Chapter 107 0107 A Small Battle

Originally, Li Chen thought that the establishment of the Dao Academy was not as lively as the issuance of infinite coins, but he did not expect that the enthusiasm erupted by this casual cultivator was beyond his imagination.

The entire Sanxian Island has been busy for several years, and the flow of people has just stabilized and calmed down.

Li Chen didn't have much of a problem, he just showed his face at the beginning, and after sending Sanqing and others away, he began to practice in Wendao Palace.

But everyone in Chenlong was too busy, and they only hoped that a group of students from this Dao Academy would graduate quickly, so that they could pick out good seedlings to replace their buddies.

However, after Li Chen's meeting on the Three Immortals Island was over, all the great powers including Emperor Jun Taiyi and the Twelve Ancestral Witches returned to the Great Desolate Continent one after another.

Just after leaving Sanxian Island and the range of the East China Sea, Emperor Jun Taiyi led Xi and Chang Xi, a group of Yaoshuai and the Twelve Ancestral Witches to face each other directly.

When they were in Sanxian Island, they had long wanted to attack the Twelve Ancestral Witches, but since Sanxian Island was Changming's territory.

In view of the ignorance of how strong the Hunyuan powerhouse is, Dijun and Taiyi didn't want to provoke such a terrible enemy for their monster clan.

However, he was repeatedly provoked by these twelve ancestor witches when he was in Sanxian Island, but now he can't bear it anymore, and now he has the power of wind and thunder when he makes a move.

The sound of the bell resounded through the sky, attracting a crowd of powerful spiritual thoughts to watch.

This fight took hundreds of years, but no one could do anything about it.

Every time my monster clan fought with the witch clan, it ended hastily. Basically, both sides basically had their own winners and losers.

This time it has been fought for hundreds of years, but it is still the same as before.

After all, it is only because of the conflicts among the lower-level liches, and it has not reached the point of killing people. They have not done anything for hundreds of years, and Di Jun and the others and the Twelve Ancestral Witches are exhausted physically and mentally.

After the two parties separated, Di Jun couldn't help but snorted coldly, and said, "Hmph, Taiyi, Xihe, Changxi... let's go—"

It has become the norm in the prehistoric world that there are big fights between liches from time to time, and small fights from time to time.

But after leaving this time, Dijun did not follow Taiyi and the others back to the Sunstar, and Dijun, who was depressed in his heart, did not follow Taiyi and the others back to the Sunstar, and came to Buzhou Mountain unknowingly.

Looking at the majestic and upright Buzhou Mountain, Di Jun seemed to be infected in his heart, full of lofty arrogance.

Di Jun couldn't help dissipating his magic power, like a mortal with no strength to restrain a chicken, he climbed up Buzhou Mountain step by step——

After Li Chen released the infinite coin, not long after, the infinite coin swept across the prehistoric world like a storm.

Streams of light flew from the wilderness towards Sanxian Island, just to exchange for the immeasurable coins on Sanxian Island.

Unknowingly, this immeasurable currency has become the mainstream currency in this prehistoric world, and even spirit stone ores have fallen from the position of currency equivalents to general material treasures.

The popularity of this immeasurable coin has also brought infinite luck and merit to Li Chen.

Li Chen could even feel that the estrangement from the Great Desolation towards him was slowly disappearing under the influence of luck and merit.

It's as if I was originally a foreign hukou, but now through my own efforts, I have slowly integrated into the crowd of local hukou.

Even through Li Chen's analysis of the merits and virtues in the prehistoric world, this merit is almost the same as the original power of the world that he obtained in the ancient barren world, but compared with the original power of the ancient barren world, the merits and virtues in the prehistoric world are almost the same. Strength, but the level is a little bit higher.

Through this continuous learning, Li Chen's understanding of this merit and luck is getting more and more.


But Dijun said that he was climbing Buzhou Mountain, after decades, he finally climbed to the top of Buzhou Mountain.


Di Jun couldn't help but let out a loud cry, venting the depression in his heart.

The top of Buzhou Mountain stands almost above the clouds, and there is a vast expanse of white under the mountain.

The sound spread out for an unknown distance, causing ripples in the clouds.

Di Jun suddenly felt much better in his heart.

After venting, he was about to leave——

However, Di Jun suddenly felt a whim, as if there was something related to his own destiny here, and he even felt that if he just left like this, he would regret his whole life.

Can't help but stop.

Glancing around for a while, his spiritual sense carefully sensed the abnormalities around him.

Didn't this really make Dijun feel that there was something unusual.

In that place stood a smooth boulder, the whole body of this boulder was pure white, like white jade.

However, Di Jun sensed a burst of space fluctuations in the boulder. At this time, Di Jun's cultivation base has reached the quasi-sage level. Although he is not familiar with the power of space, he is definitely no stranger to it.

Immediately, he slapped the boulder with his palm, ready to smash it into pieces and take out the treasures inside.

but didn't think-

 I’m a bit stuck today, wait for me to sort it out, this chapter is like this for the time being——

(End of this chapter)

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