Chapter 325 I Can Eat Meat (3)
The young man caught the killing intent in Zhao Yingzi's eyes. It was the cold eyes of a hunter when he treated his prey. He used to treat other people like this. He suddenly smiled, although his nose was bruised and his face was swollen and his smile was ugly.

"why are you laughing?"

"I laugh at myself for being sad. This is the end of the matter. I'm still sacrificing my life for Qiongguo, and looking for hope for them. You kill me!" The young man closed his eyes, waiting for Zhao Yingzi to give him a hearty blow.

Zhao Yingzi squinted at the boy for a long time.

According to the young man, he is the 28th prince of the Qiong Kingdom, his father is the son of a merchant, and he came from a humble background, so his voice is also dispensable.But his father was very infatuated with his mother, and he was lucky enough to inherit his mother's seven-point appearance.But his father didn't get his mother's attention because he gave birth to a son with a face similar to his mother's. At first, he didn't understand why his father burst into tears on his face in the dark night. After countless scorn, ridicule and bullying, he gradually understood that it was because of his father's humble background and because his father failed to give birth to a princess.

He got angry and decided to make those who looked down on him and his father look good.So at a party, at the age of five, he knelt down at the feet of his mother and asked to join the Royal Soldier Team. He had thought of all the high-sounding reasons. He wanted to protect the mother, the only royal sister in the palace, In the end, he thought silently in his heart that he still had to protect his father.

His mother praised him very much immediately, so he joined the death squad to receive the most brutal training, and his father was promoted because of this, from the original palace servant to the servant, and he can see him every month To his mother once back.

Ten years later, he became a first-class master, and he was good at disguise and imitation. He became the leader of the death squad and took over the secret missions entrusted to him by her mother.He came back to Yunguo to get rid of Zhao Yingzi, but he didn't know the reason, he only knew that he had to complete the task.

The young man waited for a long time but did not see Zhao Yingzi making a move, so he opened his eyes and heard Zhao Yingzi say: "Lie, bring him some food!"

Not long after Lie went to the backyard, he came back with a tray in his hand. On the tray were six slices of bread, a pot of milk tea, a small dish of hawthorn sauce, and two eggs.

Zhao Yingzi's eyes were a little straight: "Uncle Xu gave it?"

"Miss Mo gave it." Lie replied.

Zhao Yingzi didn't understand, why did Modai, who clearly wanted her to kill the boy just now, feed the boy so well?Last meal?

"Miss Mo said, since the master wants to keep him, don't abuse him." Lie said again.

Zhao Yingzi looked at the boy's face, then at her own fist, raised her eyebrows and said, "I didn't abuse him!" Then she said, "Give him a medicine and untie him!"

Lie did as he did, pinched his chin roughly, forced him to take a black pill, then untied him and untied his hole.

"Hey, let's eat, let me tell you, this breakfast was made by Xiao Daidai herself, you have to know how to be grateful!" Zhao Yingzi pulled up a chair and sat down. Seeing that the boy took the initiative to clean his hands in front of the shelf where the washbasin was placed behind the door, he grabbed Picking up the bread, he stuffed it into his mouth, so he couldn't help but say, "The red sauce is reserved for you to spread on the bread."

The boy was stunned for a moment, thought for a while, and spread the hawthorn paste on the bread. After applying one piece, he put another piece on top of it, so that all the bread was stacked together, and then he picked it up and bit it.Zhao Yingzi thought this kid was good at eating, but seeing him eating made her hungry again.

The young man ate very quickly, and within a short while he wiped out all the things Lie brought.

"Hey, boy, don't think that I don't know anything. I know some of the royal family members of your Qiong Kingdom. Let me ask you, is it because your eldest daughter, Guan Yuan, died?"

The young man was startled again, and after a long silence, he said, "He's not dead, he's sick..."

"Fart! You must be dead! Otherwise, how could you be so excited when you saw Xiao Daidai? It means that Xiao Daidai is the hope of your Qiong Kingdom, otherwise, when the queen of your Qiong Kingdom dies and there is no queen to succeed you, you will be sure." There will be ambitious ministers usurping the throne and rebelling, and by then your generation of housekeepers will be over!" Zhao Yingzi said while watching the boy's reaction.

"What Mr. Zhao said is, that's what I think!"

"Young man, although you are a prince, you are also a dead man. Which status do you think is more important to your mother?"

"Dead man." The young man smiled wryly, "My father passed away last year. Before he died, he made me swear that he would be loyal to his mother and sister for the rest of his life, otherwise he would die with regret!"

"Tch! Your father is obsessed with your mother, and you only think about your father. I'm afraid he doesn't treat your son very well! Now that you have confessed, do you think your mother will let you go? Do you think we Yun will let you go?"

The boy's eyes dimmed, and there was a layer of lifelessness shrouded in it.

"How about this, you are dead, your current life is mine, I will not reveal your identity, how about following me?" Zhao Yingzi raised the boy's chin wickedly, "I will give you a new name, Huo ,how?"

The young man was stunned for a moment, then looked away lightly: "I want to follow that girl."

Zhao Yingzi almost vomited blood from internal injuries, thinking that she is chic, unrestrained, suave, handsome and unrestrained, Mrs. Zhao Yingzi can't seduce a young boy, if this is said, what will her face be?Silence it!
"That girl is my sister, I want to protect her!"

"Bullshit! Where does your protective mood come from? You just met each other. Don't talk about blood relationship with sister. In your royal family, this thing is worse than paper!"

"I want to find some meaning to live. Since I was a child, none of my so-called relatives has ever cooked a meal for me. Even the elder sister Guan Yuan, who treats me better than other princes, is only because of me." She looks similar to her, and I can protect her, but that girl is different, she didn't hate me because I was an enemy, she didn't abuse me, and she personally helped me..."

"Hey, boy, your understanding is wrong. Xiao Daidai didn't cook for you alone, but just by the way, do you understand?" Zhao Yingzi stroked her forehead, "What's your name?"

"Guan Xuan."

"All right, Guan Xuan, since you choose to follow Xiao Daidai, I won't force you to stay by my side, but it depends on Xiao Daidai's wishes!"

"Thank you Master Zhao for not killing me!"

During lunch, when Zhao Yingzi brought Guan Xuan, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face, to the backyard, when Guan Xuan saw Modai, he kowtowed to her and called her sister, and vowed to follow her and protect her.

Modai was a little puzzled, Zhao Yingzi spread her hands to express that she was also helpless, she wanted to accept him as a subordinate, but he didn't want to!

Mo You suddenly stared at Guan Xuan hostilely, Guan Xuan glanced at Mo You lightly, then looked away, Mo You became more and more angry, he clearly felt that he was being despised by Guan Xuan!

(End of this chapter)

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