Amazing knowledge

Chapter 4 Men and women have a big fight: Do you understand these shameful things?

Chapter 4 Men and women have a big fight: Do you understand these shameful things?

* Are condoms safe?
Practicality: ★★★★
Knowledge: ★★
Interesting: ★

Among all contraceptive measures, condoms are relatively safe and effective, and condoms can not only prevent pregnancy, but also prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases to a certain extent, but how high is the safety factor of condoms?

There are so many types of condoms on the market that it can be dizzying, but no matter what novelty they put on their packaging, their essence is the same.

There are two main types of condoms: one is natural rubber; the other is polyurethane.They are made into strip-shaped films through special processing technology, and store the released semen by wrapping the penis, so as to achieve the purpose of contraception.

Moreover, sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS and syphilis can be transmitted through body fluids, and condoms can also block their transmission routes to achieve the purpose of preventing sexually transmitted diseases.

But just how safe are condoms?

According to statistics, the probability of successful contraceptive use of condoms is over 85%, but this is also in the case of correct use of condoms, not to mention that condoms often fall off or be damaged midway due to irregular operations. Although condoms are successful in contraception The rate is respectable, but it is not 100% effective in preventing the virus.

Take condoms made of natural rubber as an example, their natural cracks are in the range of 5000-7000 nanometers, and the diameter of the head of human sperm cells is about 5000 nanometers, so it is quite reliable to use condoms for contraception.

However, the diameter of the HIV virus in AIDS is only 120 nanometers, and the diameter of the natural crack of the condom is hundreds of times the diameter of HIV; there is also human papillary virus, which is even smaller, only about 50 nanometers; there is also the more common hepatitis B virus, The diameter is smaller, only 42 nanometers, and the effect of using condoms to prevent these viruses is not so ideal.

Not only that, the diameter of the general virus is much smaller than the diameter of the natural crack of the condom, so even if we use the condom "very standard", the probability of contracting sexually transmitted diseases is still very high.Condoms are not "safe" when it comes to preventing STDs.

The final word: Self-discipline is the safest choice if you want to ensure [-]% "safety".

*How many muscles does a kiss engage?

Practicality: ★★★

Knowledge: ★★
Interesting: ★★★★★

As an ancient way of showing love, kissing has been passed down for thousands of years in human history. Kissing is not only a way of expressing emotions between lovers, but also has many unknown advantages.Do you know how many muscles are used when kissing?

According to the survey, a simple kiss requires the coordination of 146 muscles.

A university in the UK used advanced nuclear magnetic resonance technology to observe kissing couples. They found that kissing needs to mobilize 34 facial muscles and 112 postural muscles, of which the orbicularis oris is the main one.

I don’t know if you have noticed that the most common position for kissing is to turn the head slightly to the right. In fact, this is not a coincidence, it is a habit we brought from the womb.When we were fetuses and lived in our mother's womb, our heads basically turned to the right, so we subconsciously continue this habit when we kiss.

Kissing seems simple, but in foreign countries, there is even a "kissing science" that specializes in kissing.

The average person spends about [-] minutes kissing in their life, which translates to about two weeks.

Kissing can not only help us convey our inner emotions, but also enhance our self-confidence. Foreign studies have proved that people who kiss frequently can enjoy a longer life.Because when we kiss, the body will produce a lot of hormone-like substances, which can help us improve our immunity.

In addition, kissing also has an analgesic effect, which means that under certain circumstances, kissing can be used as an emergency "painkiller".Another point is that a 2-minute deep kiss can consume about 2000 calories, which is of unusual significance to girls.

The final word: Kissing can transmit the most intimate information to people, but kissing too intensely will increase blood hormone levels and have a bad impact on the body, so kissing is best done in moderation.

* Is there a relationship between voice level and sexual ability?
Practicality: ★★★

Knowledge: ★★
Interesting: ★★★★
Everyone's voice is different. Some girls speak delicately, some girls speak heroically, and some boys speak with a bit of "girly".Is there a relationship between the level of speaking voice and sexual ability?
Each of us has a different pitch, actually because our vocal cords are constructed differently.The vocal cords of men are long and wide, so the voice is relatively thick; the vocal cords of women are much shorter and narrower, so girls speak with high pitch and soft voice.

However, the hormone content in the body is also a factor that affects the pitch of the voice.If the androgen content in a man's body is high, their voice will be deeper, and if the estrogen content is high, they will be a bit "mother" on the contrary.The same is true for women.

It is for this reason that many people think that the level of voice is related to sexual ability. They think that the higher the male testosterone, the stronger the sexual ability. In fact, this idea is not correct.

Although androgen is an important factor in maintaining sexual desire, sexual performance does not depend solely on male hormones. The nervous system, cardiovascular system, and endocrine system all participate in the regulation of sexual performance. It does not mean that the more male hormones, the higher the sexual performance. stronger.

The final word: the level of male hormones is not a factor to measure the size of sexual ability, the structure of the brain is the basis for the generation of sexual desire, and sexual ability is the result of the cooperation of various systems in the body.

* Is there a limit to the amount of time a man can have an orgasm in his life?
Practicality: ★★★★
Knowledge: ★★★

Interesting: ★★★★
Most men pursue nothing more than money, power and sex in their lifetime. How much wealth and power they can get is unpredictable, but it is said that the time of orgasm in a man's life can be predicted. How much is this limited time?
This study was actually published by a Ph.D. from the School of Life Sciences of Stanford University in the United States. The words of this Ph.D. named Allen broke the hearts of many men in an instant.According to Dr. Allen, an adult man with a life span of 78 years has a total orgasm time of 2 hours, 53 minutes, and 20 seconds. If this time is evenly distributed to each day, he can probably get a "climax" of 2.02 seconds per day.

What is the concept of 2.02 seconds?Sneeze, stare blankly, and it will be gone in 2 seconds.From this point of view, this is indeed a bit harsh for men. Men's orgasm is generally manifested as ejaculation, but the ejaculation time is very short, only about 3 to 10 seconds.

Once the ejaculation is over, the male orgasm is also over, but less than 20% of the male orgasm is manifested by anal contraction. Such an orgasm will indeed last a little longer than the ejaculation orgasm, but it is impossible to exceed 2 minutes.Furthermore, under normal circumstances, men do not have sex every day, and even if they have sex, they do not have an orgasm every time. From this point of view, the orgasm time of 2 hours, 53 minutes and 20 seconds in a lifetime is also reasonable. .

In contrast, the orgasm time of a woman's life is shorter, and with various life trivialities such as the dull marriage life and the birth of a child, the sex life between husband and wife will gradually become pitifully rare, and many couples After 20 years of marriage, let alone sex life, maybe even basic kisses and hugs are gone.

The final word: the climax is so wonderful, but the time of the climax is so short, maybe it is so beautiful because of the short time.Sexual life can not only maintain the beauty of life between husband and wife, but also improve the quality of life, delay aging, and prevent cancer. Therefore, it is very important to properly maintain a harmonious sexual life, and we must make good use of this limited orgasm time.

*Why do men like big breasts?
Practicality: ★★★

Knowledge: ★★
Interesting: ★★★★
A woman's breasts are to a man what a man's abs are to a woman, an inseparable obsession.Why do men prefer girls with "turbulent waves"?
In fact, the reason why men are so obsessed with women's breasts largely comes from their childhood desires.

After we were born, the mother continued our life with breast milk. Although many young mothers are reluctant to breastfeed their children in order to maintain their figure, breastfeeding has been going on for thousands of years. Breasts are the most important for all babies. Valuable possession.

But one of the unavoidable things about growing up is weaning, which means saying goodbye to the breast, and it can be a bolt from the blue for babies.When the babies are sensible, they will know that the breasts that were once closest to them can no longer be touched at will, because they are boys and their mothers are girls.

Morality labels breasts as a "taboo", and the taboo can't be opened again until they make a girlfriend themselves.So, to some extent, men's obsession with big breasts stems from a subconscious nostalgia during breastfeeding.

In addition, scientists have found that the driest place on a man's body is his hands, while the place with the highest water content on a woman's body is her breasts. There are various physiological differences between men and women, but these differences are complementary and mutually attractive.

The master of modernist painting once said that the abstract structure of the human body is actually cones, cylinders and spheres, while men have much fewer spheres than women, and femininity is mainly reflected in the pair of spheres. The golden section line of women is on the chest. In fact, this is one of the pursuits of a man's life.

The final word: the difference in the structure of boys and girls determines that they have different pursuits, and women's breasts more or less highlight the unique charm of women.However, radish and cabbage have their own preferences. If women want to enlarge their breasts in order to please men, it would be a bit inappropriate.

*Is it really not tiring to work with men and women?
Practicality: ★★★★
Knowledge: ★★
Interesting: ★★★★★

As the saying goes, "one mountain cannot contain two tigers, unless one male and one female", and we often hear the saying "a man and a woman can work together without being tired". Is this saying really reliable?

In fact, judging from the existing examples today, this statement does have a certain degree of credibility.

American scientists discovered a very interesting thing.The protagonists of the matter are some astronauts of the space agency. Since these astronauts can be "selected" to be a member of the spacecraft, their physical and psychological qualities are beyond ordinary people.However, these people still experience headaches, insomnia and other physical discomforts during spaceflight, and more than half of them have these symptoms.

Later, under the advice of psychologists, the space agency added female colleagues to the all-male astronauts. As a result, the astronauts’ work efficiency has improved a lot, and their physical condition is not as good as before.

People seem to like working with the opposite sex, just like "opposites attract" in physics, especially men, the opposite sex is significantly more attractive to them.

Generally speaking, men have a strong desire to express themselves, especially in front of women. They are eager to be praised and affirmed by women.If men and women work together, men will work harder, and the mental excitement and satisfaction will stimulate the body to release dopamine, which can reduce physical stress and fatigue and greatly improve work efficiency.

Moreover, when men see beautiful and delicate women, they will naturally have a protective desire. Excited men will not feel tired, and delicate women will not feel tired at all.

Everyone loves to hear praise and praise, especially the affirmation from the opposite sex. This is especially evident in men. In order to be able to win the favor of women, they are naturally motivated and will not feel "tired".

The final word: At present, men and women work together to achieve unexpected results, but everyone must position themselves correctly. If there is too much love between men and women, over time, it will be tired and work efficiency will be greatly reduced.

* Is there a best time to courtship?
Practicality: ★★★★
Knowledge: ★★
Interesting: ★★★★★

If you like someone, you will want to be with him, but you can't be together just because you like him. Courtship is also very important. Military strategists pay attention to "time, place, and harmony". Is there a so-called "best time" for courtship? ?

The most beautiful love is meeting the right person at the right time. The saddest love is meeting the right person at the wrong time. The saddest love is meeting the wrong person at the right time. It can be seen that time is in love indeed played a very important role.

There was a magazine survey on women's reactions to romance, and the results showed that women respond more to romance after a full meal, that is, if you want to court a girl, take her first. Have a big meal.Moreover, if girls are hungry before they have a full meal, they are likely to get twice the result with half the effort, because young girls in a hungry state have higher sensitivity to stimulating rewards such as food and money.

In any case, courtship should be done in a relatively relaxed environment, and the best time for courtship is only when both of them have unburdened their shoulders and enjoyed their time quietly.

The final word: love comes too fast, like a tornado.As long as there is nourishment of love, coupled with a suitable time and place, people who are in love with each other will surely reap the fullest happiness.

*Is it true that "love action movies" make people less sexually interested?
Practicality: ★★★

Knowledge: ★★
Interesting: ★★★

Nowadays, many people learn physiological knowledge from "love action movies" to seek physical satisfaction and pleasure, but I heard that watching too many "love action movies" is not only bad for the body, but also reduces people's sexual interest. real or fake?
In fact, watching "love action movies" once in a while can improve our sexual interest, because "love action movies" are just like sex, they can stimulate the brain to produce a substance called dopamine, which can affect our emotions. Helps cells conduct impulses and is a messenger of information within the brain.

Dopamine is responsible for lust and conveys the feeling of excitement. Drug use and smoking can also stimulate the production of dopamine, which makes people feel addicted because of excitement.

However, if you watch "love action movies" frequently, your brain will also release dopamine frequently. As the number of times increases, the content of dopamine that needs to awaken "sexual interest" in your body will increase accordingly. If you really want to be more excited, you have to release more dopamine than people who don't often watch "love action movies", that is, general stimulation may not be able to arouse sexual interest at all.

Moreover, most of the scenes in "love action movies" are exaggerated. The women in them are hot and sensitive, which are more or less different from girls in reality. A little disappointment will affect sexual interest over time.

The final word: "Love Action Movies" can be enjoyable to watch underestimated, but they can hurt you if you watch them too often.If you want to maintain your sexual interest, create a sense of freshness in your life and improve the quality of your sexual life is the best policy.

*Can Maca Improve Sexual Performance?

Practicality: ★★★★★

Knowledge: ★★★

Interesting: ★★★

Discussions about how to make men "show their strengths" never seem to stop.In recent years, Maca has sprung up suddenly, claiming that it can improve sexual performance, and has become the new darling of men. What magical effect does Maca have?
It is understood that this legendary "divine object" is actually a plant in South America, which mainly grows in the Andes and belongs to the Brassicaceae.Cruciferae may sound unfamiliar, but radishes, rapeseed, and cabbage are all common cruciferous plants.In South America, Maca is not as miraculous as everyone imagines. Its root is like a common vegetable, and it is an ingredient that is often seen on the table of local people.

But in our country, Maca has transformed into a "miracle drug" for physical fitness and sexual performance. Some people even directly call Maca "plant Viagra" and "Peruvian ginseng". .

But in fact, this function of Maca has not been scientifically proven.Although some experimental results show that Maca can increase the number of sperm and improve sexual performance, the subjects of the experiment are too small, even less than 10 people, and the experimental results are too one-sided, which is not enough to support the conclusion that "Maca can improve sexual performance". .

New York University Langone Medical Center clearly pointed out that there is no evidence that Maca can affect hormone levels in men.Therefore, the statement of "improving sexual ability" is just a gimmick of the merchants.

As an "improvement" health product, Maca's only advantage should be that it is safe and harmless. After all, locals in South America eat it as a vegetable.However, it is an open secret that a large number of illegal drugs are added to the "improvement" medicine, so it is still hard to say what effect the Maca on the market has on health.

The final word: Judging from the existing conclusions, there is nothing magical about Maca, at least not as the merchants boast that it can improve sexual performance.If you really have sexual dysfunction, you should still seek help from your doctor.

*Who has better hearing, men or women?
Practicality: ★★
Knowledge: ★★★

Interesting: ★★★★
Men and women have always had their own advantages and disadvantages. It is said that women are better at hearing. Is this true?
Earlier, there were indeed related studies that proved that women's ability to hear noises is stronger than men. Later, the Acoustical Society of America also published a study that confirmed that thin people have more sensitive hearing, while women's body shapes are generally inferior to those of men. Men, so this is also evidence that women's hearing is better than men.

The scientists believe that such differences may be due to a residual overreaction mechanism.Generally, women are thinner than men, and they have a sharper sense when facing danger. Only in this way can they avoid danger and multiply on the earth with strong men.

Moreover, women are usually more careful than men, good at observing the surrounding environment, and able to distinguish high-pitched sounds from silent environments.The hearing level of women is also affected by the hormone level in the body. During ovulation, the secretion of estrogen reaches the peak, and the hearing value also rises one after another. This is the time when the hearing is most sensitive.

The final word: Women's hearing is more or less sharper than men's.The physiological structure and personality characteristics of men and women are different to varying degrees. Men are stronger and women are more delicate; men are more adventurous and women are more detail-oriented. This may be one of the reasons for the difference in hearing level.

*Is it true that the gender of the child depends on the side with the lower IQ?

Practicality: ★★
Knowledge: ★★
Interesting: ★★★★
It is rumored that the gender of a child is the opposite of the parent with a higher IQ. The parent with a lower IQ can decide the gender of the child. This statement is amazing. Is it true or not?
This statement is of course false.If the gender of the child is really related to the IQ of the parents, did the person with both children suffer from a sudden change in IQ or something?The original clever one suddenly became stupid, which led to the gender change of the other child?This is simply nonsense.

From a scientific point of view, the sex of a child depends entirely on the father, so those old-fashioned patriarchal mothers-in-law who think that a daughter-in-law is incompetent if she cannot give birth to a son should also care about their sons and ask them why Why can't give birth to a son, instead of blindly blaming women, because women can only be anxious about giving birth to boys and girls, and can't help at all.

The X and Y chromosomes in male sperm are the only factors that determine the sex of a child, but the probability of fertilization of these two chromosomes is almost equal, and there is no decisive key factor. It is impossible to determine which sperm fertilizes with the egg, and therefore the sex of the child cannot be determined.

The final word: the matter of having a boy or a girl can only be decided by the sperm, and only one of the thousands of sperm can be the first to combine with the egg. No matter how high the IQ of the parents is, they cannot control this matter .It is pure nonsense to say that the gender of the child is related to the IQ of the parents.

* Can semen cause allergies?

Practicality: ★★★

Knowledge: ★★★

Interesting: ★★★★
Some people are allergic to pollen, some are allergic to medicines, some are allergic to food, so will some people be allergic to semen?

There are really people in this world who are allergic to semen, and there are not a few of them!
As early as 2006, a medical school in the United States conducted a survey on more than 1000 women, and found that 12% of women had allergic reactions to semen to varying degrees.However, they are not allergic to semen itself, but to certain substances contained in semen.These substances are not contained in the semen itself, but exist in the semen after entering the human body through food, drink, and medicine.However, there are also many women who are allergic to semen itself.

Men's semen contains more than a dozen antigens, especially the semen immunosuppressant in men's semen, which can suppress the immune system and prevent the immune system from recognizing sperm and eliminating them as "invaders".

If the male semen lacks this inhibitor, the female immune system will also not be able to recognize sperm, and the female immune system will take certain protective measures to resist "foreigners" and cause allergies.

For the vast majority of people, semen does not cause allergies, but some men's semen lacks immunosuppressants, and women themselves are allergic, so semen allergies are likely to occur.

It is not impossible to treat semen allergy. Systematic desensitization treatment can be used, starting with diluted semen, gradually increasing the concentration of semen, and gradually improving women's immunity, so that women can gradually adapt.

The final word: semen can indeed cause allergies. The most direct and effective way to avoid semen allergies is to use condoms to avoid direct contact with semen, but this also affects the natural conception process to a certain extent and can lead to immune infertility.

*Women also have wet dreams, is it true?

Practicality: ★★★★
Knowledge: ★★★

Interesting: ★★★

When it comes to nocturnal emissions, it seems that only boys have this kind of situation. Women seem to have nothing to do with nocturnal emissions, but in fact women also have nocturnal emissions, and they are more poetic than men's nocturnal emissions.

Nocturnal emission in women is a very normal physiological phenomenon, not a pathological behavior that some people perceive.Men often have wet dreams after entering puberty, because puberty is the peak period of male sexuality.

Although women may experience nocturnal emission during adolescence, the peak period of nocturnal emission is actually when women are in their 40s and [-]s, because this is the peak period of women's sexuality.

A woman’s nocturnal emission is like a beautiful dream. In the dream, she meets the opposite sex who makes her heart beat, and then the two have a good talk, kiss and hug, and the woman will then experience nipple erection, strong vaginal contraction, increased vaginal secretions, and heartbeat. Acceleration, shortness of breath, and simultaneous pleasure and other reactions that occur during orgasm.This is a woman's nocturnal emission, also known as a woman's nocturnal orgasm.

A woman's nocturnal emission is just a self-test of the body to check whether her sexual ability is normal.When we fall asleep, sometimes the body will twitch unconsciously. In fact, this is the body's detection of whether we are "dead" and whether the muscles can still function normally. This is the same as women's wet dreams.

Studies have shown that the number of women's nocturnal emissions is related to their education level. Theoretically, the higher the education level of women, the richer their imagination, and the more likely they are to be affected by film and television dramas and literary works and have nocturnal emissions.

The final word: Nocturnal emission in women is a normal physiological phenomenon, and it is a self-test of the female body.However, if wet dreams are frequent, disease factors and mental health conditions must be considered.

* Eating less meat is easier to get pregnant, is it true?

Practicality: ★★★★
Knowledge: ★★★

Interesting: ★★★

In order to welcome the arrival of the baby, some young couples put a lot of thought into diet, and even gave up meat in order to create more opportunities for the birth of the baby.Is it really easy to get pregnant if you eat less meat?

This news is actually a report from British BBC Radio. The source of the news is very reliable, but the news is over-compressed and readers take it out of context, so there will be such misunderstandings.

It turned out that this was a study conducted by a research team led by a doctor in the United States. The research objects were two groups of mice.The final experimental results showed that the pregnancy rate of a group of mice fed with food with high protein content was lower than that of a group with food with low protein content.Therefore, people infer that because the protein content of meat is relatively high, it is not easy to get pregnant if you eat more meat.

However, humans are different from mice. The mice are rodents and herbivores, and the protein content in their food is low.But humans are different. The proportion of protein we get from a balanced diet is much higher than that of mice, and the absorption and conversion rate of protein are also high. The experimental results of mice are not universal and cannot be generalized. to humans.

Besides, protein is a very important nutrient for the human body, and the nutrient supply of protein is indispensable for the tissues and organs of the human body.Moreover, the daily nutritional intake of pregnant women must not only meet their own needs, but also provide additional supplies to the fetus. Therefore, pregnant women should increase their intake of nutrients appropriately. If they blindly reduce their protein intake, it will inevitably cause certain damage to the body.

The final word: there is no necessary connection between whether you are pregnant or not and whether you eat meat or not, and protein is an essential nutrient for our life activities.Although the intake of protein is not the more the better, but if the intake is too small, it will definitely have adverse effects on health.

*Will pregnant women have a miscarriage if they eat papaya?
Practicality: ★★★★★

Knowledge: ★★★

Interesting: ★★
The claim that papaya can enlarge breasts was once very popular, but in the end it was just a rumor. So is it a rumor that pregnant women will have a miscarriage after eating papaya?
It is said that papaya can enlarge breasts because papaya contains papain, which can decompose protein and stimulate hormone secretion.But no matter what kind of protease, as long as it reaches the stomach, it is just a pile of protein waiting to be decomposed. It is destined to be decomposed by pepsin and lose its activity. The matter is not groundless.

Papaya contains not only papain, but also papain.Papain has slight toxicity. Modern medical research has shown that papain can stimulate the smooth muscle of the uterus and cause uterine contraction. Pregnant women may experience abdominal pain and miscarriage if eaten.

Furthermore, papaya is cold in nature. Pregnant women are in a special period, and their bodies are vulnerable to damage from various aspects. It is not suitable to eat cold and irritating food.If pregnant women are weak, eating papaya is likely to cause stomach cold and diarrhea.

Another point, whether it is green papaya or cooked papaya, the content of papain in papaya will not change. Don’t think that papaya can be eaten boldly after it is cooked. For the sake of the child in the stomach, prepare It is safest for mothers to stay away from papaya.

The final word: Although papaya is known as the "fruit of all benefits", it is still a cold food. In addition, papain contained in papaya is indeed a delicacy with a relatively high risk factor for pregnant women, so it is better to eat it with caution.

*Is it true that drinking too much beer makes you a mother?

Practicality: ★★★★★

Knowledge: ★★★

Interesting: ★★★

It is said that beer contains a certain amount of estrogen, and men will become "mothers" after drinking it. This news is very popular on the Internet. If men drink too much beer, are they really not "men"?
It is rumored that beer contains a large amount of phytoestrogens, which can inhibit the secretion of testosterone in men. When testosterone is inhibited, the male signs will be weakened, accompanied by decreased body hair, hip development, muscle weakness, etc. In short, the more Become more "mother".

This statement is said to have been discovered by a Russian urogenitalist, but when we actually searched for this famous "expert" on related websites, we found nothing.

In fact, there is no need to panic because of this news.

First of all, plant hormones are very common. Many foods contain phytoestrogens, such as sweet potatoes, wine, royal jelly, etc., but there are essential differences between plant hormones and animal hormones. The human body’s recognition mechanism does not recognize plant hormones , no matter what kind of phytohormone, after entering the human body, it cannot play the role it once played in the plant.

Even if phytoestrogens can play a role after entering the human body, only women can benefit from them, because men themselves do not have estrogen receptors.Moreover, the content of phytoestrogens in beer is very small, it can be said to be negligible.

Furthermore, these phytoestrogens have lost their activity as early as the beer fermentation process, and it is impossible to affect the hormone levels of the human body, let alone weaken male sexual characteristics.

However, if a man drinks a lot of beer, he will have excess energy and fat accumulation, which will promote the conversion of androgen into estrogen through the action of aromatase.In this way, it is not impossible to become a "mother" after drinking too much beer, but it is not because of the intake of phytoestrogens in beer, but because too much energy surplus leads to excess fat, which affects the relationship between hormones. Normal conversion between.

The final word: Drinking too much beer is not only easy to become a beer belly, but also easy to get alcoholic liver. For your own health, you need to drink beer in moderation.

*Can genital transplantation be successful?
Practicality: ★★★

Knowledge: ★★★

Interesting: ★★★★★

For men, their genitals are their "lifeblood", and life without genitals can be described as dark.But people can be transplanted without a heart or eyes, but can their genitals be used?
In fact, there have been cases of successful genital transplantation, and doctors have proved to us with practical actions that genital transplantation is also acceptable.

The reason why the world's first young man who received a genital transplant lost his genitals was because when he was 18 years old, his traditional tribe required him to undergo the mandatory circumcision of the juvenile, that is, the operation of cutting the genital circumcision.

However, these circumcisions are generally ordinary religious personnel, and they do not have a doctor's license. In addition, the knives used to perform circumcision in many areas are not metal knives, but stone knives. The pain and risks during the circumcision process can be imagined Know.

Many people who have undergone circumcision have suffered serious infections after the circumcision is completed because of the crude equipment and unsterilized instruments.Every year, nearly 300 people in South Africa alone lose their penises due to circumcision. This young man who received a genital transplant is a typical example.

Because of this traditional custom, the 18-year-old boy's entire penis is only 1 centimeter long, and his mental and physical health have been seriously affected.

Three years after he was circumcised, Cape Town's Tygerberg Hospital and Stellanbosch University jointly performed a genital transplant for him. The operation took 3 hours. After a three-month recovery period, the patient's new genitals It can already "work" normally, and there is no problem with urinating, erecting, or ejaculating.

According to the "Daily Mail" report, this young man has successfully become a baby daddy, no different from ordinary people.

The final word: Outdated traditional habits may cause certain damage to people's health, but developed medical conditions can also heal many physical wounds. There have been successful cases of genital transplantation. In the future, accept this operation and "rejuvenate There are not a few men who are "majestic".

* Men who have a lot of sex are not easy to get stones, is it true?

Practicality: ★★★★
Knowledge: ★★★★★

Interesting: ★★★

It is said that people who drink water are less likely to get kidney stones, and people who don’t like soy products are less likely to get kidney stones, but have you heard that men who have a lot of sex are less likely to get kidney stones?
The so-called kidney stones are actually formed by the accumulation of inorganic salts and organic substances in the kidneys for a long time, because soy products, especially gypsum tofu, contain a lot of calcium, and calcium is the most important component of kidney stones, so People who like to eat gypsum tofu have a higher probability of suffering from kidney stones.

And because regular drinking of water helps the excretion of calcium in the kidneys, people who love to drink water are less likely to get kidney stones.Both of these statements are well-founded, but the frequency of sexual intercourse has nothing to do with kidney stones.

The urine in a healthy human body will be in a balanced state, and the crystal saturation in urine and the activity of crystal polymerization inhibitors are equivalent.However, if this balance is broken, no matter whether the crystal saturation is too high or the activity of the crystal polymerization inhibitor is reduced, the only result is that the crystals in the urine start to aggregate. stone".

If you want to prevent kidney stones, drink less beer and eat less meat, say goodbye to high-salt and high-sugar foods, and drink plenty of water is the right choice. The number of intercourse has no direct relationship with kidney stones.

On the contrary, after intense intercourse, the human body will lose a lot of water. If water is not replenished in time at this time, the water in the urine will be greatly reduced, and the excess calcium in the body will not be discharged smoothly. If things go on like this, it may induce kidney stones.

The final word: The formation of kidney stones is directly related to the long-term accumulation of calcium in the body, but frequent intercourse will not prevent kidney stones, on the contrary, it may become one of the predisposing factors for kidney stones.

* How many bacteria are exchanged in one kiss?

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When the love between lovers is strong, it is inevitable to kiss. There are many light kisses, but of course there are deep French kisses where lips and teeth blend. How many bacteria will be exchanged in such kisses?

In fact, humans are not the only ones who kiss, but humans are the only ones who touch each other's tongues and exchange saliva during kissing.Ninety percent of civilized people will choose to kiss to express their love, but such a kiss will cause more than 8000 million bacterial exchanges.

There are more than 100 billion microorganisms in the human ecosystem. These microorganisms play a very important role in the digestion of food, the absorption and synthesis of nutrients, and the prevention of diseases.Genetic factors, daily living habits and eating patterns, age and surrounding individuals can all affect this huge microbial population.

There are more than 700 kinds of bacteria in the small mouth. These bacteria are beneficial and harmless to our body. They are very normal flora and will not cause disease.Kissing between lovers will allow these bacteria to "migrate" in the mouths of two people, but because these flora are not harmful in themselves, if there are no other pathogenic flora, kissing between healthy people will exchange more than 8000 million oral bacteria, but will not suffer from disease.

However, if the mouth contains respiratory diseases such as influenza virus, SARS, and tuberculosis, which are mainly transmitted through droplets, a deep kiss is likely to allow these germs to "migrate" together, causing the healthy party to get sick .

The final word: Although kissing will cause more than 8000 million bacteria to "migrate" in the mouths of two people, as long as both parties have no health problems, such flora exchange will have no effect.

(End of this chapter)

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