Chapter 110 0110 Attachment
As soon as Di Jun sent a message to the ten demon commanders, not long after a space fluctuation, the ten demon commanders, dozens of Da Luo Jinxian and hundreds of Jinxian powerhouses suddenly appeared in the sky above Beiming Sea.

But it was Beiming who came directly through the Tianmen of the heaven.

"All the officers and men listen to the order, and set up the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation... The Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation—"

Di Jun gave a loud shout, and saw a starry banner in each Yaoshuai's hand, shining like stars in the starry sky. The eyes of the big array.

"Zhou Tian tribulation rises, stars fall—"

I saw countless attacks falling from the air to the earth like meteors falling, attacking heavily on the large formation covering Beiming.

The originally peaceful formation suddenly swayed in circles of ripples, and broke apart with a "boo" sound after a while.

Countless attacks fell into Beiming, like real stars falling, stirring up huge waves.

A pitch-black gigantic shadow soared into the sky from the Beiming Sea, turning into an incomparably huge roc bird.

It was the Demon Master Kunpeng.

The so-called Northern Dark has a fish, its name is Kun.Kun is so big, I don't know how many thousands of miles away it is; when it turns into a bird, its name is Peng.Peng's back, I don't know how many thousands of miles away it is; it flies in anger, its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky.The huge wings cover the sky and cover the sun, directly covering the entire Beiming sea.

"Dijun Taiyi, you are deceiving people too much, do you really think that I, Kunpeng, is a soft persimmon? Look at my Kunpeng's supernatural power——Beiming Tuntian"

It was as if Kunpeng's body had turned into a black hole, and all the countless attacks were sucked in by the black hole transformed by Kunpeng's supernatural power.

Suddenly, there was a strong wind, lightning and thunder above Beiming, like a scene of doomsday.

This week, all the mana and spiritual power in the Star Dou Formation were sucked into the black hole transformed by Kunpeng's supernatural power. The formation suddenly became unstable.

Even those demon clan Jinxian Daluo, etc., who presided over the formation with a relatively low cultivation base, felt the suction acting on themselves, and tried their best to maintain their body shape so that they would not be sucked into the black hole transformed by Kunpeng. middle.

The ghost knows what is behind the black hole transformed by Kunpeng's supernatural power, whether it is another world after entering, or whether it will be dead or lifeless, no one knows.

This Zhou Tian Xingdou formation is not a complete formation after all, and the people who set up the formation are not full. It didn't take long before it shattered like a bubble under the "Northern Darkness Swallowing the Sky".

After the Star Dou Great Formation was shattered this week, those monster races with low cultivation levels suddenly couldn't hold on.

Under this suction, they all approached the black hole transformed by Kunpeng's supernatural power.

When Di Juntai saw this, he didn't care about attacking Kunpeng, and quickly protected all the monsters under his magic weapon.

"Brother, Bai Ze, Shang Yang, you are protecting a group of soldiers and they evacuate from Beiming. Kunpeng is about to go crazy, and the younger brother will stay behind and—"

Saying that, Taiyi raised the Chaos Clock with all his strength, "Boom...boom...boom" three times,
Block most of the suction for a group of monsters.

Immediately, Di Jun left with a group of monsters.

With no worries at home, Taifang fully opened up the firepower of the Chaos Clock.


The bell rang one after another, and the sound waves rippling, directly suppressed the entire Beiming.

Even Kunpeng's Beiming Tuntian was under the suppressing force of the Chaos Clock, and the suction couldn't help but stop.

Seeing this, Tai Yi couldn't help but increase the output of mana.

The huge suppressing force of the sound wave even directly shattered the mountains on the Beiming Sea.

Kunpeng, who had turned into a black hole, couldn't maintain the magical power of Beiming Tuntian under this suppressive force, and collapsed immediately.


Kunpeng's figure appeared, and a mouthful of reversed blood spurted out from his mouth, but it was caused by the backlash of his magical powers by the breaking technique.

Before Kunpeng could react, Taiyi's chaotic clock covered Kunpeng's body, suppressing Kunpeng so much that he couldn't move.

"Taiyi, since I, Kunpeng, have lost, it is up to you to kill or kill, I, Kunpeng, will never blink, you can do it—"

Kunpeng closed his eyes as he spoke, as if waiting to die.

"I'm still the brother's words, Kunpeng, you will enter my demon court, be the teacher of ten thousand demons, be enshrined by the demon court, and have the same status as my brothers. I wonder if you would like that?"

After waiting for a long time, I didn't wait for the extinction of my imagination, but I waited for Tai Yi's words.

Kunpeng opened his eyes involuntarily, "I have already lost to you. Since you asked so, I will follow your wish and enter the demon court to become a demon master in the demon court."

Hearing what Kunpeng said, Taiyi took back the Chaos Clock that controlled Kunpeng.

After Kunpeng regained his freedom, he got up and swore to the way of heaven: "Heaven is above, my Kunpeng joined the demon clan and demon court today, and swore to be loyal to the demon court to the death. If you violate this oath, the Tao will not tolerate—"

Although the oath between Tai and Kunpeng felt a little weird, but he didn't think of a reason for it for a while.

"That's it, Brother Kunpeng couldn't bear it before, and our demon race is still migrating into the heavenly realm, and after the integration is completed, we will set up a demon court. Brother Kunpeng, look, are you going to the heavenly realm with me, or... "

The title of Tai Yi changed quickly, as if the previous persecution seemed like a dream.

Di Jun also returned to Beiming at this time. Although he was escorting those low-level monster races, Di Jun's spiritual sense has been paying attention to the battle in Beiming, and he knows everything that happened in Beiming.

"Dijun has seen a demon master, and it is really a blessing for my demon clan to enter my demon clan's demon court. However, the demon master is injured now, so I can't make more demands. After 500 years, my demon clan will set up a demon in the heaven Court, I hope the demon master will not hesitate to go."

Without the impoliteness of just coming, everyone is kind.

Kunpeng also curbed his arrogance, bowed to Di Jun, and said, "Thank you Di Jun for your understanding. After 500 years, I will go to the heaven—"

"So, my two brothers will leave first—"

Everyone came and went in a hurry. If it weren't for the corpses of the sea people floating on the sea in Beiming, and the broken mountains (undersea mountains, etc.) and coasts caused by the battle, everything seemed to be just a dream.

Although Kunpeng had already joined the Yaozu and Yaoting, he still couldn't help feeling sad when he saw the devastated corpses all over the field.

Kunpeng has no idea about the Yaozu, but for Dijun and Taiyi, Kunpeng deeply suppresses this hatred in his heart, and only waits for it to explode one day.

Dijun and Taiyi are still busy with the matter of the demon court, and even during this period, they went to Zhonghuang Mountain to move them to understand the reason and use Fuxi as the starting point to pull both Nuwa and Fuxi into the In the camp of the demon court.

The birth of the Demon Court seems to be only waiting at this time, and it is an announcement to all living beings in the wild——

(End of this chapter)

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