Chapter 379
As soon as Luo Ziyue stood still in the dense forest, Yun Lao had already quietly appeared beside her, staring at her quietly and asking.

"It's still not going well, and I always feel that something is wrong!" Luo Ziyue frowned slightly.

During this period of time, it was Mr. Yun who was secretly pointing her. Mr. Yun knew far more than she imagined. It was like the beast master. He didn't see how he used it, but he could understand what she wanted. The meaning expressed can also find out problems from her training and help her improve better.

"You do it for me..." Yun Lao's figure flashed, making enough room for Luo Ziyue.

Luo Ziyue didn't say a word, a strange sound wave came out of her mouth, and the sound of animals shuttling suddenly sounded in the quiet dense forest, densely packed snakes quickly gathered around her from all directions, following her mouth continuously The command to launch an attack on a wild boar called out by her, and the strength of the attack became more and more deadly with her password.

Yun Lao quietly looked at the scene in front of him and didn't say anything. He just led her to disperse all the snakes, and then said to her: "Your password is only clear, which caused them to attack the wild boars not neatly enough. At the same time, it is vaguely out of your control, during this time, you still need to spend a little more time researching the password, your password will cause the monsters you summon to display their strength."

"En." Luo Ziyue nodded, keeping Lao Yun's lesson in mind, "When can I leave the customs?"

"Do you think that with your current strength, what's the use of leaving the customs? With your current situation, going to the demon clan is just a suicide attempt."

Yun has long seen Luo Ziyue's thoughts, so she will continue to increase her training during this period of time, "The more restless you are, the more you need to calm down, otherwise, you will only be delaying time."

"I see!"

After Yun Lao left, Luo Ziyue stayed in the dense forest to practice for a while, and then quietly returned to the cultivation tower.

Seeing that the three-month deadline was approaching, Luo Ziyue decided to come out halfway to have a look at Fatty and the others, and at the same time, check the cultivation status of the students in the class.

"Fatty, what happened to you in such a hurry?"

As soon as she stepped out of the cultivation tower, she saw the look of sullen head rushing in quickly, and she couldn't help stretching out her hand to hold him, "What happened?"

"Xiao Cha, you figured it out. If you don't come out again, I don't know what to do?"

As soon as the fat man saw Luo Ziyue, his eyes turned red, which made Luo Ziyue feel anxious.

"What happened?"

"He, they were all attacked by mysterious creatures, and they are currently poisoned, and they are about to die..."

"How could it be good at school..." Luo Ziyue stopped before she finished speaking, and looked at the fat man with sharp eyes, "tell me clearly, what's going on?"

"It's all my fault. A few days ago, Mi Xuan and I accidentally started a quarrel. It was quite violent. They couldn't help but stand up to try to persuade the fight. Mi Xuan seemed to have found something and ran out, never to be seen again. Come back." Fatty's voice was slightly choked, "After one night, they all fell ill, and the illnesses have become more and more serious these days, and I couldn't spare time to find Mi Xuan. It's time to come here and see if you come out!"

"You mean that Mi Xuan never came back after she ran out that night?" Luo Ziyue narrowed her eyes and looked at the fat man with unusually sharp eyes, "Fatty man, you really disappointed me, I thought you could Believe it or not..."

"No, no, I really didn't conflict with her on purpose, but when I went downstairs, I accidentally bumped into her. It happened that I was not in a good mood that day, so I quarreled with her. I didn't expect her Thinking so much, Xiaosha, you can't doubt me!" How could the fat man not know what you meant in Luo Ziyue's words, and immediately explained to her in a panic.

The brows were full of anxiety, Luo Ziyue quietly sized him up for a while, "Stretch out your hand!"

The fat man looked at her in astonishment, not knowing what she was going to do, but obediently stretched out his hand.

A wave of spiritual power drilled into his body along his palm, with a hot force, as if it wanted to roast his whole body from the inside to the outside, it was very uncomfortable, but he still forced Resisting not moving, let Luo Ziyue's spiritual power run amok in his body.

"Small, Xiaosha, me, what's wrong with me?" The meridians seemed to be twisted and hurt, the fat man clenched his teeth, and asked every word as if he was spitting out from between his teeth.

Luo Ziyue didn't speak, but the movements of her hands sped up, "I don't know yet, at the moment, I'm just a little suspicious, I have to check your body first to know!"

When the fat man heard what she said, there was no news immediately, cold sweat dripped from his forehead drop by drop, his face was extremely pale, and he looked like he was suffering from a serious illness.

However, when Luo Ziyue's spiritual power was withdrawn from his body, he felt an inexplicable sense of comfort all over his body, as if he had a lot of energy!
"Xiao Cha, what's wrong with me?" The fat man looked at Luo Ziyue in astonishment.

Luo Ziyue patted him on the shoulder: "Evil things have entered your body, you are a fool with good luck, and there is nothing wrong with you, let's go!"

Luo Ziyue was extremely silent along the way.

However, it didn't take long for most of the people to know that she had left the customs, but seeing her in a hurry, they didn't dare to go up to say hello to her.

When Luo Ziyue returned to the dormitory, Mi Xuan had already returned. When she saw her, she froze for a moment, and immediately realized it.

"You are back. You don't know that this fat man has bullied me a lot during your retreat, but what about the others? Why haven't I seen them since I came back?"

Luo Ziyue smiled at her, walked upstairs without stopping, "They are all upstairs, but something happened, I have to go up and have a look!"

"Ah? What happened? I'll go with you!" Mi Xuan froze for a moment, and immediately followed.

When the fat man saw her, his complexion was not very good. He was about to speak, but was stopped by Luo Ziyue's eyes, but he didn't want to be seen by Mi Xuan, "Damn fat man, something happened to them, don't you suspect it's her?" What the hell am I doing?"

"Whether it's your fault, you know it very well!"

After all, the fat man still couldn't control his temper, maybe it was because he had been through too much suffering during this time.

"Fatty, tell me clearly. I know very well what it means to be a ghost by me?" Mi Xuan immediately gave up and stopped him, not allowing him to go any further. After you left, it started like this, you said, who would believe it if you weren't?"

The chapter problem has been revised... What!

(End of this chapter)

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