Chapter 380 The Moon Goddess Appears
"Are you also like him, suspecting that I did it?" Mi Xuan set her eyes on Luo Ziyue and asked word by word.

Luo Ziyue looked at her with a slight headache, but still said to her in a good temper: "Xuanxuan, I just came out of retreat and don't know anything yet, how could I suspect you?"

"If I say, it's not me, do you believe it!?" Mi Xuan stared at her, as if she must give her an answer.

Luo Ziyue took a deep look at her, "As long as it's yours, I'll believe it."

Hearing what she said, a bright smile appeared on Mi Xuan's face.

"Well, I'll tell you now that their affairs have nothing to do with me. I haven't lived here during this period of time, so I don't even know that something happened to them. If I didn't know that they said you were out of customs, would I Will be back!"

"Let's go up and see them first!" Luo Ziyue nodded, indicating that she had already done these things, and her gaze fell on the fat man's face, "Tell me about their symptoms during this period! Didn't you go to Yao Lao for the big thing?"

"I went to look for it, but Yao Lao's apprentice said that he was also in seclusion during this time, as if he was studying some kind of elixir, and he hadn't come out of the alchemy room, so they didn't dare to go up to him rashly, for fear... ..."

The fat man didn't say anything, but Luo Ziyue already understood what he meant, nodded slightly, didn't speak, and went up the stairs silently, followed by Mi Xuan, looking at her back with complicated eyes.

When Luo Ziyue saw the monkeys and the others, she was taken aback by their appearance. They looked like drug addicts. With panda eyes, he kept bowing his body and coughing, at the same time.bare.The exposed skin had bulging veins, vaguely as if something was crawling inside their bodies, which was extremely scary.

"Have they been like this all this time?"

Luo Ziyue was slightly taken aback, and wanted to enter their room without thinking too much, but was pulled back by Mi Xuan, "You can't go in, they are like this, if you go in so rashly, you will be infected!"

"Fatty has been taking care of them all this time, isn't he all right?"

Luo Ziyue looked at Mi Xuan in surprise, and at the same time set her eyes on the fat man beside her, looking him up and down.

"Tch, do you know who he is?" Mi Xuan looked at the fat man contemptuously, making Luo Ziyue confused, "I knew you didn't know anything, and you just wanted to tell him what he was talking about. I'm guilty, I said, when did you become so childish?"

"Xuanxuan, have you misunderstood something? I have never convicted you!"

Luo Ziyue was really confused now, looking at the uncomfortable monkey in the room, she didn't think much, she broke away from Mi Xuan's hand and wanted to go in, but Mi Xuan grabbed her body first.

"Today, I'll let you see who he is!"

Before she finished speaking, she quickly launched an attack on Fatty, with fierce moves, directly hitting his vitals.

"You dare to plant the blame on me, fat man, I'll never end with you!"

The fat man seemed to have some scruples, thinking that the defense failed to meet her expectations and launched a counterattack. A stern look flashed across Mi Xuan's eyes. He didn't care so much, and directly showed his real body. His moves were more tricky than before. Defend.

Luo Ziyue stood quietly on the spot. Mi Xuan's body-holding technique had already been deciphered by her, but she wanted to know what they were trying to do. She stood quietly on the spot all the time and did not take any action to stop their fight.

She had long expected that the people around her would not be too simple, but she just kept thinking that it would not be a big problem if they were only in the college for a while. At present, they don't seem to think so. If so, She didn't seem to need to hide her real identity anymore.

While thinking about it, her appearance gradually changed, and the neat samurai uniform also changed into a white floor-length skirt.

There are faint overflows of colorful petals between the eyebrows.

When Fatty and Mi Xuan were fighting hard, the monkey in the room suddenly jumped out and attacked Luo Ziyue.

People from other rooms also ran out and surrounded Luo Ziyue.

The moves were tricky, and the shots were fierce, forcing Luo Ziyue to resist step by step.

"It seems that I really fell into your trap!" Luo Ziyue sneered, and suddenly jumped out. Suddenly, the whole person burst out of the roof. The huge movement alarmed the people in the academy, and the others Come out and watch.

Yun Lao hid in the dark and watched their fight, but did not show up to stop it. To him, this was like a test of Luo Ziyue's cultivation achievements during this period of time. She needed to use actual combat to consolidate their strength.

I don't know if everyone is in collusion, let them fight hard, but still no one came out to stop, suddenly, a strong suction rushed towards Luo Ziyue who was fighting, before she could After reacting, the whole person has disappeared in front of everyone's eyes and lost the audio.

This caused the elders in the dark to twitch their eyebrows, and suddenly, a dazzling light appeared from Luna Square.

The huge seven-color ball rises slowly, expands infinitely, envelops the whole academy little by little, and all the people shrouded in it have a feeling of spiritual clarity, as if the body has been ill for many years All have dissipated.

The huge statue of the goddess gradually protrudes high in the sky, so that people on the whole continent can clearly see it.

Noble majestic and holy.

People unconsciously worshiped her in the direction where she was, but when her eyes fell on the direction of the boundary between humans and demons, a slightly dissatisfied voice sounded: "It seems that the creatures of the demon race will attack the human race in a short time. Attacked violently."

The moderate voice just happened to allow many super powerful experts on the mainland to hear clearly.

He couldn't help but take a deep breath, and all kinds of strange fantasies that happened in the mainland in the past few years suddenly appeared in his mind.

"The catastrophe is approaching, and the human race needs to unite to deal with it. A new savior has arrived, and you all need to obey her orders. Those who violate it will be killed without mercy!"

The cold voice was as crisp as a silver bell, but the words that came out were indifferent without any trace of warmth.

"Remember the teachings of the moon god."

Under the powerful coercion, all the strong people of the human race knelt down and worshiped her. Luo Ziyue hid in the dark, watching the slide on the screen curiously, as if the entire continent had completely appeared In front of her eyes, she can see everything in the mainland clearly through the eyes of the Moon God. At the same time, the feeling that the world is under control really fascinates her.

(End of this chapter)

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