Chapter 326 I Can Eat Meat (4)
Naturally, Mo Dai did not agree to accept Guan Xuan as a bodyguard. An enemy from the country with strong martial arts skills, she didn't want to put a time bomb by her side, so she asked Zhao Yingzi to take it with her.

Guan Xuan was a little disappointed, but he also knew that it was because Modai didn't trust him, so he should stay by Mr. Zhao's side for the time being!In fact, when he heard Zhao Yingzi say that the back of Mo Dai's head did not have the whitening crescent brand, he was also a little uncertain. After all, he is only 16 years old now, and he only learned about the secrets in the palace from the old people in the palace. As far as I know, there is no historical record.

The old people said that the queen mother Miaoyi gave birth to the elder sister Guan Yuan, and no one gave birth to a princess in the next few years, but six years later, the queen mother Xingchen also gave birth to a daughter. The baby girl, the mother emperor was very happy, but the baby girl was abducted out of the palace by an unfavorable palace servant within a few days after she was born, and her whereabouts have been unknown since then.However, when the royal heirs of the Qiong Kingdom were born, they would have a crescent brand mark on the back of their head, and a kind of ointment would be applied on the brand mark, which would make the brand mark white and never disappear.

The old people said that the palace is heavily guarded, and it is impossible for a mere palace servant to abduct the princess out of the palace, unless someone of high status orders and someone responds, but the queen mother has been secretly investigating for nearly a month and has not been able to find out the truth Xingchen, the queen mother's noble gentleman, fell ill because of this, and died of depression not long after.

Although Mo Dai made it clear that he did not want to have much contact with Guan Xuan, but he also prepared his portion when eating, and his seat was next to Mo You's.Mo You glared at Guan Xuan fiercely again, and obviously moved aside, Guan Xuan still glanced at Mo You lightly, and sat there quietly waiting to eat.

Today, Modai roasted a whole chicken in the oven, then fried hot and sour potato shreds, and then a big pot of vegetable meatball soup.Instead of cooking rice, Modai baked dozens of pancakes.

The family once again saw Mo Dai's unique skill of dismantling chicken bones, and even Guan Xuan, who killed people without batting an eyelid, couldn't help but stare wide-eyed.He is good at killing people, but he doesn't know how to remove chicken bones cleanly and neatly as if dancing like Modai, he only knows how to kill people quickly, firmly and accurately.

Zhao Yingzi whistled: "Xiao Daidai, you are amazing! I admire you so much!"

Mo Dai ignored her, and just sliced ​​the boneless chicken into slices again. On the side plate was shredded scallions, and the other two small bowls were filled with hawthorn sauce and meat sauce.

The pancakes baked by Modai are in a large sheet. She randomly tore a small piece the size of a palm, put a handful of shredded green onion on top, sandwiched two slices of chicken, and finally spread it with bacon sauce and rolled it into a The small cylinder was passed to Xu Shaolin: "Father, how does it taste?" This is similar to a modern dish, except that the duck is replaced by chicken, and the shredded cucumber is missing.

Xu Shaolin took a bite and said it was delicious.Mo Dai smiled, as long as it was made by her, even wild vegetables and grass roots, Xu Shaolin would say it was delicious.Mo Dai made another bag for Mo Xiaoyu and Mo Xiaoyi, and Maru Niu couldn't wait for it, so he hummed and hummed to remind Modomo to forget about it.

The whole family followed Modai's example and began to wrap them up. Some like bacon sauce, some like hawthorn sauce. Besides chicken, shredded potatoes are also delicious. Of course, this may be the first time they eat fresh , so the whole family ate with gusto, especially Mo Xiaoyu and Mo Xiaoyi.

But Wanniu can't do it. For breakfast, it can still dip its mouth with hawthorn sauce and smear it on the slices of bread, but it can't do anything about the way of eating rolls and vegetables. It can only ask Modai to wrap ready-made ones for it again and again. eat.Mo Dai was tired of wrapping it, so he suggested that it take a bite of cake and a bite of vegetables, but the pig didn't agree, and had to let Modai wrap it, or it would be discriminating against it as a pig.

Zhao Yingzi was stuffing one into her mouth when she suddenly remembered that Qiongqing and Ciena hadn't come yet, so she said, "I'll call Xiaoqinger and Ciena to come over for dinner!"

"No need, I'll send it over later." Mo Dai helped Maru Niu wrap two cakes, then separated the portion of Qiongqing and the enamel, put them on a tray, and walked out of the dining room with them.

Zhao Yingzi said so cheaply: "Xiao Daidai, you are so kind to Xiao Qinger, she is so jealous!"

Mo Dai didn't turn her head back, but just replied flatly: "I don't know which guy whose brain was kicked by a donkey did it. You know, Wan Yan has already been here."

"What? She came here? How did you hook up with her?" Zhao Yingzi almost choked on the pancake.

Mo Dai ignored her, and came to the guest room in the front yard with a tray. Cilan was about to go out, and when she saw Mo Dai, she was pleasantly surprised: "Miss Mo, what a coincidence that you came, I just wanted to go to the backyard for lunch!"

Seeing that what Mo Dai brought today was chicken and meatballs, his eyes lit up immediately. He liked these two more, and then he became embarrassed again: "Miss Mo, my son is a vegetarian and doesn't eat meat!"

"Your son eats vegetarian food and recites scriptures with all his heart dedicated to Buddha?"


"Does it make you sick to eat meat?"


"Would you be allergic to red spots all over your body after eating meat?"

"No..." Cilan suddenly felt a little funny, these conversations were so similar to those in the morning, Miss Mo was really interesting, but didn't she know that some people have no reason, just dislike meat?

"Since it's not, let your young master try it. Only by eating meat will your body be strong!"

Porcelain was amused, and thought, maybe Miss Mo really has a way to make the young master eat meat.

Same as in the morning, Qiongqing was still sitting quietly at the table, his moon-white clothes were spotless, he was sitting there like a beautiful and fresh snow-colored magnolia plant quietly blooming on the branches. Flowers like clouds and snow.

Mo Dai suddenly remembered the time when she was blind, in order not to cause trouble to Mu Qianche, she tried to stay in the room as much as possible, sitting there quietly thinking about things.

"My lord, Miss Mo has brought you food again!" Ci glaze said.

"Miss Laomo." Qiong Qing nodded.

"Can you eat the chicken?" Mody asked.

Qiong Qing visibly froze for a moment, thinking about it, he felt disgusted.

"Do you want to try it? Dip it in sweet and sour hawthorn sauce?"

"Okay..." Qiongqing was obviously trying to force himself. Although he likes hawthorn sauce, can chicken be eaten with that?

Mo Dai quickly wrapped a piece for him and handed it to him: "Eat it if you can eat it, and put it away if you can't eat it. There are also hot and sour potato shreds here. I will let the enamel wrap it for you later!"

"Thank you." Qiongqing took a bite and thought it was acceptable. The taste he hated at first, but because of his favorite hawthorn sauce, he was able to eat it.

Ciena was stunned, his son?You can actually eat meat!
Qiongqing ate another pancake roll with potato shreds. As for the meatballs, he still couldn't eat them, but he ate the vegetables and the soup.Cilan felt that this was already a great deal, if the Empress knew about it, she would be very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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