Chapter 369
"Can it be the same?" Hou Wen couldn't help rolling his eyes, and the movements of his hands became more and more fierce. Under some subtle influence, they became more and more excited, and Ax King, who had gradually fallen into the lower level, saw that the situation was not good. Suddenly, He dropped the word "retreat" in a flash and disappeared without a trace.

Seeing that he was running away, Luo Ziyue didn't chase after him, but quietly stood there and watched his running figure. Seeing that the leader had all run away, his subordinates immediately followed behind without paying attention to other things. He fled the scene.

After everyone retreated, Luo Ziyue came to their side: "Aren't you all injured?"

"Hey...we're all fine! You go to the principal, what does he say?" Hou Zi turned his head to look at Mi Xuan and the others, seeing that they were fine, he said to Luo Ziyue.

"There was no result from the discussion, and everything went according to the original plan." Luo Ziyue shrugged considerably.

"What do you mean?"

The fat man looked at Luo Ziyue jokingly, "To put it simply, Xiao Sha is still in charge of class affairs temporarily, and everything else remains unchanged."

"Haha... No wonder Xiaosha's face is so ugly!" Qi Chenxi looked at Luo Ziyue with a smile, and patted her on the shoulder with deep sympathy: "It's okay, you work hard during this time, we will try our best Cooperate with your work!"

"That's right, stop putting on a bitter face, we will help you!" Qi Chenhao and Hou Zi also echoed.

Luo Ziyue's eyes flickered slightly, she looked at Yan Ming with some doubts and asked, "Does my face really look like a bitter melon face?"

"It is indeed a bit!"

Yan Ming was still as indifferent as ever, but what he said was unusually affirmative, which made the others laugh out loud.

"Let's go to dinner!"

The fat man rubbed his belly, then strode out with his arms around Hou Wen's shoulders.

A group of people talked and laughed and returned to the residence, and the girls gave full play to their skills and cooked an unusually rich dinner.

After dinner, everyone returned to their respective rooms tacitly.

Luo Ziyue returned to dinner, and after closing the door, she appeared in Yunjie in a flash.

Looking at Yun Ling who was imprisoned in the alchemy furnace, there was a touch of sadness between her eyebrows. For the time being, she still couldn't find a way to remove the corpse poison in his body, so she could only continue to imprison him in the alchemy furnace, from time to time. Come in and use spiritual power to refine his body, trying to eliminate the corpse poison in his body.

It's just that this method consumes a lot of mental power, and is extremely slow and time-consuming, far inferior to the speed at which the corpse poison spreads in his body.

"Do you know the identity of that Elder Yun in your college?"

Before she could start work, Luo Yunhuang appeared in front of her, looking at her with a handsome face and asking seriously.

Confused her.

But he quickly realized, "Did you meet him that day?"

"Well, we have an appointment to fight some time later, let's try it out!" Luo Yunhuang said rather disapprovingly.

"He agreed?" Luo Ziyue looked at him in astonishment.

She couldn't figure it out. With Yun Lao's character, how could he want to compete with Yun Huang?
"Of course, otherwise why would I tell you this? He is very powerful?"

"It is said that he is the most powerful and mysterious person in the academy, do you think he is strong or not?" Luo Ziyue glared at him, "Could he have other plans?"

"I also have doubts about this. However, his specific plan will not be known until I meet and compete with him. By the way, what are you going to do with this guy? Why don't you just throw him out of Shi Tianjue? I believe that with his ability, he can definitely eliminate the corpse poison in his body!"

Luo Yunhuang raised his chin slightly, pointed at Yun Ling who was sleeping in the alchemy furnace, and suggested to Luo Ziyue.

"Why is his ability absolutely able to eliminate the corpse poison in his body? Do you know something? Or, you heard what the principal said to me before." Luo Ziyue squinted her eyes slightly, looking at Luo Yun Huang, she vaguely felt that he already knew something.

"His words reminded me and reminded me of some past grievances. However, I can't tell you for the time being. When the time comes, you will naturally guess it. The only thing I can remind you is to improve your strength as soon as possible. Taking advantage of the opportunity to strengthen the barrier for them, the human-devil barrier office sneaked into the demon world, maybe you can find Shi Tianjue and you may find something unexpected. I am afraid his life is not very easy now, you still have to speed up as soon as possible Just do it!"

If Luo Ziyue is really the reincarnation of the Moon God, it's not hard to understand why these dark creatures clung to her, wanting to kill her all the time, but they didn't dare to do anything to her.

The grievances of so many years will eventually be resolved one day, otherwise, that person will not easily let the human race go, let alone the demon race.

"Could I be entangled by something about Chen Guzi's rotten sesame?" Luo Ziyue looked at him with raised eyebrows.

She is still skeptical about the fact that she is the reincarnation of the Moon God. However, if someone really treats her as the reincarnation of the Moon God, she will not be surprised. After all, a person as magnificent as the Moon God, It's inevitable that some people will hate him, but the heavens...

"You said, Tianjue is in the Demon Realm now? Has something happened?" He stared at Yunhuang sharply, "Tell me, what happened to him?"

Luo Yunhuang was not moved by it at all, "Did he tell you when he left that if he got lost, he asked you to find him and take him home?"

"Well, I did say something similar!"

Luo Ziyue nodded, suddenly, with a flash of inspiration, she looked at Luo Yunhuang in astonishment: "You mean, something went wrong before he left?"

"It doesn't seem too stupid. He didn't tell you, but he didn't want you to worry. Don't worry too much. The current priority is to improve your strength as soon as possible. The higher the strength, the more likely it is to break through the Demon Race Surviving on the ground, and the group of friends outside of you, they are not easy, you can bring them with you, maybe there will be unexpected discoveries!"

"How did I find out that when you talk now, you like to say half and leave the other half, can't you finish it all at once?"

Luo Ziyue stared at Luo Yunhuang with a little displeasure, why do her friends outside are not simple?What is the possibility of unexpected discoveries?
Can't you just say it all at once?

Saying half and keeping the other half made her feel itchy.

"Well, I've said everything I want to say at once, and the rest is up to you to guess and discover!"

Luo Yunhuang smiled at her, and disappeared magnificently in her angry eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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