Chapter 109 0109 Target Demon Master (Repair)

Under the will of the four people, the Yaozu immediately began to function.

But at this time Dijun and Taiyi came to Beiming.

After Kunpeng heard the Taoism from Zixiao Palace, Yu Beiming created the Yaowen, so that the inheritance of the Yaozu could be passed on in the blood.

This enabled the demon clan to achieve civilization, and established a demon master palace headed by Kunpeng in Beiming.

After the Zixiao Palace heard the truth, the prehistoric demon clan was divided into the sun star emperor Jun Taiyi's ten major demon commanders, the Zhonghuangshan sect and the Beiming demon master's palace sect.

Nuwa got the holy position and became Hongjun's closed disciple, but Dijun and Taiyi had no good way to deal with the monster clan of Zhonghuang Mountain for the time being.

But for the lineage of Beiming Yaoshigong, they don't have too many scruples.

After all, even if Kunpeng became a quasi-sage, there was only Kunpeng alone, and there was no force behind Kunpeng that the two of them could not shake.

As the saying goes, persimmons are soft, and this demon master Kunpeng is that soft persimmon in the eyes of Di Jun and Tai Yi, who else would he pinch?
Arriving above Beiming, Di Jun's mighty voice swept across the entire Beiming.

"Where is Kunpeng—"

I saw Kunpeng, who was dressed in a jet-black Taoist robe, shooting out of the Beiming Sea like a sharp arrow.

"Emperor Jun Taiyi, what are you talking about when you come to my Beiming?"

Kunpeng, as a guest of Zixiao Palace, is naturally not stupid. There is no trace of politeness in Dijun's tone, he simply treats himself as their subordinate, and the visitor is not kind——

"I want to establish the Heavenly Court of the Monster Race and create a glorious and prosperous age for my Monster Race. I wonder if you, Kunpeng, are willing to join me and create the future of the Monster Race with us?" He was furious. After all, he and Di Jun were one of the three thousand guests in the Zixiao Palace. This remark simply did not put him in the eyes of Kunpeng, so he directly refused without thinking:

"My Kunpeng is used to being carefree, please go back, both of you, forgive me for not being able to send him away—"

"Kunpeng, my two brothers came here to invite you in person, it's already a great honor for you, don't toast or eat fine wine!"

Tai Yi shouted angrily, obviously annoyed at Kunpeng's ignorance.

I only heard Kunpeng snort coldly, regardless of the two of Dijun and Tai, they fell into the Beiming Sea and disappeared as a giant kun.

Tai looked at Di Jun, "Brother, why bother to be so polite with him, you invited him personally, this Kunpeng is so ignorant, I don't remember him hard, I'm afraid we won't be able to subdue him—"

"Just follow what the second brother said—"

Di Jun nodded and said, although there was no trace of anger on his face, the decisiveness in his words fully reflected that Di Jun's mood at this moment was not so good.

When Taiyi heard the words, he took out the Chaos Clock and immediately started beating "Dong Dong Dong...".

The sound of the bell was urgent, like the sound of urging death. The sound wave centered on the Chaos Bell and stirred up huge waves in the Beiming Sea. Countless ordinary sea creatures in Beiming died under the sound waves.

In Beiming, a palace like an ice sculpture rose from the ground, rushing towards the place where Dijun Taiyi and the other two were, resisting the chaos bell for his disciples like a funeral bell.

Looking angrily at Di Jun and Tai Yi, they asked, "Di Jun, Tai Yi, you two brothers are so bullying, is it possible that you want to fight to the death with me, Kunpeng?"

"Kunpeng, you are worrying too much. If you join my brother, you are still my monster clan monster master. Why not? I hope you will think about it—"

Di Jun still wanted to persuade Kunpeng, but Kunpeng had no such idea at all.

After all, Kunpeng is also a guest of Zixiao Palace, and he thinks that he is no worse than Dijun Taiyi and others. To become someone else's subordinate is simply an insult to Kunpeng.

"Being under the command of the two of you? If I want this demon master to condescend to be under the two, I also want to see if the two have the ability—"

As he said that, countless runes rose up behind Kunpeng, like a curtain, protecting Kunpeng tightly.

From a closer look, this rune is neither a Taoist script handed down from Hongjun's preaching, nor a sacred scripture owned by the innate.

Rather, it belongs to Kunpeng's original demon text.

Everything has two sides, and so does Yaowen!
The Yaowen can become the characters inherited by the blood of the Yaozu, making the Yaozu more powerful, but the Yaowen can also become an excellent weapon to restrain the Yaozu.

And Kunpeng is the only one who can use this sharp weapon.

After all, this demon script was created by Kunpeng for the demon clan.


I saw countless original demon texts besieging Dijun and Taiyi under the control of Kunpeng.

The two of them suddenly felt that each of these words contained powerful power, and their own power from blood was almost directly weakened in front of this original demon text, so they couldn't help but frowned slightly.

Although this weakening is nothing to the two of them, after all, as a monk, a large part of their strength comes from their own magic weapon.

But the idea of ​​inviting Kunpeng to enter the demon court is even more firm in his heart. This demon text is an indispensable part for the demon clan, and it is the seed of civilization belonging to the demon clan.

Even Di Jun had a feeling that if Kunpeng couldn't join the demon court, the demon court's luck would never be perfect.

"Brother, you are the demon emperor of my monster race, but now it is only my younger brother who can do it. I also want to test how much this Kunpeng weighs—"

Tai Yi said while holding the Chaos Clock.

After Di Jun retreated to the side and left the battlefield, Tai Yi suddenly gathered mana and slammed at the Chaos Clock.

A wave of sound waves spread out from the center of the Chaos Clock, and countless original demon texts were immediately under this suppressing force, as if they had been cast with a body-holding spell.

A moment later, the sound waves swept across, and the demon texts were turned into pieces, and flew back into Kunpeng's body as little stars.

Kunpeng's face turned pale immediately, but the mana in his body became somewhat disordered due to the collapse of the Yaowen.

After adjusting his breath a little, he put the top of the demon master's palace on his head to protect himself.

Against the waves of chaotic bells, he leaned towards Taiyi.

Bullying Taiyi's side, Kunpeng circulated mana and palms, and his palms grasped Taiyi like claws.

If Taiyi was caught by Kunpeng's claws, he would be in short supply.

However, Tai Yi had no intention of fighting Kunpeng, so he directly recalled the Chaos Clock and placed it on top of his head to protect him.

"Look at my move, the sun is really hot--"

I saw two groups of golden flames appearing in Dijun's hands, like harmless sheep, but if he underestimated the two groups of real fire, Kunpeng would suffer.

Kunpeng quickly withdrew his sharp claws, and put the demon master's palace in front of him.

I saw the real fire of the sun falling on the condensed shield of the Demon Master's Palace, making a sizzling sound like water and fire meeting.

Immediately, a small black dot appeared on the demon master's palace, which looked like it had been scorched.

Kunpeng felt distressed for a while.

Hastily took back the Demon Master Palace.

"Taiyi, look at my magic weapon—"

Immediately, another magic weapon flew out from Kunpeng's body, it was the Xuanyuan control water flag obtained when the treasure was distributed in Zixiao Palace.

The Xuanyuan Water Control Device is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure transformed from five lotus leaves of the chaotic green lotus. It has the ability to control all water in the world and has strong offensive and defensive capabilities.

Tai Yiyi didn't pay attention, and the Chaos Clock was directly pulled out by Kunpeng Yiqi.

Such a sudden attack made Tai Yi, who was originally only in a playful mood, suddenly angry.

The Xuanyuan Water Control Flag was just about to slap him in the face.

Immediately recalled the Chaos Clock, fully fired, "Boom...boom...boom...boom"

The sound of the bell resounded through the sky, causing Hong Huang's powerful spiritual consciousness to stay in the void and watch.

Under the attack of the Chaos Clock, the Xuanyuan Control Water Banner formed countless ripples on the defensive cover, as if it might be shattered at any time.

Seeing this, Kunpeng couldn't help jumping down into the Beiming sea, and after a while, he saw a formation spread out from above Beiming, covering the entire Beiming directly.

Seeing that he was about to lose, Kunpeng immediately activated the Great Formation of Beiming Swallowing Heaven that he had set up in the Beiming Sea.

I saw a huge vortex in the Beiming Sea, which was bottomless, and everything that fell into the formation was sucked into the unknown place by it.

Every attack of Tai Yi hit the formation, as if it was absorbed, and went straight to nothing, without stirring up the formation at all.

After a while, the attack was useless, Tai Yi also stopped the attack, turned to ask Di Jundao.

"Brother, this Kunpeng is going to be a turtle now, what should we do?"

"A tortoise? Since he toasts and doesn't eat and drink fines, then we don't have to be polite. Didn't I deduce the Zhou Tian Xing Dou big formation before? Although it is not complete yet, I temporarily set up a small Zhou Tian Xing Dou big formation." The formation is still okay. We will use the power of the little Zhou Tian Xingdou big formation to directly break its tortoise shell—"

With disdain on Di Jun's face, it was obvious that he was very confident in the power of his little Zhou Tian formation.

 Beauties and handsome guys, please vote for me?????????????
(End of this chapter)

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