Chapter 376 Class Training
Mi Xuan looked at Qi Chenxi beside her in confusion, "Is this an activity for your class? Then I shouldn't have to go, right?"

"Well, it's still early, you go back to your room to sleep."

Qi Chenxi smiled slightly. Seeing that everyone else had moved, she also moved quickly, washing up in a hurry.

Seeing that everyone in the room was so busy, the rather bored Mi Xuan shrugged her shoulders, turned around and went upstairs, closed the room and planned to go back to sleep.

She has no interest in their training, she might as well stay at home and rest instead of going out to bask in the sun.

Seeing her like this, the other people didn't say much. After washing up, they hurried out to the playground that Luo Ziyue mentioned.

When they arrived at the playground, there were already quite a few people waiting there.

I don't know what Luo Ziyue said to them, and there was a trace of dissatisfaction on many faces.

However, Luo Ziyue stood quietly in front of the people, waiting for the staff to arrive. Seeing that the time was up, she simply counted the number of people, and didn't say much to those who were absent, but simply talked about their future arrangements for the class one time.

"Stand up in order of height. When the time is up, we will start training. In the next month, we will all enter a compact class training. After one month, those who fail to pass the class will be kicked out of the class, and the rest will be divided into free activities. and class activities."

As soon as her words fell, there was an uproar.

"What about the students who didn't participate in this activity?" Suddenly someone in the crowd asked.

"Nature is where it came from and where it went back!"

Luo Ziyue looked at them with a smile, "Why is there any problem? If any of you don't want to participate, you can also bring it up. I will report your list to the principal, so that you can go back and forth like them. go!"

"Why is our class activity different from everyone else's?"

Everyone paused for a while, but still asked out the confusion in their hearts.

"The class activities of our class are managed by me, and the class activities of other classes are managed by their class guides. I have a different educational philosophy from theirs. The most important thing is that I don't have so much time to waste. I should pay close attention to every minute and second of cultivation. It is my purpose, you can quit if you are afraid of hardship or tiredness!"

"Will we participate in the school's group activities?"

"It depends on your cultivation situation. If your strength is too weak, you will not participate. If your strength improves quickly, you will participate."

"How long do you want to use to raise us to what level of cultivation?"

"Cultivation is your own business. I will do my best to help you, but how far you can develop is still up to you!"

Luo Ziyue patiently answered each of their questions, and after roughly solving their problems, she looked at everyone with serious eyes: "Are there any other questions now? If not, those who don't want to participate in the next training can Proposed!"

The other people looked at each other, and they all stood in place tacitly without speaking, with vague hesitation on their faces.

"We have no problem, we can start training!" Shi Yurong suddenly stood up and urged.

Luo Ziyue raised her eyebrows slightly: "What about the rest of you? Are there any questions?"


For them, improving their strength is their ultimate goal, as long as they can improve their strength, nothing else matters.

"Okay, since there is no problem, let's start training, first run [-] laps around the playground, and don't use the spiritual power in your body!"

As soon as the words fell, Luo Ziyue ran at the front of the team first, followed by the others, following her in unison, running around the playground non-stop. When students from other classes got up early and passed by the playground, He stopped hard and looked curiously at Luo Ziyue and the others running around the playground.

There were very few students who didn't like Luo Ziyue and deliberately didn't participate in the class training. After waiting for a long time, Luo Ziyue and the others came to invite them again, so they couldn't help going to the playground curiously, wanting to see what kind of tricks they were playing.

But I didn't expect that they were training in full swing, and they didn't have the heart to care whether they would come or not. Packed their luggage and headed to the new class without giving them any chance to react.

Fortunately, Luo Ziyue and the others were right in front of them, without caring about anything else, they opened their mouths and yelled at Luo Ziyue: "Shi Sha, what do you mean? Why do you kick us out of the class?"

"Now you have two options: first, join our training, but, considering your lateness, the number of laps must be increased to fifty; second, follow them and go back wherever you came from The decision to be kicked out of the class was not made by me, but by the principal. If you have any questions, you are welcome to go to the principal!"

Luo Ziyue looked at them with a smile while running, and didn't react much to their anger.

Just gave them two choices and let them choose.

The others silently followed behind her, running out of breath one by one, ignoring the students who were making trouble at all, clenching their teeth silently and running, trying not to let themselves fall behind.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, those students who wanted to give Luo Ziyue a disgrace didn't expect that she would be so disregarded, but she couldn't save face before returning to the new class. According to gossip, their current class is their current class. The best class in the school, the strength and talent of the students in it are among the best.

After biting the bullet, he still joined Luo Ziyue's training.

It's really embarrassing to be brushed down like this.

Looking at their figures joining in, the corners of Luo Ziyue's mouth curled up unconsciously. In the next month, the students of the college will basically be able to see their morning exercises on the playground on time. Occasionally at night, there will be Overtime training.

After a month, the students in the class were exhausted, but their physical fitness had improved a lot. Moreover, in this month, in addition to the intensive training, the courses were also arranged very closely. They don't have much rest time. Most of the students fall asleep at the beginning, and after they arrive, they practice thoroughly.

Although they didn't know why their classes were so tight, compared to other classes, they were no different from key classes.

However, everyone vaguely felt a sense of urgency from Luo Ziyue's training rhythm, which made them indulge in cultivation unconsciously, and wanted to work hard with her to improve their strength.

(End of this chapter)

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