Chapter 368 Being Robbed 5
"Who will take care of the affairs in that class?"

Luo Ziyue did not forget their purpose of coming to him today.

"Of course it's you. If it were someone else, this class would have no meaning of existence."

What the principal said was straightforward, which made Luo Ziyue very speechless.

I don't know who told her with certainty just now that she should concentrate on cultivation and don't care about the rest. Is this what he meant by not caring?

It's really cheating.

"You should be busy during this time. I believe that with your ability, it is not difficult to grasp with both hands!" The principal looked at her with a smile, not minding her contemptuous gaze, "If there is nothing else, you can go back Right! Someone should come looking for you!"

"Well, then let's go first!"

Luo Ziyue swallowed a Yi Rong Pill, and her figure instantly returned to Shi Sha's previous appearance, and she got up with the fat man and left the principal's office.

Looking at the fat man who was thinking a little, Luo Ziyue slapped him on the arm, "What are you thinking about? Why don't you hurry back, maybe just in time to have dinner with them!"

"Oh! They should still be wandering around the school now! Shall we go find them?"

The fat man came to his senses in an instant. Seeing the flash of light in Luo Ziyue's eyes, he immediately put back the thoughts in his heart, not daring to think about anything else.

I'm afraid it will show flaws.

"The principal just said a few words to you casually, so don't take it too seriously, it won't save them from worrying about you if they find out!" Luo Ziyue pointedly reminded him.

The fat man nodded: "Well, I know, don't worry!"

The two walked on the road in a tacit understanding, chatting without saying a word, suddenly, halfway through the walk, several boys walked towards them in a hurry.

"Shi Sha, it's not good, your people fought with the senior students, it seems to be for nameplate points!"

As soon as the few people walked in front of them, before Luo Ziyue and the others could speak, they heard their anxious voices, which made Fatty and Luo Ziyue frowned unconsciously, and looked at each other, "Where are they? Take us there quickly."

When Luo Ziyue and the others rushed to the scene, Mi Xuan and the others were pinned to the ground by Axe's men.

Everyone was surrounded by several people searching their sides.

"It seems that we came at the right time!" Luo Ziyue looked at the scene in front of her playfully, her figure suddenly swayed, and she came to King Axe's side in an instant, her hands pinched his neck fiercely, " What do you think will happen if I pinch it down so lightly?"

"Killing is not allowed in the academy, you can't kill me!"

King Ax was not moved by it at all, and looked at her with a smile as if he was sure of winning.

"Really? Then you have to watch it, see if I dare to kill you or not?"

Luo Ziyue looked at him with a sneer, and slowly closed her five fingers. Ax King's face became ugly under her hands, his breathing seemed to be cut off by her, and he opened his mouth slightly to try to breathe. His eyes became looser a little bit.

"I'll count to three. If you still don't let me go, I'll send you to the King of Hades. I want to see if I really kill you, what will happen?"

"Let them go!" Before she could start counting, a shrill voice had already yelled from King Axe's hand. Do you hear me?"

"Yes." After a little hesitation, they released Mi Xuan and the others as they wished, and looked at them warily.

"You guys go first, don't wait for me." Luo Ziyue glanced at them and ordered them.

The other people looked at each other without saying a word, and tacitly supported each other to leave this place of right and wrong slowly. After they left, Luo Ziyue let go of King Axe, "Who asked you to rob me?" We scored?"

"Does anyone need to tell? Is there anyone in this college who doesn't know that your freshmen have robbed our old students?"

Axe touched the chin that she pinched with both hands, stepped back quietly, with a look of sternness in his eyes, he waved his hand and ordered to her subordinates: "Take her down, I want to see Seeing your new leader fall into our hands, how dare you be so rampant!"

"You really don't want to see the King of Hades!" Luo Ziyue shook her neck slightly, and her body made a creaking sound, "It seems that if I don't teach you a good lesson today, I won't be able to leave!"

"Hmph! You ignorant brat, dare to attack me when I'm not prepared. If I don't show you some color today, what face will I have in this academy!" The huge ax stared at Luo Ziyue with a gloomy face, and swung his right hand towards her, "Go!"

The other people quickly attacked Luo Ziyue, and saw that her toes slightly touched the ground, and she leaped away, her sharp spiral legs kicked towards them with the power to sweep everything, and her toes contained His spiritual power kicked them away in an instant.

A lot of people smashed on the wall beside them, Shi Yurong, who had been ignored by them all the time, sneaked in in an instant, waved his hand and punched the faces of the group of people, their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen, Luo Ziyue lifted With a wave of the leg, a group of people will fall down.

The two cooperated very tacitly, and the powerful fists smashed a lot of people who dared not come forward, and hid from the side with bruised noses and swollen faces, watching them.


The ax king roared, and swung his huge ax towards Luo Ziyue.

Fortunately, she reacted quickly enough to dodge the ax he swung in time, took out her long sword while he was not paying attention, and quickly entangled with him, while the fat man dealt with the other soldiers, From time to time, taking advantage of the gaps between their counterattacks, they poured large amounts of Saidan into their mouths to restore the lost spiritual power.

The other people found that the fat man hadn't followed in the middle of the walk, discussed with each other, and turned around in tacit understanding and returned to the original place.

When I came here, I happened to see Luo Ziyue fighting alone with King Axe, and the fat man resisted King Axe's soldiers one by one. Without saying a word, they rushed up and fought with them. With them Fatty instantly relaxed a lot, "Why are you back again?"

"I found that you fat man is very unkind. You didn't know to inform us about such a good thing. If we didn't find you not following up halfway, you would definitely be made into an ungrateful person by you!" Monkey He kept fighting with that group of people, and still said unforgivingly in his mouth.

"Haven't you guys already played a game?" The fat man said with a hint of a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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