatures are just the front soldiers under the banner of the devil king. They are used to inquire and test the strength of human beings.

"Our spiritual power is different from that of the Moon God, and we cannot completely maintain the barrier. Before the barrier is broken, we must find the reincarnation of the Moon God, and at the same time, protect her. As time goes by, dark creatures The means will emerge more and more, this is a protracted battle!"

The principal's face was serious, and there was no smile at all. The urgency of the situation gave them no time to test whether Shi Sha was Luo Ziyue.

From the swing alone, they can basically be sure that she is the reincarnation of the moon god, otherwise, she would not be able to sit on the swing.

Luo Ziyue didn't speak, and had to say that she was shocked by the principal's words.

Her goal all along is to protect the people she cares about. She has never thought that one day the existence of the entire continent will fall on her shoulders. This responsibility is too heavy, and she is afraid that she will not be able to bear it.

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility!" The principal looked at her and slowly spit out a few words.

While the fat man was shocked, he also felt a little heartache for Luo Ziyue.

In his eyes, the face of Luo Ziyue's true self appeared little by little, her beautiful face was so cold that there was no trace of warmth, and her cold eyes fell on the principal, "If this is what you guys forced me to show up means, then I can only say congratulations on your success, but I don’t have such great ability to shoulder the safety of the entire continent!”

(End of this chapter)

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