Chapter 62
Not to mention the dead Mo Ahua, Mo Achun and Mo Alan are recognized as good sisters in the village. If there is anything in the village, they all attend together, and the relationship is naturally close in the eyes of outsiders.Mo Achun has an aggressive temper and takes the lead in making troubles in everything, while Mo Alan is calm and calm. She is the last to speak and has a good reputation in the village.

Mo Dai recalled Mo Alan's information from Mo Daxi's memory early in the morning, and knew that talking to Mo Achun was like playing the piano, and the problem could only be resolved by negotiating with Mo Alan who seemed indifferent to the matter.

Seeing that Mo Dai kept looking at her, those bright black pupils seemed to be able to look into her soul, Mo Alan couldn't bear it any longer, so he could only clear his throat and said: "Look at what you said, Daxi, we are naturally here To be reasonable, the elder sister was just playing with you just now!" Mo Alan said with a smile, but he was a little puzzled in his heart. He went to Mo Daxi's house a few days ago and did not see Mo Daxi. I feel that Mo Daxi is a little different from the past. When did Mo Daxi, who was famous as a bastard in Mojia Village but also a mess, dare to look at her?
After listening to Mo Alan's words, Mo Dai sneered in her heart, just kidding?Oh, there is nothing better than talking nonsense with your eyes open!
"I think so, otherwise, how could Aunt Datang call me a son of a bitch? My mother and Aunt Xiaotang are from the same mother. If my mother is a dog, then Aunt Datang and Aunt Xiaotang are also dogs." ?” Mo Dai also said with a smile.

"Pfft!" Mo Jinhua, the patriarch outside the door, was suddenly poked in the laughing hole, and quickly covered his mouth to hold back his laughter.

"You son of a bitch, who are you calling a dog?" Mo Achun didn't react, and continued to scold like this.

"Big sister!" Mo Alan called out to stop Mo Achun, "Hehe, Daxi, your aunt in the hall is a big bastard, she can't speak, and she has a lot of mantras on weekdays. You, a junior, don't care about her !"

A junior?Heh, is this trying to oppress her as an elder?

"Of course Daxi doesn't dare to haggle over with the elders, so just now, when Aunt Datang pushed my father down, I cowardly held back and didn't dare to make a sound; Aunt Datang wanted to hit my son Xiaoyu, so I had no choice but to bite the bullet and replace my son. I was slapped; the aunt in the hall yelled at me for being a father-in-law and threatened him to kill the unborn child in his womb. Even though this child was most likely to be my eldest daughter, Mo Daxi, I still cowardly bowed my head and endured it. ;Auntie in the lobby also framed and abused my sister-in-law Osmanthus, which is my brother and foot, but I still endured it cowardly. All of these, Auntie Xiaotang, do you think I have done enough as a junior?"

Mo Dai told about Mo Achun's series of crimes, Mo Achun gritted his teeth and stared anxiously, showing no shame, while Mo Alan twitched the corners of his mouth, although there was an apologetic smile on his face, but his heart was full of regret. Slandering Mo Daxi, when did this stinky girl become so eloquent?

After hearing what Mo Dai said, Xu Shaolin in the west room had red eye circles, Mo Wuyun's three brothers had red eye circles, Mo Guihua in the main room also had red eye circles, and even Mo Jinhua standing outside the door couldn't help sighing .

Mo Dai looked at Mo Alan, and without waiting for her to reply, she continued: "If it's not enough, I can strip off the long gown, wear only a thin inner garment, and carry thorns on my back, and kneel at the door of Aunt Hall and Aunt Xiaotang Before. You can beat me with thorns, this cowardly loser, because I never let my family live well, but every now and then I scrape from my house Wuyun's hard-earned embroidery money to buy wine and gamble !"

"I finally wanted to make amends, so I went up the mountain to hunt a wild boar. I thought I would carry the wild boar to the market and sell it for some money so that my father, husband and children could live a better life, but I didn't want the aunt in the hall and Aunt Xiaotang mistakenly thought that I was going to gamble again, and instead took away the basket of wild pork weighing more than two hundred catties from my house, saying that she would temporarily keep it for my house. For this, I was very grateful, so I went to the town Fu Mantang got a job as the second wife, thinking that when I earn more money, I bought some wine and meat to thank Aunt Datang and Aunt Xiaotang, thank you for temporarily keeping the basket weighing more than two hundred catties for my family. Wild pork. But it happened that the house leaked overnight, and my house unfortunately collapsed due to the erosion of the torrential rain in the past few days..."

At this point when Mo Dai said, there was a wry smile on the corner of her mouth, and tears suddenly flowed down. Seeing Mo Guihua, she couldn't help turning her back and raised her sleeves to wipe her tears, and her three husbands also kept wiping their tears.

In the west room, Xu Shaolin was crying for a long time, and the three Mo Wuyun brothers were also crying more and more fiercely. Listening to Mo Dai telling the bad things that happened in these days, he suddenly felt bitter in his heart. Why is this day so difficult? ?
When Mo Xiaoyu and Mo Xiaoyi saw the adult crying, they also cried. For a moment, the room was full of sobbing, so miserable.

"It's nonsense, what do you mean that Alan and I will temporarily keep the meat for your family? It's obviously given by your father..." Mo Achun was anxious to argue with Mo Dai, but Mo Alan stared sharply and stopped.

"Daxi, the matter is not..."

"Auntie Xiaotang, please listen to me first. Our dilapidated house collapsed, and I thought about not letting my family be exposed to the heavy rain outside. At this time, Mrs. Osmanthus kindly took our family in. I am very grateful to them, so I I must let them accept the [-] Wen wages that I paid in advance from Fumantang. The [-] Wen money is my wages for a hard month, and it looks like a lot, but if our family of seven eats and drinks at Sister-in-law Osmanthus’s house, How long can I last? Sister-in-law Osmanthus's family is not rich, and I can't drag their family down. I thought that when the nine hundred Wen money was used up, I would take the whole family to live with Aunt Datang and Aunt Xiaotang for a while. In view of the fact that you and my mother are of the same mother and compatriots, I think you will definitely not accept money from us, and you will not dislike our family for eating and drinking for nothing, will you?"

"Uh, this..." Mo Alan was also speechless, but he was swearing in his heart, this damn girl actually took her into the gutter, no, I have to find a way to cure her, and then listen to her, Today they just steal chickens and lose money!
As soon as Mo Achun heard that Mo Dai was going to bring the whole family to their house for free to eat, drink and live for free, he was so angry that his rough face turned into a liver-colored color, and he was panting like a cow, and when he stared at Mo Dai, he immediately As if Mo Dai had killed her whole family, she wished she could strangle Mo Dai to death.

Mo Dai didn't care about Mo Achun's hatred, and she didn't intend to give Mo Alan room to think, so she said persistently: "Now, my house has collapsed, and I need a lot of money to rebuild it. The basket of two hundred catties of wild pork that Aunt Xiaotang temporarily kept for our family can be returned to us, so that we can take the meat to the town and sell it for money. Wild pork is no less rare than domestic pork, and it is very rare. The shopkeepers in the whole hall count me forty yuan a catty. If it is more than two hundred catties, it can be sold for more than eight taels of silver. This should be enough for us to build a house. Ah, Aunt Xiaotang, Aunt Datang, to express my gratitude, the two I will keep the remaining [-] catties of pork as a tribute to you, and I will only take [-] catties, you see, when will I get that basket of meat back..."

(End of this chapter)

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