Chapter 373 The final farewell
"We've been looking for her for a long time but haven't been able to find any news about her. For some reason, your grandmother suddenly woke up in the middle of the night and said that she dreamed that your mother was suffering here. She insisted on asking me to come and find her. How could I be willing to give up on her?" Get your grandma, but Ao chased after her despite her begging, "

Yun Lao sighed slightly, "Fortunately, I finally sensed your mother's presence here, but her breath is too weak,
"I couldn't accurately capture her location. Although I felt a lot of uneasiness during that time, I still sensed her existence.

"As time passed, her qi deficiency became weaker and weaker. Before I found her, I couldn't sense her existence at all.

"It's not that I haven't thought about it all these years. She may not be in this world anymore, but I still don't want to believe the fact that this white-haired man sent a black-haired man!"

Luo Ziyue stood quietly where she was, a little unbelievable what Yun Lao said, and she didn't know whether she should believe it or not.

Suddenly, she felt a scorching heat between her brows, as if her mother was crying.

Yun Lao, who had lowered his head, seemed to sense something, his sharp eyes fell on her face, and he looked at her with surprise: "Liu'er, is that you? You damn girl, I educated you for nothing. For so many years, when you did these things, did you ever think about me and your mother?"

An illusory figure gradually appeared in front of Luo Ziyue and the others.

Luo Ziyue looked at her mother's figure excitedly, and called excitedly: "Mother, is it really you? Mother!"

"Girl, when you grow up, you really become more and more beautiful!"

Yun Ruoliu looked at Luo Ziyue tenderly, with love and pity for her in his eyes, his illusory hands slid across Luo Ziyue's cheeks, as if he wanted to wipe away the tears on her face, but Some helpless, slightly wry smile.

"Yue'er, you have responsibilities that you should shoulder. Mother believes that mother's Yue'er is a person who understands responsibility and responsibility. No matter how difficult the future road is, don't give up. Mother will always protect you of!"

"Mom, I really miss you!"

Luo Ziyue held Yun Ruoliu's hand lightly.

Although the palm is empty, it seems that she can feel the temperature of her body, giving her infinite courage and strength.

"Mother misses you very much too! Be good!"

Yun Ruoliu still patted her on the head lightly like in the past, obviously she couldn't feel anything, but it seemed like she really felt it.

The scene was so warm that Yao Lao also shed tears.

"Father, I'm sorry I'm a daughter, I'm sorry mother, I've failed your love, I'm not worthy to be your daughter."

Yun Ruoliu suddenly turned around and looked at Yun Lao.

Looking at Yun Lao with gray temples, she knelt down in the void without thinking, tears rolled down her eyes.

"I keep this tone because I want to apologize to my parents personally, and forgive my daughter for being young and ignorant. I don't understand your good intentions. You have worked so hard to pull me up so much. When I am old, I have to endure the white-haired people sending me away. The pain of the black-haired man, Dad, it’s not that I don’t want to see you, I’m ashamed to see you.”

"You cruel girl, you know I'm here to look for you, but you still hide from me, and it's also why I haven't been able to go back to see your mother for so many years!"

Seeing the appearance of the daughter whom he had held in his hands for a lifetime, Yun Lao burst into tears with excitement, his hands trembling slightly, covering her cheeks little by little.

The hand passed through her face.

Suddenly, he stretched out his hand and slapped her on the face, knowing that nothing would hit her, but he still slapped her empty face.

"I have raised you for so many years, but you didn't even let me see you before you died. You just left us two old guys so cruelly and left. How do you ask me to explain to your mother? She loves you every day for you. I can't eat well, I can't sleep, my eyes are almost blind from crying, for you, I have traveled thousands of miles to this poor place, but you don't even want to see me, how cruel you are!"

For his daughter, Yun Lao really loves and hates him. She obviously sensed his presence, but she hid herself and refused to see him.

It's been so many years of hiding.

All these years, he was alone on this continent, in this vast sea of ​​people, just to find her.

After so many years, she hasn't been able to go home and take a look, but she...

"Father, I'm sorry for you. You can beat me and scold me however you want. Don't worry, although I can't stay by your side to take care of you and your mother, Yue'er will take care of you in my place. It's just that She still has a long way to go, father, don't be sad for your unfilial daughter, mother, she has been waiting for so many years, don't let her wait any longer, go back!"

Yun Ruoliu's face was full of guilt, the people she was most sorry for in her life were her parents.

They worried a lot about her, and they still endured the pain of parting when they were getting old.

"Girl, why do you choose to die rather than let me save you? You know I have a way to save you, you..." Yun Lao's voice was slightly choked up, and he couldn't continue, "What do you want me to do to your mother? Tell me, what face do I have to go back to see her?"

"Father, in fact, you and mother have already anticipated the current situation, haven't you?"

Yun Ruoliu's smile was slightly bitter, and her eyes fell on Luo Ziyue's face, tender and tender, with endless love.

"This is my mission, and I have the responsibility to undertake it. I don't want to push my responsibility on you and implicate other people. What's more, I left you such a lovely granddaughter. In the future, she will give you You will have many great-grandchildren, and I will always be by your side!"

Luo Ziyue guessed something subconsciously, but she didn't dare to believe it. She tried hard to get rid of the thoughts in her mind, but they still popped up one after another, which made her suddenly ask: "Mother, Who is my dear father?"

"Yue'er, most of the time, you have to find the answer by yourself, and mother can't give you the answer."

Yun Ruoliu was as gentle as ever, with a very elegant demeanor. Her eyes fell on the silent Yun Lao, and she told Luo Ziyue, "Yue'er, spend more time with your grandfather, check him up, and help him Mother protect them well, if we leave today, I'm afraid we will never have the chance to see each other again!"

"Girl, don't go, stay with me!" Yun Lao suddenly raised his head when he heard she said that he was going to leave, begging her in a weak tone.

There is no indifference of the past, nor the arrogance of the whole body, but only a poor father.


Yun Ruoliu suddenly hugged him in his arms, this time, what Yun Lao embraced was a substantial body, with a hint of coolness in his arms.

"My daughter will always love you."

(End of this chapter)

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