Chapter 374 Dad, Don't Blame Her
"No, no, Liu Er, don't leave, Dad will definitely find a way to save you!"

There was a trace of fear and hesitation on Yun Lao's face, and he tried his best to protect Yun Ruoliu.

But her body still dissipated little by little in his embrace.

"Father, don't blame her, she is innocent!" Yun Ruoliu smiled and stroked Yun Lao's face, begging warmly.

The eyes are unusually stubborn and stubborn.

Yun Lao didn't speak, tears streaming down his face, and nodded fiercely.

"Mom, did I hurt you..."

Luo Ziyue clenched her fists tightly, her body trembling unceasingly, she endured for a long time, but she still couldn't hold back, and spoke out the doubts in her heart.

Yun Ruoliu looked at her with a smile, without speaking, her body gradually disappeared.

Seeing that the head was about to disappear, suddenly, a faint voice sounded in each of their ears: "Goodbye!"


There were warm tears falling from Luo Ziyue's eyes.

She stared blankly at the place where Yun Ruoliu disappeared, and the warmth between her brows dissipated little by little.

I just heard a bang, as if something exploded inside my body.

Endless sadness spread in the room.

Yao Lao looked at Yun Lao and Luo Ziyue quietly, he knew the pain of losing a loved one.

He didn't know how to comfort them, so he could only sit in front of Yun Ling and guard him to prevent him from waking up.

After a long time, I heard Yun Lao's seemingly old voice: "Girl, don't think too much, let's get down to business first! Don't make Yao Lao wait too long."

"Grandpa, did my mother kiss her for me?"

Luo Ziyue hesitated for a while, but still asked the question in her heart, otherwise, she would feel uneasy.

Old Yun stared at her eyes for a while, and slowly spit out a few words: "Life for life."

The simple four words made Luo Ziyue understand the whole story, she took a step back slightly, her face was a little pale, "Mother, she, she traded her life for mine, no wonder..."

The corner of Yun Lao's mouth curved slightly sideways.

"Everything in this world has its causal relationship. Otherwise, why do you think you appeared in this world? You have your destiny, and your mother also has hers. You don't need to pay too much attention to it. It's her voluntary choice." , if I can, I will trade my life for hers."

Luo Ziyue sat down on the ground. It turned out that her mother had known for a long time that she was not the real Luo Ziyue, but she still gave up everything for her, including her life.

"You are Luo Ziyue, the real Luo Ziyue!" Yun Lao seemed to see through what she was thinking, and said word by word. "The reason, I believe you can understand first, I don't need to tell you in detail, you are worthy of your mother to do this, well, do what you should do!"

Yun Lao raised his chin slightly, pointed to Yun Ling on the ground, sat down beside Yao Lao, put his hands on his lap, his cloudy eyes were full of emotions, he didn't know what he was thinking, Yao Lao looked She glanced at him and didn't say a word, she made a look at Luo Ziyue: "Let's start!"


Luo Ziyue nodded, restrained the emotions in her mind, and calmed down to discuss Yunling's condition with Yao Lao.

Seeing Luo Ziyue's focused expression, a gratified smile appeared on the corner of Yun Lao's mouth. This girl is better than he imagined, and maybe she can really shoulder the responsibility of saving this continent. important.

"If she can see this girl, she must be very pleased!"

Elder Yun thought silently in his heart, the sadness of his daughter's departure seemed to have faded a lot, but he didn't know when he would have the chance to return to Yun's house, and he didn't know how she was doing after leaving home for so many years, thinking of this, He couldn't help frowning, maybe it's time to find the way home.

Waiting for the matter on the girl's side, and taking her back to have a look after finishing it is her wish fulfilled.


Suddenly, the sleeping Yun Ling let out a low moan, causing Luo Ziyue and Yao Lao to look at each other, and quickly tapped his chest with both hands, before Yun Ling even opened his eyes, he passed out again.

"Yao Lao, is there a way to control the toxins in his body?"

Luo Ziyue gently took out a scent-like thing and put it on the tip of his nose, letting him sniff it a little, the struggling look on his face gradually returned to calm.

"Can you keep him with me and let me study for a while?" Yao Lao frowned and suggested to Luo Ziyue.

The speed at which the toxins in Yunling's body spread far exceeded his imagination, making it impossible for him to help for a while. There was nothing that could counteract the toxins in his body.

Luo Ziyue rejected Yao Lao's proposal without even thinking about it: "No, I don't worry about keeping him with you, maybe those people will find him through the toxins in his body, and then not only you will be in danger , he is also in danger, I can't take the risk."

"If you don't keep him, how can I study the method of contacting the toxin for him?" Yao Lao couldn't help frowning.

He knew that what Luo Ziyue said was reasonable, since there was a toxin around Yun Ling, then those group of people were very likely to use this toxin to control him, and the consequences would be disastrous.

"I'll draw some blood from his body for you. You can study the antidote according to the degree of melting and reaction of the blood sample!" Luo Ziyue hesitated for a moment, and suggested to Yao Lao.

She didn't know if Yao Lao would really have blood samples for experiments, "If you don't, I can teach you."

"Then teach me! I really don't know what kind of experiment method you said to use blood samples to do the experiment!"

Yao Lao had never heard that blood samples could be used for experiments.

He was very interested in the method she said, and wanted to see what the experiment she said was like.

Luo Ziyue shrugged, took Yun Ling back, and cut off his connection with the outside world. At the same time, her palm brushed across Yun Ring, and a set of simple experimental tools appeared in front of Yao Lao and Yun Lao. Can't help looking at her curiously, wanting to know how these things work?
You know, Mr. Yun is also an alchemist himself, but he has never touched an alchemy furnace since he came to this continent. However, it does not mean that he is not interested in new alchemy methods. Both of them stared at Luo Ziyue introduced them little by little how to play those things.

"Look good. I have prepared normal human blood and Yunling's blood samples. What we need to do is to restore the toxin-infected blood samples to normal human blood samples!"

Luo Ziyue showed them her usual methods of doing experiments, and patiently introduced them to them.

(End of this chapter)

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