Chapter 377
No one wants to be a drag in the class.

"In the next three months, I plan to enter a closed-door retreat. I will break through when my strength breaks through. If you have any problems, go to Yao Lao or Yun Lao, and they will help you solve it!" On the way back from training that day , Luo Ziyue suddenly said to Fatty and the others.

While speaking, she handed over the badge of her alchemist to Fatty.

"This is my pharmacist certification badge. You keep it. If you can't get in the alchemy tower, show it to them, and they will let you in. I've already done it for Yao Lao and Yun Lao. After explaining, they will watch you."

Fatty was the only one among them who knew the inside story, and he was not too surprised by Luo Ziyue's sudden retreat.

She just silently put away her alchemist badge.

The others fell into silence inexplicably. After a long time, Yan Ming, who has never talked much, suddenly asked: "Can we also enter the cultivation tower with you to retreat and practice? According to our current points, it should be enough for a period of time." !"

"Well, yes. If you want, you can go to the cultivation tower to retreat with me. There is no mandatory requirement for this, it's up to you!"

Luo Ziyue was slightly stunned for a moment, then nodded slightly, "I will tell everyone tomorrow morning, I have asked Yun Lao to help supervise the training of the class that I will retreat."

"What?" Qi Chenxi looked at Luo Ziyue in shock, "You mean, we will be supervised by Yun Lao for the next few months of training?"

"He just urges you, even if you don't train, he won't do anything to you, but he will tell me the results of your training when I leave the customs, and I will practice more hard in the class, and delay the class Students with hind legs are kicked out of the class!" Luo Ziyue looked at them with a smile.

"Elder Yun won't show up during our training, he'll just urge us quietly, is that right?"

Qi Chenhao immediately understood the meaning of Luo Ziyue's words.

"Yes, you still have to rely on yourself to cultivate this kind of thing, he will not interfere with class affairs."

Luo Ziyue gave him a thumbs up and nodded slightly: "At night, you should discuss with each other, if you want to retreat with me, you can go to the cultivation tower with me tomorrow morning, and if you don't want to go, stay. Participate in class activities."

Luo Ziyue knew that it was too fast for her to enter the retreat state so soon, but time waited for no one, and she didn't have much time to procrastinate.

During this period of time, her mind was very unstable, and she always felt that something would happen. This forced her to abandon her classmates and choose to enter the closed door to concentrate on cultivation and improve her strength.

When we returned to the dormitory, everyone was extraordinarily silent, no laughing and joking like before.

Mi Xuan looked at them in astonishment, "What happened? You all seem abnormal?"

"Maybe it's because I'm going to practice in seclusion for a while, and they're not used to it."

Luo Ziyue didn't deliberately hide the fact that she was going to practice in seclusion, she just smiled at her, took the food she handed over, and took a bite.

"You want to retreat? Why didn't I listen to you before?" Mi Xuan stared at her.

"I also just made a decision. It was a bit hasty, and I didn't have time to discuss it with you!" Luo Ziyue frowned slightly, "At least three months, but the exact time when I will leave the customs is not yet determined. It depends on the results of my cultivation. I plan to have Break through and then come out."

"Then what should we do?" Mi Xuan looked at her strangely, "Is there something you are hiding from me?"

"When can I hide it from you?" Luo Ziyue looked at her in surprise, then turned to the fat man behind her and said, "If you don't believe me, ask them, did I just tell them about this?"

"I always feel that you are hiding something from me!" Mi Xuan stared firmly at Luo Ziyue's eyes, ignoring the fat man's gaze.

Luo Ziyue accepted her attention very calmly, "Then what do you think I'm hiding from you?"

"I don't know, but I feel that you have alienated me during this time." Mi Xuan shook her head and looked at Luo Ziyue in confusion.

The fat man couldn't stand it anymore, so he had to stand up and speak for her: "Xuanxuan, you must be thinking too much. During this period of time, our class's training tasks and curriculum arrangements are very tight. Basically, every day we come back. It's exhaustion all over, and it's normal for everyone not to want to talk."

"That's right! Xuanxuan, are you overthinking it? In fact, during this period of time, Xiaosha is the most tiring among us. Not only does she have to train with us every day, sometimes she meets classmates who are dragging their feet and are punished. They were punished together, and they asked the teacher about our studies after finishing the work, so we have to adjust our curriculum and training arrangements in time!" Qi Chenxi and Wen Yunling looked at each other, and stood up to defend Luo Ziyue.

In fact, not only Luo Ziyue was very tired during this time, but they were also very tired. The intensity of the training had already surpassed their previous training, which made them very tired both physically and mentally.
"Xuanxuan, I know that leaving you alone in other classes feels wronged to you. If you really don't want to stay there, why don't I go to the principal and see if he can transfer you to our class. I was really tired for a while, and I really neglected you, I may get busier and busier in the future, you have to learn to make more friends so that they can accompany you when I am busy." Luo Ziyue slightly He sighed, rubbed her head, and said in a warm voice.

Seeing that she was indeed tired, Mi Xuan didn't say anything more, "Then go and rest first! I'll go out for a walk!"

"Are you alone? Do you need someone to accompany you?" Luo Ziyue nodded.

"I want to be quiet by myself, and I don't need others to accompany me. I can't get into trouble in school!"

Mi Xuan did not hesitate to reject other people's plan to go shopping with her, ignored what everyone thought, and went straight out.

Seeing her leaving figure, Luo Ziyue didn't say much, turned around and planned to go upstairs, but was stopped by the fat man: "Xiao Cha, why don't I go with Mi Xuan? In case, she's a girl No one knows what happened to the family."

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to her. With her strength, there are not many people who can hurt her, not to mention there are guards patrolling the school. Don't worry, everyone is tired during this time, go back to the room early to rest! "Luo Ziyue knew Fatty's plan, but she still rejected his proposal. With Mi Xuan's sensitivity, if she really planned to do something, Fatty would definitely not be able to stop her.

(End of this chapter)

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