Chapter 61
"Auntie in the hall, don't talk nonsense, how dare I hit you, it's clear that you want to hit my son, I'm just blocking it for my son!"

After Mo Dai finished speaking, she released her wrist. The angle of her release was a bit off, so that Mo Achun somehow slapped Mo Dai on the face the moment her wrist was released. The voice was so loud that Mo Jinhua, the patriarch standing outside the courtyard gate, couldn't help being startled, and couldn't help but leaned closer to the crack of the door to look in, and saw obvious red fingerprints on Mo Dai's fair left cheek, and Mo Achun's hand was still in the motion of fanning people.

Mo Achun didn't expect that she slapped Mo Dai in the face, but she slapped it right away, and she still felt relieved: "What's wrong with my old lady just beating your son? Who told him that he didn't learn well at a young age, and even took mud Throwing old lady, look at the old lady's sarong is dirty, this is a new sarong, old lady, can you afford it?"

Mo Dai ignored Mo Achun's yelling, but turned around and hugged Mo Xiaoyu who was trembling with fright.Mo Xiaoyu was trying not to cry at first, but now seeing a bright red mark on Mo Dai's face, which was still slightly swollen, he stretched out his little hand timidly to touch the mark, and suddenly burst into tears , crying and choking, said: "Mother... Mother... Pain... Pain..."

Mo Dai smiled and wiped away his tears: "Mother doesn't hurt, Xiao Yu won't cry, go back to the house with your father." Then she handed Mo Xiaoyu to Mo Wufeng.

Mo Wufeng was relieved to see that Mo Xiaoyu was fine, but he felt a little uncomfortable seeing Mo Dai being slapped by Mo Achun.

At this moment, Mo Wuqing, who hadn't appeared just now, suddenly turned in from the backyard of Mo Guihua's house, holding a wooden stick in his hand, with an angry expression on his face, he opened his mouth and said, "Ma'am, I respect you as an elder." , but don't push yourself too hard, see my family is old and weak and easy to bully, so come here every now and then to make a fuss! If you continue to make trouble today, Mo Wuqing will be called a disrespectful elder by Mo's Village, and I will definitely Knock you out the door!" When Mo Wuqing spoke, his chest heaved violently, his big belly was trembling, and he, who was always short-tempered, seemed to be very angry.

Everyone was shocked by Mo Wuqing's words, and Mo Jinhua outside the courtyard also frowned. Even if there was a reason today, but Mo Wuqing said too much, how could he beat the elders out of the door?

Mo Dai looked at Mo Wuqing, amused and angry. Originally, she planned to invite Mo Achun and Mo Alan out of the house with a few words, but Xu Shaolin first, then Mo Xiaoyu, and now it was Mo Wuqing. Come on, Mo Achun is afraid that there will be trouble.

As expected, Mo Achun came back to his senses and yelled at Mo Wu: "You brat, dare to touch my mother! Your father, an old idiot, didn't teach you well, and my mother taught you for him! You actually said that my mother bullied you The family is weak, I'm sorry, if I don't think about the dead Ah Hua, I will take care of you! I will teach you a lesson today, a plague-stricken child. I don't know how to respect the elders, and yell at the elders. I will beat you and lose your child. , others will not say anything about my mother!"

Mo Achun spoke indiscriminately, and looked around looking for someone while talking, but the yard of Mo Guihua's house was very clean, there was no "murder weapon" such as sticks at all, and the only rolling pin leaning against the door of the main room was drying Only then did Mo Achun see it, and the big cat swished over and ran into the main room carrying it on its back.Mo Wuyun took the opportunity to run out and pull Mo Wuqing into the west room.

Mo Achun was furious, and scolded together with Mo Guihua's family: "Mo Guihua, thinking of how kind and honest your dead old mother and father were, how could you ever want to give birth to a plague-stricken bastard like you, tell my old mother Said, ever since Daxi's family came to live in your house, how much benefit has your family taken from them, huh? It's a coincidence that this bastard, Mo Daxi, was cheated and still didn't know, even if she was in the town, no matter how Sooner or later, your family will squeeze you dry!"

"Aunt Achun, what are you talking about? When did I, Mo Guihua, lie to Daxi? And when did I take advantage of her family? I dare not wear such a big cap that you buckle all over the sky!" Mo Guihua's complexion was even worse I was so angry that I clenched my fists tightly.

"You said you didn't take advantage of it. Do you dare to tell me how much money Daxi's family gave you to live in your house? Don't dare, the money is to go to the town to stay in an inn, and the rooms are all good. It's not like your shabby house. Bad house..."

"You, you, what did you say?" Mo Guihua was so angry that she wanted to go out to argue with Mo Achun, but was stopped by Grand Minister Gongsun Xi, "The money I didn't want originally was forced into me by Daxi , I thought about keeping it for her first, and then I will bring it back to her when she has difficulties..."

"Yo, that sounds nice! Who knows what's going on in your heart, if you dare, hand over the money!" Mo Ahchun said, his eyes were obviously greedy for money.

"Just hand it over, whoever is afraid of who..." Mo Guihua gritted her teeth angrily, and was interrupted by Mo Dai before she finished speaking.

"Sister-in-law Osmanthus, there is no need to explain the matter between you and me to outsiders. I'm really sorry for causing you trouble!" Mo Dai cupped her fists at Mo Guihua and saluted, with an apologetic smile on her face.

Seeing this, Mo Guihua couldn't help but soften her face, that's right, Mo Daxi didn't say anything about her, what is Mo Achun, an old bastard!
"Mo Daxi, you actually said that we are outsiders? What an outsider, you son of a bitch with a white eye, actually told outsiders about your elders, let's see how I teach you today!" Mo Achun shouted, He wants to jump up and beat up Mody.

As soon as Mo Dai dodged and dodged, Mo Achun staggered forward and took two quick steps, almost fell to the ground, turned around, and wanted to rush over again, but heard Mo Dai loudly: "Aunt Xiaotang, you Did you come to fight today?"

Mo Alan, who was leisurely watching a play, suddenly raised his handsome eyebrows when he heard Mo Dai calling her.

When Mo Achun heard that Mo Dai was called Mo Alan, she couldn't help being stunned, and subconsciously glanced at Mo Alan, but saw a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, and the raised eyebrows were obviously warning her.Mo Achun held back his hands embarrassingly, but he was still unwilling.

"Aunt Xiaotang, although I, Mo Daxi, am a fool, I have also learned how to write the word 'reason' from my father. Aren't you here to talk about reasoning, but to fight?" Mo Dai said "fight" twice , Mo Achun's rough face twitched involuntarily, while Mo Alan's face remained unchanged, and there was still a half-smile on the corner of his mouth.

When Mo Dai saw it, she sneered in her heart. Mo Alan, a smiling tiger, came with Mo Achun every time, but she always maintained an attitude of not getting involved. Finally, after Mo Achun blackmailed the benefits, she followed to reap the benefits , the reputation outside will not be bad.

Oh, what a nice man!Want to reap the benefits of nothing?Dream it!
Among the three sisters, Mo Achun, Mo Ahua, and Mo Alan, Mo Achun was the roughest, with a square face and thick eyebrows, eyes staring like bull's eyes, and a tall five and three thick, a full head and a half taller than Mo Dai; the dead Mo Ahua has an honest and kind face, she is thin and has no temper; while Mo Alan is the best-looking of the three sisters, with handsome features and a tall and straight figure, not as thin as Mo Ahua, and also Not as thick as Mo Achun, when he was young, he was one of the most beauties in Mojia Village.

(End of this chapter)

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