Chapter 102 0102 Point Baoyan

After disposing of the treasure of 'Fate' in his hand, Hongjun slowly opened his mouth and said: "My palm has created jade butterflies, comprehended the way of saints, and preached the way in Zixiao Palace. To make up for the lack of the way of heaven. The treasures obtained in the early years are now useless, so I will give them to you for self-defense."

"Thank you, Teacher, for your kindness—" Hearing that Hongjun still had a magic weapon for himself and others, all the guests in Zixiao Palace were overjoyed, and quickly thanked him.

Looking at everyone's eyes, Hongjun continued to say: "The magic weapon has been placed on the Fenbao Rock outside the Zixiao Palace, you can go to the Fenbao Rock outside the Zixiao Palace to get it according to your own chance, so you can go to find it Take your chance—”

After speaking, he waved his hand, indicating that everyone can leave to seek opportunities.

As soon as Hongjun finished speaking, Li Chen swung a wave of mana to protect his disciples, and threw them directly beside Fenbaoyan. The three thousand listeners who had not yet left Zixiao Palace couldn't help feeling envious. They all mobilized their mana and flew towards Fenbaoyan at their fastest speed, for fear that if they were a step too late, this treasure would lose their share.

Li Chen's operation made Hongjun's eyes twitch, and he couldn't help but said to Li Chen: "Daoist friend, is this inappropriate?"

Li Chen smiled and said: "What's wrong, those disciples of mine have only such little cultivation, how can they run past those quasi-sages? As a master, I can only put down my body to help them, let's talk about you Hongjun Isn’t it also a restriction placed on this precious rock—”

Hearing what Li Chen said, Hongjun couldn't help comforting himself secretly when he thought of the restrictions he had set up. As long as Li Chen didn't go there in person, he could say anything.

After a while, only Hongjun, Li Chen, Haotian and Yaochi were left in Zixiao Palace.

Li Chen just said at this time: "I see that you are lingering with the breath of heaven, fellow Taoist. I'm afraid you are already in the process of joining the Tao. I don't know if fellow Taoist Hongjun is safe now?"

I saw Hongjun smiled wryly, and said: "But I am not afraid of the jokes of fellow Taoists. Now I know the vastness of the way of heaven, and the luck of all the people gathered in this preaching can only maintain my original will and not be completely assimilated by it. As for In the future, I can only draw it slowly—"

Li Chen nodded when he heard the words, and then asked:

"So, after you join the Dao, fellow Taoist, Hongjun will be the Dao of Heaven, but the Dao of Heaven will not be Hongjun? I don't know if this is the case?"

"That's why—"

The two asked and answered, and Li Chen also got some secrets from Hongjun's mouth that were irrelevant to the Dao of Heaven. Li Chen didn't believe that Hongjun would tell him everything about the more important information, but there were some things that matched what Li Chen said. information, it can probably be deduced what kind of situation this Heavenly Dao is——

Let's say that after Chenlong and others came to Fenbaoyan, they each began to sense the magic weapon that was destined for them.

After a while, Chenlong stretched out his hand to grab the Fenbaoyan, and grabbed out several magic weapons.

They are the middle-rank Xiantian Lingbao Earth-Splitting Bead, the top-rank Houtian Lingbao Town Dragon Monument, the top-rank Xiantian Lingbao Chasing Mountain Whip, etc.——

Houtu, Nvxi, Tianfang and others also grabbed several or even dozens of magic weapons from it.

After taking the magic treasures, everyone counted them up, and more than a dozen people obtained a total of 99 magic weapons on this precious rock.

Not long after, Laozi, Yuanshi, and Tongtian also came to Fenbaoyan. Seeing Chenlong and others, Laozi nodded slightly, and sensed the magic weapon in Fenbaoyan that was destined for him, and gathered together. He stretched out his giant magic hand and grabbed Fen Baoyan, and dozens of magic weapons were caught by Lao Tzu.

Among them are the Taiji symbol, the palace lantern with eight scenes, the flame flag from the ground, the wind and fire futon, the Zifu sword and so on——

When Yuan Shi saw Chen Long and the others, he snorted coldly, expressing his dissatisfaction with how many people were sent by Li Chen first, but Chen Long and the others felt inexplicably wondering when they and others offended Yuan Shi again. up.

Yuan Shi also made a rough impression, grabbed it, and grabbed dozens of treasures such as: Yuxu glass lamp, Qingjing glass bottle (mutton fat white jade bottle), Yuxu apricot yellow flag, yin and yang mirror, etc., and nodded in satisfaction. , even the inexplicable anger towards Chenlong and others disappeared.

And Tongtian followed closely behind, and he caught hundreds of spiritual treasures, such as Liuhun Banner, Zidian Hammer, Fishing Drum, Hunyuan Hammer, Hunyuan Golden Dou, 24 Dinghai God Beads, etc. All were arrested.

Even Yuanshi couldn't help being envious of Tongtian, and even Chenlong and others beside him were envious. Sure enough, there is still a gap between people, and his brothers and sisters combined are not as much as Tongtian alone.

After Tongtian put away the magic weapon, Jieyin and Zhunti found it here after a long time.

Seeing that Chenlong, Sanqing and the others were already here, and went forward to bow to everyone, he sensed that there was a magic weapon on this precious rock that was destined for him.

With a wave of receiving and guiding, dozens of treasures that are destined to the west flew out from the Fenbaoyan, all of which were such as the blue lotus banner, the swinging magic pestle, the human race bag, and the Seven Treasure Pagoda.

However, Zhunti later obtained more than a dozen treasures such as the nine-ring Zen stick, the eight-treasure merit pool, and so on.

He laughed like a brilliantly blooming chrysanthemum, making people feel a chill when they saw it.

The receptionist on the side hastily tugged on Zhunti, reminding him not to get too carried away.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Zhunti couldn't help feeling embarrassed, and smiled sarcastically.

Afterwards, all the guests from Zixiao Palace also came here, and they all showed their magical powers to snatch the treasures that were destined for them in Fenbaoyan. The treasures on Fenbaoyan did not move at all, as if they had taken root.

In vain, in vain to provoke jokes.

It didn't take long for everyone to obtain their own predestined treasures. Fenbaoyan shook, and nearly a thousand treasures left on it suddenly turned into streamers of light and flew towards Honghuang.

Everyone wanted to intercept them, but found that these treasures were like flowers in a mirror and the moon in water, they could not be touched at all.

I can only secretly write down the approximate location, and wait to find it in the future.

After the treasures were distributed, everyone began to bid farewell to each other and leave.

Seeing this, Chenlong followed Li Chen's instructions and put away the Fen Baoyan.

When Zhunti saw it, he couldn't help but slapped his head.

Since this precious rock can carry so many treasures, it is definitely not an ordinary thing, not necessarily a powerful treasure.

Now being collected by Chenlong, he has missed this treasure.

How could he not make Zhun Ti feel annoyed.

After stomping his feet, he bid farewell to everyone, and then led the lead to prepare to return to the west.

"Fellow daoists, where do you want to go now?"

Sanqing asked Nuwa, Fuxi, Chenlong and others.

Nuwa replied: "Of course I went to Zixiao Palace. The master said that he preached for 3000 years. At this time, more than 2000 years have passed, and there are still hundreds of years to go—"

"So, how about we go together—"

"So good."


However, after Zhunti and Jieyin returned to the wilderness, they seemed to remember that the time had not yet reached 3000 years, and they couldn't help but slapped their foreheads.

Shouting in his mouth: "It's a big loss, it's a big loss--"

Pull up the guide and fly towards the direction of Zixiao Palace, this speed is a bit faster than the speed when returning to the prehistoric.

On the contrary, Jieyin hadn't realized what the situation was, and couldn't help being confused by Zhunti's reaction.

"Brother, the teacher has been preaching for 3000 years, and it is only 2000 years now—"

Hearing Zhunti's words, Jieyin also understood why Zhunti reacted in this way——

(End of this chapter)

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