Chapter 105 0105

At this time, Qingfengmingyue also came with a tray, and on the tray was a piece of silk, and on the silk were two fruits that looked like children who had just been full moon, which were Zhen Yuanzi's famous top ten fruits. Ginseng fruit produced by the ginseng fruit tree, one of the congenital spiritual roots.

However, Nvxi and Houtu have never seen this ginseng fruit, and there is no such ginseng fruit in the ancient world, so they are a little surprised to see how this ginseng fruit looks like.

"This fruit is a ginseng fruit produced by an innate spiritual root in the hands of the poor. It is also known as Cao Huan Dan. It blooms in 3000 years, bears fruit in 3000 years, and ripens in another 3000 years. It takes only 1 years to eat. This It takes about 360 years for the fruit of life to bear only 7000 fruits. The appearance of the fruit is similar to that of a child under three dynasties, with all four limbs and five senses. If a person is lucky enough to smell the fruit, he will live [-] ​​years; One, only live for [-] years. But unfortunately, for the powerhouse above Da Luo Jinxian, the effect is not very big, but the two fellow Taoists can taste their hearts—"

Speaking of this ginseng fruit, Zhen Yuanzi was quite proud.

After all, it is one of the top ten innate spiritual roots. Apart from the Huangzhong Li, Renshui Pantao, and western bodhi seeds, which may be able to compete with this ginseng fruit, Zhenyuanzi really can't think of any spiritual fruits. It can be compared with my own ginseng fruit.

However, in Li Chen's hands, not only the innate spiritual root, but also the chaotic spiritual root, and both of them have eaten the fruit, so in terms of its effect, it can be said to be at the level of heaven-defying.

Therefore, Nvxi and Houtu just nodded when they heard the introduction of this ginseng fruit, their faces were very calm and composed.

On the contrary, Nv Xi was very good at Zhen Yuanzi's face, so she ate a few mouthfuls of the ginseng fruit on the spot.

After eating, I smashed my mouth, as if I haven't eaten enough.

Immediately, I felt a wave of spiritual energy spreading from my stomach.

Sitting cross-legged quickly, refining this aura.

Seeing this, Houtu couldn't help but smiled wryly at Zhen Yuanzi.

My junior sister is good everywhere, but she is too greedy.

After a while, a huge coercion emerged from Nvxi, but she broke through the early stage of Da Luo Jinxian with the help of the power of ginseng fruit.

However, it is also thanks to the consolidation of the Taiyi Jinxian peak realm before, otherwise it would not be so smooth.

Seeing Nv Xi slowly finishing work, Houtu also bowed slightly to Zhen Yuanzi, and said, "Junior Sister has already broken through the realm of Da Luo, but this time I thank you very much for your ginseng fruit, fellow daoist, but my two sisters did not I still have something important to do, fellow daoist, see you and me on Penglai Xiandao in the future!"

Speaking of pulling up Nvxi who had already got up, she left Wuzhuang Temple...

Next stop, Lingshan——


In addition to the group of Nvxi and Houtu, Li Chen also sent groups to Kunlun, Blood Sea, Beiming, Pangu Temple, Zhonghuang Mountain, Huoyun Cave and other places to invite all parties.

The time of 300 years has not yet come, but the actions about Penglai Sanxian Island in the prehistoric are widely spread in the prehistoric.

The creatures in the prehistoric world were extremely curious about the city and school that Li Chen wanted to build, and even the conflicts between the witch clan and the monster clan that had only been seen disappeared for a while because of this.

All the prehistoric creatures don't know what's so special about this square city and the academy, and it's worth the trouble and time it takes for Li Chenlai, who is on the same level as Hongjun Daozu, to preside over it himself.

However, there is no inside information, so I can only wait for the time to go to Sanxian Island to find out.

In the blink of an eye, 300 years have passed, and countless streamers of light flew to the place where Penglai Sanxian Island is located in the prehistoric, and the number of people was much larger than that of Hongjun when he preached.

After all, the Zixiao Palace is in the chaos beyond the prehistoric, and the Penglai Sanxian Island is in the prehistoric, and the difficulty of going there is not at the same level.

But fortunately, both the abbot and the second island of Yingzhou have set up countless formations by Li Chen and his disciples, including solid formations, space expansion formations, air-forbidden formations, etc. Because of the large number of people, there was a scene where demons danced wildly.

However, this is the first time this scene has appeared in the wilderness, and it is almost always crowded with people.

And even if they meet enemies and the like here, both sides restrain themselves very much, so as not to attract the attention of a strong man like Li Chen on this island.

Among the three immortal islands, only Abbot Yingzhou Second Island is open to the outside world, while Penglai Immortal Island is only open to the innate and sacred such as Sanqing, Nuwa, Fuxi, Jieyin, Zhunti, Styx, and Kunpeng.

After all, the treatment of ordinary guests and VIPs is always different. If the low-level monks who come to visit are treated like Sanqing and others, if they serve good tea, water, spirit fruits and fairy fruits, Li Chen will probably go bankrupt.

Li Chen was not taken advantage of, and Li Chen would not be so stupid.

Of Li Chen's dozen or so disciples, except for the three who were busy on Penglai Xiandao, the others were all assigned to the abbot Yingzhou Second Island.

Li Chen was not worried that Abbot Yingzhou Second Island would become chaotic, because there was a huge stone tablet at the entrance to the island.

The stele records the function and order of the abbot Yingzhou Second Island.

Moreover, this stele was also made by Li Chen, a management center similar to artificial intelligence, monitoring everything that happened on the two fairy islands, and maintaining the order and rules set by Li Chen.

The main task of Li Chen's disciples is to act as shopkeepers or teachers in Wuliang Bank, Duobao Pavilion, Xuegong, etc.

The hour is almost here, basically all those who should come have come, and Li Chen who didn't come didn't force them.

Immediately, Li Chen appeared in Penglai Xiandao.

Seeing Li Chen, all the great powers saluted Li Chen one after another and said: "We have seen Venerable Changming (the invitation was issued in the name of Li Chen, and it bears the name of Li Chen to show others.)"

I saw Li Chen laughed and said: "Everyone, hurry up and be free, and let's sit down first and enjoy these spirit fruit fairy brews—"

The spiritual fruit that Li Chen used to entertain everyone not only had the unique spiritual fruit in his ancient world, but also the spiritual fruit from his own chaotic spiritual root.

There are many varieties of spiritual fruit, and the level is not low. Although this wonderful Xuanyuan fruit cannot be used to improve one's cultivation, it has a very important effect on repairing hidden injuries and improving one's aptitude.

After taking it, everyone felt refreshed, and many hidden injuries caused by going astray in cultivation or fighting skills seemed to be healed under the effect of this wonderful Xuanyuan fruit.

Can not help but have amazed.

After a while, Li Chen just opened his mouth and said: "I set up a market and a school on the second island of the abbot Yingzhou. There are two purposes. First, I plan to promote a coin that monks can use for circulation. -"

Li Chen slowly explained his purpose, and at the same time ordered his disciples to present the immeasurable coins he wanted to issue to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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