Chapter 104 0104 Invitation

Hongjun joins the road, Zixiao Palace disappears, Li Chen and Sanqing and others bid farewell to Buzhou Mountain, and then return to Penglai Sanxian Island.

After listening to Hongjun's preaching and watching the whole process of Hongjun's joining together, everyone had some understanding in their hearts. After returning to their respective caves, they all practiced in seclusion one after another to digest what they had gained from listening to the sermon.

Unknowingly, it has been quiet for more than a thousand years in the prehistoric——

After Dijun left the retreat, thinking about the future development of the monster clan, he was worried about the affairs of the two clans of the Lich, and unknowingly came to the place where Buzhou Mountain was located.

Seeing the indomitable Buzhou Mountain, a sense of pride arose in my heart, and at the same time, I felt a sudden whim, as if Buzhou Mountain had its own opportunity.

However, Di Jun also wondered why he didn't sense any chance to be on Buzhou Mountain except for the gourd distribution when he came to Buzhou Mountain before, but this time he sensed it.

Can't figure it out, Di Jun didn't think about him, just put his troubles behind him, and started to climb Buzhou Mountain with his concentration.


At this time, Li Chen and his masters and apprentices, who had been in seclusion for a thousand years, all left the seclusion one after another. Although the cultivation level did not increase much this time, it was the most rewarding one.

All the gains from listening to sermons are turned into one's own foundation, which becomes the basis for one step closer in the future.

Even the already mellow mana has become more pure.

The first thing Li Chen did after leaving customs was to gather his disciples and start to put the Sanxian Island on the agenda. First of all, he planned to use Yingzhou Xiandao to open the first organized workshop for ascetics in the prehistoric period. City, followed by the establishment of the Dao Xuegong, the first place in the prehistoric period to preach and teach the four arts, on the Abbot Xiandao.

In fact, as far as Chenlong, Houtu, Nvxi and others are concerned, they are already familiar with the whole process, after all, they have already done it once.

But in this prehistoric world, it's not like in the ancient world, where people will come here admiringly shouting twice in Skynet.

After all, the Dao of Heaven was not created by Li Chen, was it?

After making the invitation card, he ordered his disciples to send it to those congenital saints.


Five Villages,
"Qingfeng, Mingyue, there are distinguished guests coming outside the door, hurry up to greet—"

Zhenyuanzi sensed that Nuxi and Houtu came to the door, and quickly ordered Qingfeng and Mingyue to say.

"Master, Master, is Uncle Hongyun here?" Qingfeng asked with joy, even Mingyue beside him was full of anticipation.

As Zhen Yuanzi's close friend, Hongyun often comes to Zhen Yuanzi's place to eat and drink, especially every time he sees Qingfengmingyue, the two boys will hand them the spiritual fruits they picked during their travels in the wilderness. , Let the two of them satiate their appetites.

Zhen Yuanzi shook his head and said with a smile: "You two bastards, I'm only thinking about your Uncle Hongyun's spirit fruit—" He shook his head as he spoke.

Qingfeng seemed to have been punctured, and couldn't help scratching her head in embarrassment.

But Mingyue didn't feel embarrassed at all, she grabbed Zhen Yuanzi's sleeve and shook it and asked, "Master, isn't it, isn't it—"

"Haha, haha..." Zhen Yuanzi laughed and shook his head.

For these two boys, Zhen Yuanzi always regarded them as boys, if it wasn't for the poor aptitude and comprehension of his feet, Zhen Yuanzi even thought of directly accepting them as disciples.

But even if they are not accepted as disciples now, the two are still just boys, but their status is no less than that of disciples.

Seeing this, Qingfeng and Mingyue couldn't help but look disappointed.

I thought I could eat something delicious again.

But it’s also true to think about it in retrospect. Every time Master Hongyun came, my master would directly say, "Your Master Hongyun is here, hurry up and greet..."

If it wasn't Master Hongyun this time, who could it be?
After all, few people come to Wuzhuang Temple——

The two of them thought thoughtfully.

Zhen Yuanzi seemed to see the doubts in the hearts of the two of them, and couldn't help saying: "Don't think about this and that, you go out to meet them, and then you will know who is sacred—"

When the two heard this, they hurriedly ran out.


"Qingfeng, why don't you say they haven't come yet?" The two stood at the door and had time to have a cup of tea, but they didn't even see anyone, so they couldn't help asking Qingfeng.

But Qingfeng grabbed Mingyue's arm with one hand and pointed to the distance with the other: "Here we come, we come..."

The two hurriedly adjusted their attire.

After a while, the Liuguang transformed by Nvxi and Houtu came to the gate of Wuzhuang Temple.

"Excuse me, is this the Wuzhuang Temple?"

Seeing the breeze and bright moon in front of the gate of Wuzhuang Temple, Nu Xi stepped forward and asked.

"This beautiful sister, this is Wuzhuangguan. You are the distinguished guests that the master said, and the master asked us to come out to welcome you."

"Then I will trouble you—" Houtu nodded to them.

Nvxi couldn't help being happy when she heard the two boys calling her sister, and took out several spiritual fruits unique to the ancient world from the storage space, and handed them to the two boys.

For Nvxi, these spiritual fruits can only be used as snacks, to satisfy her cravings when she has nothing to do, but for Qingfeng Mingyue, these are at the same level as the jujube tree in Master Hongyun's cave.

Can't help happily accepting the fruit that Nv Xi handed over, thanking Nv Xi: "Miss sister, you are as good as Uncle Hongyun—"

The four of them talked and laughed, and walked towards the Five Villages Temple.

When Zhen Yuanzi saw the two of them, he couldn't help but stroked his beard and smiled, "My two boys have cost two fellow Taoists..."

"It's okay, we have a lot of spiritual fruits in Penglai..."

Nv Xi was very generous, she said indifferently.

After all, Li Chen has the support of the ancient world, and every disciple has a mobile cave for planting spiritual roots and fruits.

"Oh, if there is a chance, Pindao will definitely go to Penglai to visit—"

As he said that, he quickly ordered Qingfeng Mingyue to say: "Qingfeng Mingyue, don't hurry up and give the two fellow Taoists two ginseng fruits to quench their thirst—"

"Okay, sir—"

Wanting to lead the two of them into the hall, Houtu shirked the excuse and said, "I don't want to bother my fellow Taoist, my sister and I have to go to the west to meet with you and Zhunti, but it's inconvenient Stay here for a while, and I hope fellow Taoists will forgive me—”

Hearing what the two said, Zhen Yuanzi knew that there must be something wrong in Penglai, otherwise why would he visit Daneng everywhere, but he didn't know what it would be.

Hou Tu took out a gold-plated invitation card from the magic weapon of space, and said to Zhen Yuanzi:
"My Penglai will open the Fangshi and Dao Xuegong in 300 years, and I am here to invite fellow Taoists to watch the ceremony at that time—this is an invitation made by Master—"

As he spoke, he handed the invitation to Zhen Yuanzi.

Zhen Yuanzi accepted the invitation with a serious face. After all, Li Chen was an equal to Hongjun, so he couldn't be too solemn.

 I have something to do today and tomorrow, it may be updated later, sorry——

(End of this chapter)

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