Amazing knowledge

Chapter 3 Food and Drink Research Institute: Foodies become idiots if they don’t understand technolo

Chapter 3 Food and Drink Research Institute: Foodies become idiots if they don’t understand technology

*Is it true that if you drink too much coffee, you will become a "Princess Taiping"?

Practicality: ★★★

Knowledge: ★★★★
Interesting: ★★★

"Over three cups of coffee will make your breasts smaller." Coffee-loving women are probably devastated when they hear this statement. Drinking a cup of coffee can make their breasts smaller. Can they still drink coffee happily in the future?

If you want to make your breasts bigger, you can only resort to plastic surgery, but a cup of coffee can make your breasts shrink. The flat-chested girl has already felt full of malice from the world.Coffee is a good thing to refresh yourself, how can it suddenly become a "chest killer"?
In fact, this phenomenon was discovered by a scientist from Sweden.The scientist who made this discovery is really idle.

However, the scientist's scientific discovery is that "some people's coffee intake is correlated with breast size."

The study selected 269 healthy women to detect the CYP1A2*1F gene types in their DNA. After a period of follow-up investigation, the research team found that in women with CYP1A2*1F C-allele genes, intake of a certain amount of Coffee made their breasts smaller, but another group of women with the CYP1A2*1F A/A gene had no relationship with coffee size.

The research does not directly and clearly show that coffee can shrink women's breasts and turn girls into "Princess Taiping". The scientific research results only show that "women with certain genes who consume a lot of coffee every day may make their breasts smaller."

The results of scientific research are only a direction of judgment and are not universal.Moreover, the impact of this level is so small that it can be ignored, and it is all linked to genes. Breast size is related to congenital factors and puberty development. Small is small, and there is no need to have anything to do with coffee.

It is a great blessing in life to enjoy the comfort and relaxation brought by a cup of coffee in your spare time. It would be a pity to say goodbye to coffee just because of this unsubstantiated gossip.

The final word: Instead of worrying about whether drinking coffee will turn you into a "Princess Taiping", it is better to do a few chest expansion exercises when you have time.The fact that coffee makes breasts smaller is somewhat speculative and unreliable.

* Drinking too much water can also be poisoned, is it true?
Practicality: ★★★

Knowledge: ★★★★
Interesting: ★★
There used to be a media that advertised "eight glasses of water a day, detoxification and beauty", and there used to be a saying that "drink more water to lose weight faster", but now, some people say that "drinking too much water will cause poisoning", a simple cup Water can make so many tricks, how should water be drunk?
The kidney is the most important excretory organ of the human body. The water that is essential for our survival is led by the kidneys. Generally speaking, the kidneys are specialized in "urine production".

But if you talk about it in detail, the balance of water, electrolytes and acid-base metabolism in our body is regulated by the kidneys.Water is the most important component of blood plasma. The kidneys can absorb the nutrients in the water, and then excrete the waste produced by the body's metabolism through urine and sweat.

However, the kidneys are not superhuman, and their daily workload has an upper limit, and 1L is the upper limit.If water intake exceeds this range, the kidneys will "strike" because they are not equipped to handle so much water.

This excess water cannot be excreted normally through the kidneys, and it turns to the cells for shelter.The cells themselves are "all comers are welcome", although they themselves are not capable of accepting so much water.

The consequence of drinking too much water is that the cells absorb a large amount of water, resulting in a sharp decrease in the sodium salt content in the blood, causing "hyponatremia", that is, "water intoxication".

Not only that, once the cells start to absorb water, they will enter a vicious cycle. The cells absorb water and swell—the sodium salt content decreases—the water absorbs and swells.If ordinary cells are caught in this cycle, there is still room for remediation, because the spaces between cells allow cells to "expand" to a certain extent.

But this situation does not apply to nerve cells, because the space of nerve cells is very tight, and there is almost no gap between cells. Once the cells start to absorb water and swell, the most direct consequence is that the brain swells, causing brain edema, causing inability to Make up for the injury, even endanger life safety.

The final word: Timely replenishment of water can keep the body full at all times. If the brain sends a "thirsty" signal, it means that the body is seriously dehydrated.But drinking water should also be appropriate, lack of water is not good, and drinking too much water will cause greater harm.

* Is it true that misshapen strawberries cause cancer?

Practicality: ★★★

Knowledge: ★★
Interesting: ★★★★
In 2015, some strawberries on the market encountered an unprecedented crisis of trust, because some strawberries with strange shapes were considered to be swollen and behind the scenes of cancer.Can this ugly strawberry do such bad things?
Whenever the strawberry harvest season comes, those bright and juicy strawberries can always easily capture the hearts of foodies, making foodies willing to pay for them.But compared with those plump and juicy strawberries, there are always some ugly strawberries that no one cares about.

In fact, strawberries grow and fail basically because of insufficient pollination. These strawberries did not get enough nutrients during the growth process, so there are some "flaws" in appearance, but the size of the head cannot be directly linked to the expansion factor.

The large size of some strawberries may be due to their own variety problems.Just like Shanghai Qing, since this variety came out, it was destined to be the "big head" in the vegetable industry.

In addition, even if phytohormones are used during the growth of strawberries, the size of strawberries will not increase as a result.Phytohormones can only accelerate the growth rate of strawberries, and cannot change the traits of strawberries.

Furthermore, if the strawberries are unusually large, then it is indeed possible that the strawberries were grown with swollens.But swollenin is just a common plant growth regulator, not as scary as everyone imagined.

The role of swollenin is mainly to speed up the secretion of cytokinin by plant cells, promote the secretion of auxin, and accelerate the process of cell growth, and the degradation rate of swollenin is very fast. At present, there is no research report on the carcinogenicity of swollenin.

The final word: The geographical location of the plantation area, environmental conditions, and errors in the pollination process may cause distortion of the shape of strawberries, but deformed strawberries are not necessarily harmful to the human body, and judging their quality based on the shape of strawberries is one-sided , very unfair to strawberries.

*Is drinking milk before going to bed really good for sleep?
Practicality: ★★★

Knowledge: ★★★

Interesting: ★★★★
For a long time, milk has been enshrined on altars. "A glass of milk can strengthen a nation" and "A glass of milk at night can lead to a good sleep". These sayings emerge endlessly, but is milk really good for sleep?
Rather than saying that milk helps people sleep, it is better to say that the psychological effects of milk make people sleep faster and more soundly.

Milk does contain factors that help sleep, but its content is very small, in other words, "it doesn't really work".In fact, it may be its heat that milk really benefits sleep.

Relevant studies have shown that there is a subtle relationship between the temperature of the body surface and the speed of falling asleep. If the skin temperature rises, it is relatively easier to fall asleep.As far as this conclusion is concerned, hot baths are more useful than milk in terms of promoting sleep.Take a comfortable hot shower to warm your body, and you may enjoy a good night's sleep.

Furthermore, milk contains a lot of protein, which is really a good nutrient for people with healthy intestines and stomach. For those with gastrointestinal dysfunction, the glass of milk before going to bed is likely to cause diarrhea the next day. the culprit.Because milk is like a powerful protein complex, it is difficult for people with gastrointestinal disorders to overcome them.Undigested milk builds up in the stomach and intestines, naturally causing diarrhea.

Also, for girls who want to maintain their body shape, it is better to abandon the idea that a glass of milk before going to bed is good for sleep, because the fat content in milk is as high as 3.5% to 4.2%, which is still very high. The statement of Yu Anmian has yet to be verified, but a glass of milk before going to bed will help you gain weight.

So comrades who are going to drink a glass of milk before going to bed, first touch your belly and see if it agrees or not!

The final word: In terms of sleep aid, milk has little effect, and it is better to soak your feet in hot water.

*Shrimp and vitamin C are friends, is it true?

Practicality: ★★★★
Knowledge: ★★★

Interesting: ★★★

A rumor from Taiwan shocked the entire foodie world. It is said that because of the habit of taking vitamin C and eating a lot of shrimp that night, a girl from Treasure Island was poisoned by arsenic and died at home.Many friends who love to eat seafood have fallen into a deep entanglement. Can shrimp and vitamin C really not be eaten together?
From a scientific point of view, it is true that shrimp and vitamin C lozenges cannot be eaten together. If swallowed by mistake, the possibility of poisoning or even endangering life safety does exist.

Because seafood products including shrimp do contain a certain amount of arsenic, and the pentavalent arsenic in inorganic arsenic will be reduced to arsenic trioxide, which is arsenic, when it encounters a reducing agent.

Vitamin C is just a natural reducing agent. If the content of the reduced arsenic trioxide reaches a certain concentration, it is equivalent to taking too much arsenic, leading to poisoning or even death.

However, from a practical point of view, this is basically impossible to achieve.

Because the content of inorganic pentavalent arsenic in seafood products is too little, and most of the arsenic contained in shrimp and crab seafood is organic arsenic, organic arsenic is not as fatal as inorganic arsenic, organic arsenic is Like some common other elements, it does no harm to the body.

The content of inorganic arsenic in seafood is only 4%. Even if the inorganic arsenic is completely reduced to arsenic by vitamin C, this small amount of arsenic cannot cause any substantial harm to the human body, because in these Before the arsenic accumulates to a certain concentration, the body's own metabolic system has already removed them from the body.

If it was really poisoned by eating shrimp and vitamin C, assuming that all the pentavalent arsenic in the shrimp was reduced to arsenic trioxide, then it would take 150 kilograms of shrimp to be "poisoned to death".But judging from this, the person who eats it will be strangled to death before being poisoned to death!
The final word: nature is wonderful, some foods are indeed mutually exclusive, but our digestive and metabolic system is also strong enough, as long as we master everything, don't overeat, pay attention to the combination of meat and vegetables, and we will be able to achieve full health.

*Why does the egg white always stick to the shell when you boil an egg?
Practicality: ★★★

Knowledge: ★★★★
Interesting: ★★★

For patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder, peeling eggs is definitely a challenge. If it goes well, just looking at that round and smooth egg is a kind of enjoyment.But sometimes the sky doesn't work out, and the egg whites stick to the eggshell, and those bumpy eggs can drive obsessive-compulsive disorder patients crazy in minutes.Why is the egg white so disobedient sometimes and insists on sticking to the eggshell?
In fact, the egg whites and eggshells are not stuck together for no reason, and the degree to which they are "inseparable" can reflect the freshness of the eggs.The fresher the egg, the harder it is to peel, so next time you peel an egg and the whites keep sticking to the shell, don't blame them, they're just too fresh.

Fresh eggs are still "alive" to some extent, because the egg white of fresh eggs contains a certain concentration of carbon dioxide, but eggs also "breathe", just like humans, they expel the carbon dioxide in the egg white through the eggshell , to exchange fresh oxygen with the outside world.

During the "breathing" process of eggs, the content of carbon dioxide gradually decreases. Carbon dioxide is a weakly acidic gas. Easy to peel.

Another point is that if the eggs are stored for a long time, the water contained in the eggs will gradually evaporate. When the water is less, the space in the eggs will become larger, and a tiny gap will form between the inner and outer membranes of the eggs. One of the boosters for separating egg whites and eggshells.

Finally, although fresh eggs are difficult to peel, they also have dead spots!As long as you add a little salt to the water in which you boil the eggs, the egg shells will obediently say goodbye to the egg whites.

But one thing to pay attention to is that it is best not to cool the freshly boiled eggs with cold water, because the protective film inside the egg shell has been destroyed during the cooking process. Shrink under the stimulation of cold water, although it is easier to peel, but the bacteria in the cold water can easily take advantage of the gap and "contaminate" the eggs.

The final word: if you gain something, you lose it. If the boiled egg is easy to peel, it means that the egg is not fresh.Fresh eggs are more or less difficult to peel, but as long as you take appropriate measures, you can still eat fresh and "beautiful" boiled eggs.

*Why is chili hot?

Practicality: ★★★★
Knowledge: ★★★★
Interesting: ★★★

I believe that everyone has experienced such an experience more or less. After cutting the chili, it feels hot.But why don't we feel sore feet when we step on lemons?Why won't the hand holding the peach be sweetened?What are the secrets of chili peppers?
In fact, this is because everyone misunderstands the feeling of "spicy". It does not belong to taste like sweet and sour. "Spicy" belongs to pain, just like the "tingling", "soreness" and "burning pain" we usually feel. "It's one of a kind.

Chemical substances such as capsaicin contained in peppers can stimulate cells, and then produce a stimulating sensation in the brain. This stimulation is a bit like a burning sensation, but it is not as strong as burning, and the duration is relatively short, so We have been ignoring that spicy is actually a kind of pain.

It's just because we feel this "pain" with our tongues most of the time, so we mistakenly think it's a taste, and ignore that it's actually a pain.

Then someone said: "Aren't the taste buds on the tongue? I can taste sweetness, sourness, and spiciness! So shouldn't spiciness be a kind of taste?" ?” In fact, it wasn’t the spicy taste from eating, but the pain from being so spicy.

Pain is transmitted through nerves, that is to say, where there are nerves, you can feel "pain".There are not only taste buds on the tongue, but also large and small nerves all over the tongue, so we can feel sweet, salty, and spicy from the tongue.

But once tastes such as sweetness and saltiness leave the tongue, humans can no longer feel them, because there is only one organ that can distinguish tastes, and that is the tongue.But we can still feel "spicy" in our hands. This is the difference between spicy and taste, and it is also the fundamental reason why spicy cannot be included in the category of taste.

The final word: The reason why chili is hot is that it does not belong to the sense of taste like sweet, sour, bitter and salty, and can only be recognized by taste buds.Spicy is a pain sensation, and you can feel "spicy" where there are nerves.

*Which one is scarier, squid or fatty meat?
Practicality: ★★★★★

Knowledge: ★★
Interesting: ★★★

Squid has always been a favorite street food for many people. Sizzling squid and bombarded squid are all mouth-watering delicacies.But I heard that there is more cholesterol in a piece of squid than in fatty meat.Which is more "scary" squid or fatty meat?

Mollusc brachiopod seafood such as squid are basically rich in trace elements and protein. Eating these foods can help bone development and improve the body's hematopoietic ability.Squid can nourish yin and nourish the stomach, nourish the liver and tonify deficiency. People with anemia can benefit a lot from eating more of these things.

However, the cholesterol content in squid is indeed surprisingly high. 100 grams of fresh squid contains 233 mg of cholesterol. mg.

Excessive intake of cholesterol will greatly increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, so it is better for people with "three highs" and patients with arteriosclerosis to eat as little squid as possible.

Although the cholesterol content in fatty meat is not as high as squid, it does not mean that fatty meat is a healthy food.Although the cholesterol of fatty meat is not high, the fat content and calories remain high.Fat meat is also not a wise choice for our health.

Moreover, compared with fatty meat, squid has much higher protein content and mineral content, so overall consideration, the nutritional value of squid is higher.

The final word: Both fatty meat and squid belong to the "high" category of food. Fat meat is high in calories and fat, while squid is high in cholesterol. When eating these two foods, you must control the amount and not be greedy, especially People with cardiovascular disease or the "three high" crowd, but in general, fat is more terrible.

*What exactly is a "fat thing"?
Practicality: ★★★

Knowledge: ★★★★
Interesting: ★★★

When we go to the hospital to see a doctor, especially to see a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, the doctor often tells us "don't eat hair" at the end. Everyone may nod every time, but I think there are still many people who don't know what "fa" is. ,do you know?

"Fat matter" is derived from traditional Chinese medicine. In traditional Chinese medicine, hair matter is believed to be various foods that can "mobilize wind and generate phlegm, generate poison and support fire and evil". These foods will disrupt the balance of yin and yang inside the body.If you eat these things during illness, it will aggravate the condition, delay the recovery time, and may even induce old diseases and bring greater harm to the body.

The definition of "fat" is very broad, but it is also directly related to the disease of the current patient.Because if the diet and the nature of the disease are the same, for example, if you have a cold syndrome and eat some cold food, the disease will naturally aggravate; similarly, hot food will do all kinds of harm to the heat syndrome, but not any benefit.

For some people with special constitutions, especially people with frequent allergies, it may be exaggerated to figure out the eating habits of food and prevent all kinds of diseases, but at least it can avoid "diseases from the mouth".

"Hair" generally has three types: hormone-induced, sensitization-induced and stimulation-induced.

Hormone induction refers to foods that contain a large amount of animal hormones, such as rooster meat, lamb, and goose meat. These foods still contain a large amount of residual synthetic hormones even after cooking.These hormones can stimulate the nervous system and cardiovascular system of the human body, and induce or aggravate related diseases.

Allergenic triggers are some foods that are prone to allergies, especially protein-rich foods such as seafood and river fresh foods, as well as fruits and vegetables containing a large amount of active substances, which may become allergens and cause allergic diseases.

The last type is stimulation, which is easier to understand, and it is irritating food.On the one hand, spicy and heavy-tasting food can cause certain irritation to the stomach, and on the other hand, it can also aggravate inflammation.

The final word: Hair is very common in life. When the four seasons rotate, the human body is in a period where people are prone to allergies. At this time, try to avoid eating hair.There is also inflammation in the body, or when there are various skin diseases, it is more important not to eat hair.

* There are birth control pills in seedless fruit, is it true?

Practicality: ★★★★
Knowledge: ★★★★
Interesting: ★★★★
There are more and more seedless fruits on the market, but some people say that these fruits have been treated with contraceptives before they become seedless. Eating these fruits is the same as taking contraceptives indirectly.There is such a secret hidden in the seedless fruit?
Seedless fruit does hide the secret of being seedless, but this seedless has nothing to do with the "no baby" of human beings, and the contraceptive pill has nothing to do with seedless fruit.

The reason why seedless fruits have no seeds is because people have used some small methods in the process of fruit growth, such as using a certain concentration of hormones to interfere with their growth, or preventing the normal development of fruit seeds through hybridization, and finally resulting in a seedless effect. , but no matter which way, there is no contraceptive to blend.

Although the contraceptive pill is a hormone-like compound, the phytohormone that interferes with plant growth is also a growth hormone, but this hormone is not the other hormone.

There is a fundamental difference between human hormones and plant hormones. The hormones that can affect the development of fruit seeds are nothing more than auxin and gibberellin. Although these two hormones have a great relationship with the growth and development of plants, they have little effect on humans.

Humans and plants have their own hormone recognition mechanisms. Hormones suitable for plants do not play the same role in the human body, and contraceptives are not so powerful that they can be used in both the animal kingdom and the plant kingdom.

Moreover, the seedless fruits on the market today are basically artificially stimulated to produce enough growth hormone to achieve the seedless effect, and no growth hormone is artificially added during the growth process.The plant's own growth hormone will not have adverse effects on human health, nor will it cause "infertility" like taking contraceptives.

The final word: Pesticide residues in fruits may have a certain impact on the human body, but seedless fruits have nothing to do with human contraceptives. There is an insurmountable gap between plant hormones and animal hormones, and the two cannot replace each other.

*Is it better to eat slowly?
Practicality: ★★★

Knowledge: ★★★★
Interesting: ★★★

Eating too fast seems to have many disadvantages, such as easy to gain weight, lack of nutrition, easy to get stomach problems, etc. If you can slow down your eating speed, it will naturally have many benefits, but isn't eating slower the better?
In fact, eating is also a science. Eating too fast will make the esophagus useless, and damage the esophageal mucosa over time, which may cause acute inflammation.Chinese medicine has always advocated that we should chew slowly when eating, and not do other things while eating. However, there is also a "degree" for chewing slowly, and we cannot blindly seek "slowness".

From a physiological point of view, whenever we eat, the body will automatically release digestive enzymes. The release of digestive enzymes has a peak period, and the peak period usually lasts for more than ten minutes.These ten minutes are the best period for us to absorb nutrients, so in fact, it is best for us to control the eating time at about 20 minutes, in sync with the peak period of digestive enzyme release, so as to maximize the absorption of nutrients in food.

But if we eat too slowly, it will also cause damage to the body.

First of all, the food we eat will pass through the stomach and reach the duodenum. If we eat for too long, on the one hand, the duodenum has to digest the food we have already ingested, and on the other hand, the stomach continues to work. As a result, the blood cannot take care of both, which will cause insufficient blood supply to the stomach.If you continue to eat under such circumstances, it will lead to food accumulation, and in the long run, it will cause certain damage to the body.

Furthermore, when we eat, bile will enter the intestines along with the food to help the intestines digest and absorb.However, if you eat for too long, the bile will become "emergency" and affect normal digestion.In this way, the food cannot be digested normally, and the fat contained in the food will accumulate intact. If things go on like this, the body will gain weight.

The final word: chewing and eating slowly is indeed the way of eating that we should advocate and follow, but extremes lead to opposites, and everything should be done in moderation. The slower eating is not the better for the body, the best eating time is 20 minutes.

*What exactly is the relationship between oranges, grapefruits, and tangerines?
Practicality: ★★
Knowledge: ★★★

Interesting: ★★★★★

Oranges, grapefruits, and tangerines have different colors and sizes, and their tastes are also different, but these three fruits have an ambiguous relationship, and they look like a family.What is the relationship between them?

These three kinds of fruits are very common in life. Oranges are the smallest and the most sour, and the mesocarp (that is, the white network structure) is very underdeveloped.The grapefruit is the largest, and the mesocarp is ridiculously thick.When it comes to oranges, they are quite mediocre. They are neither big nor small, sweet and sour, and the white mesocarp is also thick and thick. From this point of view, oranges are simply a transition between oranges and grapefruits!

In fact, these three fruits belong to the citrus genus Rutacea. They all belong to the same family and genus, so the relationship is naturally relatively close. To what extent?The orange is a hybrid of orange and grapefruit!
Citrus has three elders—orange, grapefruit, and citron. These three fruits are the basic species of Citrus, and other citrus fruits can be said to be descendants of these three, but the relationship between Citrus is not generally confused.

First of all, oranges and grapefruits become oranges after crossing, grapefruits and citrons can breed limes, and lemons as we know them are the products of limes and oranges.

Citrus fruits have tried almost every way that can be hybridized, so there will be a variety of citrus fruits that look similar, but actually have large and small differences.

In fact, there are more than 30 members in the plant kingdom, and more than 7 plant species are hybrids, accounting for a quarter of the entire plant kingdom. Speaking of which, the plant kingdom is so unruly.

The final word: I have eaten oranges, grapefruits, and tangerines for so many years, and now I know they belong to the same family!In fact, there is nothing wrong with hybridization. We can choose our favorite one among various hybrid varieties according to our own taste.With so many citrus fruits, there is bound to be one for you.

*Why is coffee with foam not easy to spill?

Practicality: ★★★★
Knowledge: ★★★

Interesting: ★★★★
With the accelerated pace of urban life, coffee has become an essential drink for many people. There are many types of coffee, such as Americano, Blue Mountain and so on.However, some people prefer latte, because latte has foam and will not spill if the hands shake.Does the foam have anti-shake function?

It was a female professor at New York University who first discovered that frothy coffee was not easy to spill. This female professor's main professional direction is actually aerospace machinery.

One day, when she was drinking coffee at Starbucks, she found that even if the latte she ordered had no lid, it was more "honest" than Americano and less likely to spill.Ordinary people may not notice this at all, but this female professor has not only noticed, but also associates from this phenomenon that foam may be a shock absorber for liquids.

Later, when the female professor communicated with her colleagues, it turned out that her colleagues discovered that the foam of beer also has such a magical effect.

Then, the two scientists began to study coffee and beer with rich foam. Through experiments and calculations, they found that the foam can indeed reduce the fluctuation height of the liquid. As long as the foam reaches 5 layers, it can completely reduce the fluctuation height of the liquid by an order of magnitude.Because the foam will consume part of the kinetic energy in the process of friction with the container, so the sloshing range of the liquid will be reduced, which is also the main reason for the foam's shock resistance.

After discovering the magical effect of foam, when transporting dangerous goods such as liquefied petroleum gas and high-risk chemical reagents, foam can be used to reduce the sloshing range of liquid during transportation, which undoubtedly greatly improves transportation safety.

The final word: coffee with foam is not easy to spill out. Although this is just an inconspicuous phenomenon in life, there are scientific principles hidden behind it. If it can be used, it will definitely benefit not only the person who serves the coffee, but may also improve an industry. level of safety.

*Which nutritional value is higher, fresh tofu or frozen tofu?

Practicality: ★★★

Knowledge: ★★★

Interesting: ★★★★
Since King Huainan invented tofu more than 2000 years ago, this delicious and nutritious delicacy cannot be separated from our table.There are various methods of tofu, each with its own unique flavor, so which one is better, frozen tofu or fresh tofu?

Frozen tofu can actually be regarded as the reprocessing of fresh tofu. As long as the fresh tofu is frozen for a period of time, the internal structure of the tofu will change, from the original dense structure to a loose honeycomb structure.The reason for such a change is actually due to the water.There are many small holes inside fresh tofu, and all of these holes are filled with water, but when the temperature is lower than 0°C, the water will solidify and turn into ice. We all know that the volume of ice is larger for the same quality of water and ice. Big, so these small holes in the tofu are expanded by the solidified ice cubes.When the ice thaws again and turns into water, the small holes inside the tofu cannot return to their original state, so it becomes a net-like frozen tofu.

Tofu will release an acidic substance after freezing. This substance has the advantage that it can destroy fat cells. If you often eat frozen tofu, it can speed up the excretion of fat. In this way, eating frozen tofu often can also achieve For weight loss purposes.

Tofu itself is rich in nutrients, such as soybean protein, soybean isoflavones, soybean lecithin, minerals and so on.Among plant foods, tofu has a high protein content. It contains 8 kinds of amino acids essential to the human body. It is a food with very high nutritional value and both food and medicine effects.

Moreover, whether it is frozen tofu or fresh tofu, these nutrients are all quite a lot.Freezing will not cause the loss of nutrients inside tofu, and it can even lock some water-soluble nutrients better than fresh tofu.

The final word: whether it is frozen tofu or fresh tofu, both are foods with both food and medicine effects.

*Is it true that soaking fruits and vegetables in light salt water can remove pesticides?
Practicality: ★★★★★

Knowledge: ★★
Interesting: ★★★

Everyone should know that salt can sterilize bacteria. In this case, many people naturally think that light salt water can also remove pesticide residues on fruits and vegetables, so many people like to add some salt to the water when washing fruits and vegetables. cleansing, but does it really work?
First of all, salt can play a role in killing insects, especially some molluscs with mucus. Salt is a deadly "big killer" for them, but this is actually just a paper tiger for pesticides. Whether it is concentrated salt water or light salt water, neither can remove the residual pesticides on the surface of melons and fruits.

The main component of salt is sodium chloride. Sodium chloride is a very stable chemical substance. To what extent is it stable?That is, ordinary chemical substances cannot do anything to sodium chloride, and sodium chloride will not chemically react with them.

Therefore, it is impossible to use salt water to clean the residual pesticides on the surface of vegetables and fruits.Although salt is added to the water, in fact the basin of water is just a basin of clean water + a little salt, and only clean water can play a cleaning role. Adding salt does not have the effect of removing medicine.

Not only that, some fruits and vegetables cannot even be washed with salt water, because the cell membranes of some vegetables are very fragile. If they encounter high-concentration salt water, they are likely to be destroyed by salt water. This will not only make the vegetables lose their original nutrients, Moreover, the residual pesticides will take advantage of the gap and penetrate into the interior of fruits and vegetables.

If you want to remove pesticide residues on fruits and vegetables, running water is the best choice.Otherwise, it is also possible to add some edible alkali to the water, because most of the pesticides are acidic, and with edible alkali to neutralize them, the pesticides will naturally be cleaned.

In addition, rice washing water that is weakly alkaline is also a good choice.Washing fruits and vegetables while washing rice is environmentally friendly and healthy.

The final word: Although salt can kill bacteria and insects, it is really helpless against pesticide residues. It is untenable to use light salt water to clean pesticide residues on fruits and vegetables. Instead of bothering to add salt to make light salt water, it is better to wash it directly with running water efficient.

*Is it true that the liver needs to be detoxified for 32 days after eating a pack of instant noodles?

Practicality: ★★★★
Knowledge: ★★★

Interesting: ★★★

Since the invention of instant noodles, this convenient, quick and delicious thing has been loved by people all over the world, but the excellent taste of instant noodles is piled up with a lot of additives. Some people say: eat a pack of instant noodles, the liver has to work 32 A genius can completely excrete the "poison" brought by instant noodles. Is it really necessary to take such a big risk to eat instant noodles?

People say that instant noodles are "poisonous". On the one hand, there are a large number of additives in the instant noodle seasoning; on the other hand, the packaging box for instant noodles is made of polystyrene, which will dissolve and release when exposed to high temperatures. human body, endangering people's health.

In fact, this statement is somewhat vague. Although a large number of additives in instant noodles can give us a wonderful taste, they are indeed things that the human body does not need, but it is a bit one-sided to say that they are "toxic".The liver is like a "filter" in our body. As long as the body takes in substances it doesn't need, it will be integrated and excreted by the liver.

The seasoning of instant noodles contains a lot of flavors, pigments, antioxidants and preservatives. These things have no effect on us and will be judged as "unnecessary substances" by the liver. But for instant noodles, these things are all indispensable.

Take preservatives as an example, the reason why instant noodles can be preserved for so long is all thanks to preservatives.There are also antioxidants, without which the oil in the dressing might have been oxidized and rancid long ago.However, the content of these additives is strictly controlled. As long as the instant noodles pass the quality inspection, basically there will be no situation where the additive content exceeds the standard.

Regarding liver detoxification, there is no so-called "cycle", and the time it takes to "detoxify" after eating a pack of instant noodles cannot be accurately measured.Because the catabolism time of each thing in the human body is different, it is indeed a bit general to simply use "32 days" to summarize.

The final word: As a high-calorie, high-salt fast food, instant noodles have very little nutritional content, but as long as they meet food safety standards, they will have no impact on human health.Occasionally eating instant noodles is okay, but it is better to eat less of such convenience foods, and there is actually no scientific basis for the saying that instant noodles are "toxic", so don't worry about it.

*Can food cling film be heated?

Practicality: ★★★★
Knowledge: ★★★

Interesting: ★★★

Food cling film is a good assistant in our life. As one of the materials for food preservation, cling film is widely loved by people for its convenience and economy. However, some people say that this food cling film cannot be heated. Why?

There are many kinds of plastic wrap we see on the market. If they are divided according to their uses, they can generally be divided into two categories: one is the plastic wrap mainly used in refrigerators; the other is the plastic wrap specially used for microwave heating.

If classified according to the raw materials of plastic wrap, it can be divided into three categories: PE, PVDC and PVC.

PE is polyethylene, which is the most commonly used raw material for plastic bags. They are often used to hold fruits and vegetables. The main material of shopping bags in supermarkets is polyethylene.The second type, PVDC is polyvinylidene chloride, which is used in cooked food and other foods.There is also a plastic wrap made of PVC, that is, polyvinyl chloride. Compared with the previous two materials, polyvinyl chloride must be added with a plasticizer during the production process. The plastic wrap made of PVC as the main material contains More than 14% plasticizer.

Plasticizers are very active at high temperatures, especially when encountering foods with relatively high oil content, they are very likely to migrate out of the plastic wrap and remain in the food.Plasticizer can be said to be a chronic poison, which can slowly destroy the human endocrine system and cause irreversible damage to some organs of the human body.

However, no matter what material the plastic wrap is made of, the merchant will indicate the operating temperature of the plastic wrap on the product. There are also special instructions for the plastic wrap that is suitable for microwave heating. Remember not to exceed the specified operating temperature.

In addition, high-fat and high-sugar foods should not be heated with plastic wrap, because these foods will generate more heat during heating, and the plastic wrap will melt faster under the action of high temperature.

The final word: Food cling film can be heated, but it depends on the type. The plastic cling film made of PE can indeed be heated together with the food, but due to the characteristics of the cling film, the heating time should not be too long.

*Is it true that grapes explode in the microwave?
Practicality: ★★★★★

Knowledge: ★★
Interesting: ★★★

We all know that if you put a lighter in the microwave, there is a 99% chance that it will explode, but did you know that grapes can also explode when you put them in the microwave?
During the "World War II" period, the prototype of the microwave oven came out. Raytheon Company manufactured the world's first microwave oven, but the microwave oven at that time was expensive and bulky, and only the army could use this rare thing.

But today, almost every kitchen has a microwave oven.The inside of the microwave oven is like a small electromagnetic field. The magnetron releases electrons. The electrons circle around and bounce back and forth inside the microwave oven. Finally, these electromagnetic waves are absorbed by the food.

The water, oil and other organic polymers in the food are like magnets that firmly absorb these electromagnetic waves, and then move quickly with the electromagnetic waves, generating a certain amount of heat through the movement, and finally achieve the purpose of heating the food.

Grapes are amazing, their size is very close to the wavelength of microwave radiation, and the grapes themselves are spherical.These shapes make it very easy for grapes to gather microwave energy. Once the microwave energy reaches a critical value, the water in the grapes will be evaporated and vaporized, which looks like "smoking".The steam is then plasmaized so fast that it only takes a few seconds for the grapes to "explode" in anger and destroy the microwave.

The final word: Although the microwave oven is convenient, you can’t put everything in it. Things like metal and plastic lunch boxes cannot be avoided by the microwave oven. Everyone must pay attention when using the microwave oven.

*How many seeds does a strawberry have?

Practicality: ★★★

Knowledge: ★★★★
Interesting: ★★★

When we eat fruit, the seeds are always hidden in the innermost part, but when you bite down on a strawberry, you can’t see a single seed except for the pulp, and what are the densely packed small seeds on the outside of the strawberry?How many seeds does a strawberry have?
If you want to find out how many seeds a strawberry has, you should first understand how the fruit of the fruit develops.

No matter what kind of fruit they are, before they grow into fruit, they are all delicate and beautiful flowers.At that time, the seeds were not called seeds, but their names were ovules.Just like human babies grow quietly in their mother's womb before they are born, the ovules are also tightly protected in the ovary by the pistil of the flower.

But after the flower is successfully fertilized, it begins to wither slowly, because whether it is the calyx, corolla or stamen, their mission has been completed.At this time, the ovule takes over the banner and begins to grow vigorously, and the ovary also grows up accordingly, and grows into the fruit we are familiar with.

However, some ovaries are not so powerful, and they cannot complete the task of forming fruits by themselves. At this time, they need torus to help.The receptacle and ovary are gradually fused during the growth of the fruit, and finally the two become fleshy and become the pulp we are familiar with.

The strawberry ovary is so unreliable. The strawberry pulp we usually eat is actually developed from the receptacle.The ovary, which was supposed to be the mainstay, gradually retreated behind the scenes and became the small seeds outside the strawberry, scientifically known as "cheno".

In fact, the small seeds outside the strawberry are the "fruit" in the traditional sense, and the real strawberry seeds are wrapped in these small seeds.

The final word: Strawberry is an "aggregate fruit" formed by the development of enlarged receptacles and weakened achenes. The seeds we think are actually the fruit of strawberries. The real seeds of strawberries are inside these small seeds. How many of these seeds are there? One, at least a few hundred!
(End of this chapter)

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