Chapter 106 0106

I saw that the coin was round on the outside and square on the inside, with the Dao Rune flashing faintly on it, which seemed to have other uses.

On one side of the coin is engraved the words "Infinite Copper Coin", and on the other side is engraved a pagoda with a vague number of floors.

"Miao... Miao... Miao"

Lao Tzu picked up the infinite coin, felt it carefully, and couldn't help but praise it.

After the other masters picked up the infinite coin and checked it, they also nodded one after another.

This immeasurable coin is not just a simple coin for a monk, but also has a role comparable to or even more important than a spirit stone.

"So, I'm issuing this infinite coin on Yingzhou Xiandao. Do you have any objections?"

Everyone looked at each other and replied:
"Reporting to Venerable Daoist, this move is a great merit of heaven and earth, and we have no objection."

"Let me talk about the second thing."

He paused for a while, then continued: "I want to open the Dao Academy, where all sentient beings can enter to practice the Four Arts of Immortal Cultivation and various Dao methods—"

Li Chen didn't ask about the second matter of opening the Dao Academy, and after talking about it, he got up and said.

"If that's the case, follow me out to watch the ceremony—"

"Go together, go together—"


While talking, everyone passed through the portal between the Three Immortals and came to the Immortal Island of Yingzhou, on the high platform that had been arranged.

This portal is a space teleportation magic weapon specially refined by Li Chen in order to facilitate the passage between Sanxian Island. Through this gate, one can lead to another door.

"Look, there is someone on the stage—"

Seeing Li Chen Sanqing, Nuwa, Jieyin and others appearing on the high platform, the audience suddenly became noisy.

Each of these statues is a person of great background.

"Isn't this the Immortal Zhenyuanzi from Wuzhuang Temple?"

A casual cultivator who had seen Zhen Yuanzi couldn't help pointing to Zhen Yuanzi among the crowd.

The other person also pointed at Di Jun and said in surprise: "Isn't this Di Jun and Tai Yi, the two masters of the demon clan?"

After all, Di Jun is the master of the monster clan, so he would appear here. Looking at the witch clan on the other side, he was even more surprised.

"The Witch Clan actually came too, but it's strange, because of their violent temper, they didn't fight Di Juntai—"

A casual cultivator who knew the details of Sanxian Island stroked his mustache and couldn't help saying with some complacency:

"You don't know, don't you think about who the owner of Sanxian Island is—"

After Li Chen and the others came to the Taoist platform, all the monks who came from all walks of life focused their eyes on Li Chen and the group of powerful people on the Taoist platform.

Li Chen waved his hand to temporarily close the fog formation on Yingzhou Island.

I saw Li Chen then sacrificed the Tongtian Tower, and flew out of the tower a coin with two small wings, round on the outside and square on the inside, constantly flying in the air.

It is the treasure-dropping money from the ancient world that has reached the level of the treasure of chaos.

Afterwards, the sound of Lang Lang Tian spread from Li Chen's mouth.

"My Changming, now I want to issue immeasurable coins to benefit all living beings in the prehistoric world, so I'm here to inform all living beings in the Dao of Heaven—"

As soon as the words fell, the sky outside Sanxian Island was covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning, countless laws condensed and evolved into a huge eye.

It is the eye of the Tao.

But at this time, the Eye of Heaven in Li Chen's perception was much stronger than what he felt in Zixiao Palace before.

Glancing at Li Chen and the Chaos Supreme Treasure-level Luobao money, he seemed to be hesitating, but after a while, a golden streamer flew towards Sanxian Island from the direction of the Great Desolate Continent.

After the golden streamer stopped, it clearly looked like the Luobao money in Li Chen's hand, which belonged to the Luobao money bred by the prehistoric.

One of the two Luobao coins has been integrated into the Tongtian Tower, which is at the level of the most chaotic treasure, while the other is at the level of the best innate spiritual treasure.

However, although the Luobao money integrated into Tongtian Tower has reached the level of Chaos Supreme Treasure, its power is much greater than that of the best innate spirit treasure level in the prehistoric world, but it is only the power brought by its rank Forget it, the Dao inscription on it is actually not as good as the top-grade innate spirit treasure level Luobao money in the prehistoric.

When the Chaos Supreme Treasure-level Luobao money in Li Chen's hand sensed the top-grade Innate Spiritual Treasure-level Luobao money, he immediately seemed to know that his opportunity was coming, and it kept beating in Li Chen's hand.

It seemed to be telling Li Chen something.

Li Chen let go of the restraint on the Luobao money, and the Luobao money in his hand suddenly flew into the air, crashing into the top-grade innate spiritual treasure Luobao money that seemed to be captured by the Dao of Heaven.

The top-grade Xiantian Lingbao Luobao money seemed to have sensed his own destiny, and he couldn't help but move around, but how could he avoid the chaos-level Luobao money in Li Chen's hand.

I saw that the two spirit treasures were mainly Li Chen's Chaos Supreme Treasure-level falling treasure money, and the two were directly fused into one.

At this time, there was a supremely indifferent "ke" in the air.

Immediately, the Eye of Heaven in the sky slowly closed and disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

There was only one treasure drop coin that was still at the level of the treasure of chaos, which was much more mysterious than the previous treasure drop coin. Li Chen waved his hand, and the treasure drop coin immediately flew back into the Tongtian Tower.

Sensing the situation of Luobao money, Li Chen couldn't help but look excited. After devouring the best innate spiritual treasure Luobao money in the prehistoric world, his Luobao money has become more many things.

For example, the calculus ability like Hetu Luoshu, such as the power of luck that represents the way of wealth, etc.——

But now is not the time to be happy for this, but there are boundless golden auspicious clouds gathering in the sky again, it is the golden cloud of merit known as the panacea in the prehistoric world.

Among them, [-]% went to Li Chen, [-]% went to Li Chen's disciples, and the last [-]% went to the audience.

Getting Tiandao's permission is almost equivalent to having Tiandao as an endorsement, and Li Chen is behind him.

For many monks in the wilderness, there is no doubt about this infinite coin.

Li Chen turned around and said to everyone: "The matter of the immeasurable coins is over, you can exchange them at the immeasurable bank on the fairy island of Yingzhou. If you are interested in my Dao Xuegong, you can follow me to the abbot A view of the island..."

As Li Chen spoke, he took a step ahead and headed towards Abbot Island.

Hundreds of millions of casual cultivators below flock to the space gate. After all, for them, there are not many treasures, no superior Taoism, and no good master. They can only pray for the Taoism taught by Li Chen. Gong was able to free his group of casual practitioners from the current embarrassing situation.

However, some strong men with great mana, ability and even high self-esteem went to the Infinity Bank to exchange some of the infinity coins——

(End of this chapter)

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