111 Chapter 0111
Hundreds of years have passed in the blink of an eye, and now there are only some monster races who have not yet become immortals on the Great Desolate Continent, and all the monster races with some cultivation levels have been ordered by Emperor Jun to migrate to the heavens.

The news that the Yaozu was going to set up the Heavenly Court of the Yaozu had spread throughout the prehistoric world for hundreds of years. At the invitation of Emperor Jun Taiyi, all the great powers of the prehistoric tribe went to the heaven above Buzhou Mountain one after another.

At the Yaozu banquet, there were only two seats in the front row of guests, which were reserved by Dijun for Daozu and Li Chen.

There are five seats in the second row, which are reserved for San Qing and the West's Jieyin Zhunti duo.

After that, there is a place reserved for the guests of Zixiao Palace.


There is no place for Nuwa in the second row of seats, mainly because Nuwa and Fuxi have now become the Wahuang and Xihuang among the Yaozu, one emperor, three emperors and one demon master, but to the Yaozu, they are their own family members.

At this moment, there are people coming and going in the heavens, and it is very lively.

However, the people who came to the heaven at this time were all existences whose cultivation base was below that of quasi-sages.

None of the great powers in the prehistoric world came.

Not long after, there was a commotion at the Tianmen.

"Fire Cloud Cave, Red Cloud Ancestor has arrived!!! Give a hundred pieces of fire dates——"

"Wuzhuang Temple, the Great Immortal Zhenyuan has arrived!!! Three ginseng fruits—"

Sure enough, the two of them were basically together, and what they gave was their own unique spiritual fruit.

For ordinary people, this jujube has little effect other than washing the body and removing impurities.

But for the creatures who practice the Dao of Fire, it is not only this effect, but also can improve the aptitude of practicing the Dao of Fire.

Tai Yi, who greeted everyone at the door, immediately took the gifts from the two of them, and greeted them politely and took their seats.

But not long after, there was another burst of singing at the Tianmen: "Sea of ​​​​Blood, Patriarch Styx has arrived!!! Give a hundred blood souls—"

This blood soul is a rare treasure unique to this sea of ​​blood, it is formed by the condensed essence of the supreme blood, and the conditions for its formation are nowhere to be found.

Every thousand years or so, only a few hundred pieces are condensed.

This blood does not have any particularly important role for Dharma cultivation, but it is a rare treasure for physical cultivation. This blood can refine one's physical body and increase the strength of the physical body.

After receiving the blood with a smile, Taiyi said: "Taiyi thank you fellow daoist for the honor, fellow daoist, please take a seat and wait for a while—"

But just after Styx was arranged, there was another burst of singing at the Tianmen: "Miao Jiang, King Pan is here!!! Give a pair of reincarnation Gu—"

"Kunlun Mountain, the Queen Mother of the West has arrived!!! Presenting a piece of Huang Zhongli——"


It seemed that some kind of floodgate had been opened, and there was an endless stream of great powers coming in suddenly.

"Kunlun Mountain, Taiqing Laozi is here!!! I will give you a pot of Nine-Turn Golden Elixir (nine pieces)——"

"Kunlun Mountain, Yu Qingyuan has arrived!!! I will give you a piece of the next-grade Xiantian Lingbao Lingyu—"

"Kunlun Mountain, the upper and lower reaches the sky!!! A gift of the lower grade Xiantian Lingbao psychic pendant--"


Not long after, except for the first two seats at the banquet, where no one was sitting, the other seats were basically full of guests.

Seeing that there are still two unoccupied seats, some people who don't understand can't help but ask the old people: "Who are these two seats reserved for? They haven't arrived yet now. This is really big. -"

"Don't die? This is reserved for Daozu Hongjun and Daoist Changming—"

The man couldn't help being afraid for a while after hearing this.

This scene also happened throughout the banquet.

Not long after, the time was up, and the two seats in the first row were still empty.

Dijun Taiyi and the others looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

"The auspicious time has come, sacrifice to heaven—"

The singer sang loudly.

I saw a nine-story altar appearing in front of everyone.

Emperor Jun, dressed in imperial robes, appeared in front of everyone. Nine lifelike golden crows were embroidered on the imperial robes, making him look majestic and domineering.

Five people, Di Jun, Tai Yi, Fu Xi, Nu Wa, and the demon master climbed onto the altar one after another, followed by the top ten demon commanders.

The existence of more than 10 quasi-sages gave the audience a new understanding of the strength of this demon clan.

"The way of heaven is above, my demon clan emperor is favored by the destiny, and I won the heaven on the top of Buzhou Mountain to strengthen my monster clan. Now follow the destiny, establish the heavenly court of the demon clan, and assist the heaven to manage all living beings in the wild—"

Di Jun paused for a moment before continuing: "In the Demon Court, I am the Lord Demon Emperor, Feng Xihe is my Demon Queen, Chang Xi is my Demon Concubine, and Taiyi is my Demon Queen." The Eastern Emperor of the Demon Race Demon Court, named Fuxi as the Emperor Xihuang of the Demon Court, Nuwa as the Emperor Wa of the Demon Court, and Kunpeng as the Demon Master of the Demon Court—”

After the entrustment was completed, boundless auspicious clouds of merit and virtue condensed in the sky, falling to everyone respectively.

Di Jun, as the main initiator and organizer, obtained three layers of merit. Nuwa, Fuxi, Kunpeng, Taiyi, Xihe, and Chang Xi each obtained one layer of heavenly merit, and the remaining layer of merit It falls on a group of spectators and participants.

The merit of establishing the heaven is so great that it is comparable to one-third of the merit of Pangu's opening of the sky. If it is distributed to everyone, this merit is also very considerable.

As soon as Dijun's merit entered his body, the aura on his body became unstable, as if he could break through at any time.

Then with the help of the power of merit, he directly broke through the current realm, directly cut off the three corpses, and became a quasi-sage late-stage powerhouse who killed all three corpses.

Nuwa, Fuxi, Taiyi, Kunpeng and others all had their cultivation bases greatly increased. Although they did not break through the current realm like Dijun, the bottleneck became loose with the help of this meritorious force.

They couldn't help being overjoyed. Seeing Di Jun's breakthrough in one fell swoop, they quickly congratulated and said: "Congratulations, fellow Taoist, for breaking through the late quasi-sage stage. The future is boundless, and the road can be expected—"

"Congratulations, Fellow Daoist, for breaking through the late quasi-sage stage, the future is boundless, and the road can be expected—"

Voices of congratulations came from the crowd, Di Jun laughed when he heard the words.

"Thank you three royal brothers and sisters, thank you sorcerer, everyone is happy, everyone is happy!"

After completing the ritual of offering sacrifices to heaven, Di Jun led the crowd down the altar, and with a wave of his hand, the altar was put away by him.

At this moment, a deafening sound came from the surrounding witch clan in the prehistoric place.

"Father God Pangu is above. As the bloodline of Pangu, my witch clan, I wish the entire clan to establish a god of the earth, protect the prehistoric world for the father god, take charge of the world, and take care of the prehistoric mountains and rivers. I also hope that the father god will allow—"

Hearing this, Di Jun couldn't help but turn ugly for a while, it was like a slap in the face, and it was very forceful.


A strange but familiar voice rang in the ears of all living beings. This voice seemed to have magical power, echoing in the hearts of everyone.

"Father God Pangu responded to us, Father God Pangu responded to us—"

I thought that there would be no response from Pan Gu at all, but the result was greatly unexpected. Even the Twelve Ancestral Witch himself did not expect that Pan Gu's residual thoughts would reply to himself and others.

When Di Jun in the heaven heard it, his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and his good mood disappeared immediately.

He couldn't help but gritted his teeth and snorted coldly.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket. . .Is there any?

(End of this chapter)

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