Chapter 378
Following blindly will only put you in a dangerous situation.

"But..." The fat man wanted to say something, but Luo Ziyue stopped him with his eyes, "There's nothing but, hurry up and go upstairs to rest!"

Seeing that her expression was not very good, several other people hurriedly dragged the fat man upstairs.

Luo Ziyue nestled alone on the sofa, dozing off with her eyes slightly squinted, waiting for Mi Xuan to come back.

"Are you waiting for me?" When Mi Xuan came back, it was already late, and seeing Luo Ziyue sleeping on the sofa, she couldn't help but stepped forward and asked.

Luo Ziyue opened her eyes in a daze, and glanced at her, "Well, you're back? Go upstairs and rest early!"

"If you're sleepy, go back to your room and rest!" Seeing her like this, Mi Xuan knew that she was indeed a little tired. will get sleepy.

Luo Ziyue nodded, got up and was about to go upstairs, when suddenly she heard Mi Xuan's tiny voice asking behind her: "Do you know something?"

"Do you think I should know anything?" Luo Ziyue asked in a slightly hoarse voice without turning her head to look at her.

"If I betray you, will you blame me?" Mi Xuan asked with a slightly expectant voice.

Luo Ziyue paused slightly, "Then have you betrayed me?"

"No." Mi Xuan replied very positively.

"Since you don't have any, don't make these non-existent assumptions. When you really betray me, you will know whether I will blame you!" Luo Ziyue's voice didn't fluctuate too much, calm as if Said, calm as what to eat tonight.

It's just that she didn't get the answer she wanted, Mi Xuan frowned, and tilted her head to look at Luo Ziyue who walked out of her sight step by step.

Early the next morning, before she got up, everyone in the dormitory had already packed up and planned to go to the playground for morning exercises. Just out of politeness, they still sent a representative to knock on Mi Xuan's door and told her tactfully that they He wanted to go to retreat with Luo Ziyue to practice, and asked her if she wanted to go?
Mi Xuan in the room woke up immediately, opened the door abruptly, and looked at them coldly, "Did you guys discuss it long ago?"

The monkey who was sent to negotiate with her was slightly taken aback, and shook his head subconsciously: "No, when we woke up in the morning, we suddenly thought of it. Anyway, there are so many points in the nameplate, it's a waste to use them, so we want to be with Xiao Sha." I went to retreat to practice, so I came to ask if you want to go with us? Otherwise, if you stay in the dormitory alone, you will be very boring, and no one will accompany you!"

"All of you going? Does she know?" Mi Xuan looked at them with a slight frown.

"I haven't told her yet, I plan to tell her after morning exercise!"

Monkey looked at Mi Xuan with strange eyes, and always felt that her reaction was a little strange.

"Forget it, you guys go! I don't have much interest, and we have other activities in the class, so we can't leave!" Mi Xuan said, and slammed the door, regardless of what the monkey said. Thinking about it, the monkey went downstairs in a daze.

I briefly talked to the other people downstairs, but no one spoke. Seeing that time was running out, I hurriedly left the dormitory and rushed to the playground for training.

After the training, everyone was stunned when they heard what Luo Ziyue said, as if they didn't expect that she would propose the practice of retreat without warning.

"During the time I'm away, your training and courses will continue as usual. There will be instructors who will supervise you on my behalf. Someone will tell me the results of each of your training when I come out. However, during this time, no one will urge you every day. It's all about your intuition."

Luo Ziyue looked at them with a smile, "Of course, if you have students with more points, you can take the time to go to the cultivation tower to improve your cultivation. If you don't, you can work hard to earn points. Time waits for no one. If you fall behind, you will be beaten." Everyone, come on!"

Luo Ziyue simply explained a few words, and was about to leave, but was stopped by Fatty and the others, "We want to go to the cultivation tower with you to practice, it just so happens that we have quite a lot of points in our hands, we can take this time to take them all used."

"Well, that's fine."

After thinking about it, a group of people walked towards the cultivation tower. When they arrived, Luo Ziyue was taken away by Yao Lao, and the others could only follow the procedure and exchange the corresponding points for training time. However, fortunately, considering that they were the first few batches of new students to practice in the cultivation tower, half a month was given to them for free, and a group of people quickly entered the state of retreat and cultivation according to the corresponding room number.

What they didn't expect was that Luo Ziyue's retreat time far exceeded her budget. There was no instructor in the class for a long time, and the students seemed to have gotten used to the daily training, and they didn't miss a day.

As time went by, the students in the class practiced harder and harder, and it seemed that no one wanted to be left too far behind by Luo Ziyue.

Fatty and the others came out after their points were used up, but in the middle, Luo Ziyue seemed to draw some points for each of them, and everyone tacitly didn't bother, and just went to the practice tower to practice when they had time , Luo Ziyue gave them the pills that they also exchanged for a few points.

Three months passed in a flash. During these three months, there was no news from Luo Ziyue, but from Yao Lao's frequent running to the cultivation tower, she knew that her current cultivation was going well. She will not come out for a long time if she has not broken through the realm she wants to achieve.

That being said, in order to counteract the rumors that she stayed in the cultivation tower for a long time and could not come out, every once in a while, Yao Lao would take out a large number of pills to exchange points for her, and at the same time, follow her arrangement to transfer some The elixir was given to Fatty and the others.

Luo Ziyue received a lot of goods during the period of retreat and practice. For some reason, she suddenly understood the language of monsters. Even the birds that occasionally flew outside the tower, she could understand their conversations.
Her facial features seem to be more sensitive, and most importantly, she can always feel a summoning force, calling her constantly.

It's just that the power of summoning is flickering, not very obvious.

Every day, she would sneak out of the training tower in the dead of night, and she knew everything that happened outside. Every night, she would go to the dense forest near the school to talk to those monsters or animals in the forest, trying to practice her mind. The extra book of imperial beasts.

Of course, apart from Yun Lao, not even Yao Lao knew about these things, and everything was going on quietly.

"During this period of practice, how do you feel about your progress?"

(End of this chapter)

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