Chapter 103
When Sanqing, Nuwa, Chenlong and others returned to Zixiao Palace, only Hongjun, Li Chen, Haotian, and Yaochi were in Zixiao Palace, and the other listeners did not come back.

When Hongjun saw the crowd coming back, he didn't say anything. After Sanqing, Nuwa, Chenlong and others sat down, he began to talk about the Dao by himself:

" life is two, two is three, and three are metamorphosis, and even nine Xuan, from nine to one, is the truth of the Tao. Yang Qing becomes the sky, dregs condense into the earth, and the middle synthesizes people. The three are divided into judgments, and all things are born. The sun and the moon shine together, the five attributes call their names, and they are sages. The three are born in the origin of the three qi, and are at the beginning of the original qi.


This explanation not only explains the way of the sage, but also includes the method of using the prehistoric luck, merit and so on.

Even Li Chen didn't dare to say how many of these things he knew.

It's just that I barely understand these things.

How could he be so familiar with these things like Hongjun.

I don't know where Hongjun got this knowledge, and Li Chen couldn't help but feel admiration for Hongjun. This so-called Taoist ancestor is really not something everyone can call.

When Jieyin and Zhunti arrived at Zixiao Palace again, Hongjun had already been giving lectures for more than ten years.

The two couldn't help wiping away the sweat that wasn't there at all. Seeing that Hongjun ignored him and the two were still preaching on their own, they went back to their seats quietly.

Soon the two of them were immersed in the Dao that Hongjun talked about.

Time passed quickly, and hundreds of years passed in the blink of an eye. When Hongjun saw that 3000 years had passed, he stopped preaching.

Li Chen knew that Hongjun was about to 'completely' agree with him.

Although the three sermons were not completely consistent before, they were also eroded by the way of heaven. Thanks to this good luck jade plate, they were safe.

After all, there is only one saint, and all the power of heaven is concentrated on one saint. Although he is very powerful, the erosion of heaven is also concentrated on one person.

Hongjun's three lectures not only wanted to collect the luck of all living beings in the wild to resist the erosion of the heavenly way, but even prepared to eat the way out to reach a higher level, and the six saints selected here were not only needed by the wilderness and the heavenly way. To manage Honghuang, Hongjun needs them to share some of the pressure of heaven for himself.

I saw Hongjun slowly opening his mouth and saying:

"I palm the good fortune jade plate, comprehend the way of the sage, and preached the way in the Zixiao Palace. Now the merits and virtues are about to be perfected. I should join the way with my body to make up for the lack of the way of heaven. From then on, the general trend will not change, and the future will not appear—— "

When everyone heard about it, they all bowed to Hongjun: "I hope Master think twice—"

"This is a fixed number, you don't need to say much—"

After speaking, he waved his hands, as if he didn't want to continue discussing this topic.

Tong Tian stood up at this time and asked: "Dare to ask Master, the general situation will not change, but the small situation can be changed?"

Hongjun thought for a while and replied: "Yes."

Li Chen opened his mouth at this time, and said something playful: "Small momentum gathers the crowd, how can the big momentum not be changed?"

"This seat is in line with the Dao, and the general trend of the Dao of Heaven must not be changed!" Hong Jun also replied forcefully to Li Chen.

The meaning expressed in it is self-evident.

Although Li Chen didn't say anything more, he was ready to compete with this Hongjun in his heart.

Although there is no contradiction between the two, both of them have their own arrogance.

One said that the general trend of heaven does not change, and the minor trend can change, and the other said that if the minor trend changes more, then the general trend will also change accordingly.

Who is right and who is wrong, it just depends on whose method will be more clever in the future.

As if smelling the smell of gunpowder between Hongjun and Li Chen, Sanqing and the others were all silent, for fear that the two would bring the conflict to themselves.

Even Tongtian was annoyed at himself for asking this question out of curiosity.

However, Hongjun didn't seem to have any plans to continue, but said to Sanqing and the others: "As a teacher, the Dao of Heaven manifests itself. As for how many mysteries of the Dao of Heaven you can comprehend, it is your good fortune—"

As soon as he finished speaking, he nodded to Li Chen, and the jade plate of good fortune emerged from the back of Hongjun's head, and it was full of mottled cracks.

I only heard Hongjun yelling loudly: "The way of heaven—come out!!!"

Countless laws and Taoisms are derived from the good luck jade plate, protruding into the chaotic and chaotic void, as if they are hooked to something.

Suddenly, Zixiao Palace disappeared, and everyone appeared in the chaos.

Li Chen had been prepared for a long time, and he swung a mana to protect himself, a group of disciples, Sanqing Zhunti and others.

Lao Tzu and others couldn't help feeling a little bit fond of Li Chen. After all, appearing suddenly in the chaos, although it wouldn't cause any real harm to their own people, it would inevitably cause a burst of disgrace.

Immediately, a burst of coercion from the Dao of Heaven radiated from Hongjun's body, and a giant eye emerged from the chaos. This is the body of the Dao of Heaven.

Although it is still extremely powerful at this time, it does not have a carrier. Compared with the strong at the same level, there are very obvious weaknesses. That's why Tiandao just chose the most suitable treasure in the prehistoric world-the Good Fortune Jade Plate.

But this good fortune jade plate was broken during the Great Tribulation, and although it has been barely repaired by Hongjun, if the Dao of Heaven wants to match it, it is in danger of being damaged again.

It is precisely because of this that Tiandaofang chose Hongjun as the owner of the good fortune jade plate at this time, and when he was in harmony, he made up for the lack of good fortune jade plate with his body.

It is because what Hongjun practices is the way of balance, and what he is best at is balancing the conflicts between these laws.

After all, it is inevitable that the way of heaven should be integrated into the jade plate of good fortune, and it will conflict with the original law of the jade plate of good fortune, but it needs Hongjun to balance it.

However, the Dao of Heaven is a condensed thing of laws after all, and it does not have the thinking possessed by living beings at all. It would never have occurred to Hongjun that he would go one step closer to joining Dao and devouring Dao.

But in any case, Tiandao and Hongjun are willing to fight and suffer.

I saw countless laws derived from the eye of heaven, which complemented and entangled with the laws derived from the good fortune jade plate.

All of a sudden, the Eye of Heaven directly fell into the good luck jade dish.

Seeing this, Hongjun knew that the time was ripe.

With a loud shout, Hongjun turned into a mysterious and wonderful gas, like the avenue of heaven and earth, like the origin of all things, and fell directly into the jade plate of good fortune like the eye of that day's way.

In the chaos, in the prehistoric world, there was a faint sound of "he" that lasted for a long time.

Not only that, after Hongjun joined the Dao, all living beings in the world felt it, as if the world had suddenly become perfect from the previous incompleteness.

The laws of the Dao between heaven and earth appeared one after another at this moment, and countless monks broke through the current realm because of this, but after a while, the laws retreated and became obscure. Everyone who listened to the Dao in Zixiao Palace knew that Hongjun had joined the Dao at this moment up.

Li Chen, Sanqing and others watched the whole process of Hongjun's joining together, and they all had some insights.

Especially Li Chen, he was very surprised by the Eye of Heaven. Isn’t this Eye of Heaven the upgraded version of Tiantianwang in his Tongtian Tower, except for the lack of that big eye, everything else is almost exactly the same——

(End of this chapter)

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