Chapter 375
Yao Lao and Yun Lao watched her every move seriously, quickly digesting the knowledge she said in their minds, and the more they listened, the more amazed they became.

"Come on, let me try it out, and see if I'm doing it right!"

As soon as Luo Ziyue's experiment was finished, Yao Lao couldn't wait to try it out, while Yun Lao stood quietly by the side without saying a word.

However, the interest in her eyes made the corners of Luo Ziyue's mouth curl up, and she lightly slid her finger across Yun Ring, and another set of experimental equipment appeared in front of Yun Lao, "Grandpa, this set of experimental equipment is given to you." Yours, when you are free, you can study and play!"

"Girl, you can't be partial, what about mine?" Yao Lao saw that she directly gave a set to Yun Lao, and immediately refused to follow her, jumping up and shouting.

Luo Ziyue smiled slightly, "The set in your hand is for you!"

"Then do you still have any?" Yun Lao was not in a hurry to take the experimental equipment she handed over, but Wei Wei asked without wrinkling.

Luo Ziyue stuffed them into Yunlao's hands, and said with a smile: "I still have materials for making here, I'll just make another set later, grandpa, just take it! I don't have anything to do with it." Good things are for you, this is my gift for you to meet!"

"I am half buried in the loess, so don't worry about me anymore."

Mr. Yun took the experimental equipment she handed over, with a smile on his face, but he was still rambling.

Seeing him like this made Luo Ziyue's heart warm. Isn't that what family members are like?
I would rather wrong myself than let my children or family members be wronged for myself.

"Grandpa, I don't like to hear you say that. What do you mean by a person who is half buried in the loess? I was thinking that I would have a child and let you bring it to me!" Luo Ziyue looked unhappy Looking at him, Yun Lao said, "By the way, I have already married Tianjue. When I have a chance, I will bring him to Grandpa for you to see. However, I'm afraid I have to wait for a while."

"Does Ning Wang kill Tianjue? I heard that he treats you well?"

Yun Lao naturally knew that Luo Ziyue had already married.

He knew a lot about her and King Ning, but he didn't know that she would be his granddaughter at that time.

Hearing what she said now, there is also a glimmer of hope.

With a child by their side, the days to come will no longer be as lonely as before!

"Well, he is very good to me, but now he..."

As soon as Shi Tianjue was mentioned, Luo Ziyue unconsciously showed a smile on her face.

However, thinking that his current situation is unknown, the smile on his face couldn't hold back anymore, but he didn't say anything more.

"It's just that he can't come to see grandpa for the time being. When he comes to see grandpa later, grandpa will make things difficult for him!"

"This sounds nice. When I really make things difficult for him, you should feel sorry for him again!" Yun Lao snorted coldly. How could he not know that Shi Tianjue's current whereabouts are unknown, and only seeing Luo Ziyue If he didn't say anything, he didn't ask. After all, there are some things that the more people who know, the safer.

"Hey, let me say, can you two show your happiness in front of me? I, a loner, have already suffered [-] points of damage!"

Yao Lao couldn't stand it anymore, and yelled at them, covering his chest with one hand, making a painful look on his face.

"Are you envious?" Yun Lao raised his eyebrows slightly, and grabbed Luo Ziyue's shoulders: "Then you go find a woman to have a baby! When your child is born, and you have to raise it for decades, maybe you can also have a baby." A smart granddaughter like my girl!"

"Tch, is she your granddaughter, or my apprentice!" Yao Lao turned his head with a somewhat unnatural expression, and said disdainfully.

Luo Ziyue bumped into Mr. Yun slightly, and gave him a look.

"Otherwise, in order to avoid making you a lonely family, why don't you simply recognize me as your eldest brother, and I will forcefully divide our girl into half of you, and when she has a child, we can also help her bring it up together!" Yun The old man smiled, and said to Yao Lao with a treacherous smile.

When Yao Lao heard what he said, he looked at him in surprise: "What you said is true? In the future, I can also help bring your little great-grandson?"

"When did I tell you a lie? But, in this way, you will have to call me big brother in the future. "

Elder Yun looked at him with some embarrassment, looking thoughtful.

Yao Lao didn't care who was big and who was small, he only knew that he would no longer be alone in the future.

Maybe in a few years, there will be a brat playing with him. Thinking of this, he felt inexplicably excited, and without saying a word, he shouted at Elder Yun: "Brother, you have to be right in the future." I will take care of you!"

"It's easy to say, but don't let this matter out for now, as long as the three of us know it well!" Yun Lao nodded, and explained the two seriously.

"Well, I know. I know it well." Yao Lao nodded.

Luo Ziyue also nodded slightly, looked out the window, saw that it was getting late, and bid farewell to Elder Yun and Elder Yao.

In a flash, he disappeared into the alchemy room.

Yao Lao and Yun Lao are still alchemists, intending to study the set of equipment she gave them.

After the trouble before, the relationship between the two has become much closer.

When Luo Ziyue went back, she found that the monkey and the fat man were sitting on the sofa with their heads propped up and taking a nap.

"Fatty, why don't you and the monkey go back to the room to sleep?" She walked over and gently pushed the fat man awake, and asked in a low voice.

Fatty opened his eyes in a daze, and seeing her, he suddenly came to his senses, "Xiao Sha, you're back? We were worried that something might happen to you, so we waited for you here. , I accidentally fell asleep!"

"Xiao Sha, you're back? How did you talk with Yao Lao and the others?"

The monkeys on the side were also awakened by their voices, and a slightly hoarse voice sounded.

Luo Ziyue smiled slightly: "Very good, you all go back to your room to rest! Don't wait for me next time, nothing will happen to me in school!"

After a brief exchange, the three of them went back to their rooms.

The next morning, before dawn, I heard a sharp whistle coming from downstairs, instantly waking up the people upstairs from their sleep, and went downstairs in a daze, only to see Luo Zi Yue was already neatly dressed, with a whistle in his hand, watching them.

"You still have 5 minutes to wash up and eat breakfast. The students in the class have already gone to the playground, so hurry up and follow!" She hurriedly left the room before turning around and leaving the room.

(End of this chapter)

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