Chapter 113 0113
Seeing that the ducks he got flew away, Di Jun was a little displeased, and his mind was full of anger at this moment.

"Why don't we use the Lingbao, can't we take it back and put it in the Pangu Palace as a decoration? Anyway, it can fall into anyone's hands, but it can't fall into the hands of your monster clan." Di Jun's eyes were full of provocation.

" Wu Clan are simply deceiving people too much. My emperor wants to see how many catties your Wu Clan has."

As soon as the words came out, the two clans of Liches were at war with each other, as if they would strike at any time.

Kongtong Yin, who was thrown into the air by the aftermath of the fight between Di Jun and Di Jiang, was immediately intercepted by a blood shadow and held in his arms under the eyes of everyone. Seeing the blood shadow, everyone knew that it must be Styx who made the move, after all Among the wilderness, only Styx can cultivate this kind of blood shadow avatar which is not very powerful but extremely difficult to deal with.

Seeing this, Tai Yi hurriedly rang the Chaos Bell, only to hear three beeps of "boom...boom...boom", the blood shadow was immediately frozen, and was directly crushed under the sound waves of the chaotic clock, but the blood shadow that exploded The avatar was not destroyed at all, and the blood mist that exploded suddenly turned into a blood shadow under a force, fell to the ground and disappeared.

Seeing the defeat of Blood God Son, Styx couldn't help but secretly resented too many troubles in his heart, and hurriedly returned to Blood Sea without looking back.

After all, Styx himself is only one person. The so-called two fists are no match for four hands, and if he stays, he will only become a target of public criticism.

Seeing this, everyone didn't go to block the Styx River. After all, it is not a joke that the Styx River will not die if the sea of ​​blood does not dry up.

The sea of ​​blood is the most filthy place in the wild, and it is even the place where these filth are dealt with. It is impossible to dry up unless the connection between the sea of ​​blood and the wild can be cut off.

Killing like this can't be killed, and it's so difficult to deal with. There is no real benefit, and no one is willing to offend.

Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun looked at each other, fisted at everyone and said, "The two of us will not participate in the competition for the seal—"

After speaking, step aside and be a melon-eating crowd——

Sanqing didn't make a statement, but Di Jun and his brothers took Sanqing as withdrawing from the competition by default, and couldn't help but look at Twelve Ancestral Witch and the others.

"Are you sure you want to compete with my brothers for this seal?" Di Jun asked again.

I saw Zhu Rong rolled his eyes and said, "Isn't this nonsense? As I said before, it can fall into anyone's hands, but it can't fall into the hands of your monster clan—"

"Then let's see the real chapter under our hands!"

As he said that, Di Jun sacrificed his supreme innate spiritual treasure, Hetu Luoshu, and Taiyi and the others also sacrificed magic weapons one after another, and attacked the Twelve Patriarchal Witches.

The twelve ancestral witches immediately transformed into their real bodies. After all, for the witches, they cannot use magic weapons like monks, but their physical bodies are their most powerful magic weapons.

I see:

Shaped like a yellow sac, red like red fire, six-legged and four-winged, Hun Dun has no face, it is Wu Dijiang, the ancestor of space speed;
Green as emerald bamboo, with a bird body and a human face, riding two dragons on its feet, it is Wu Jumang, the ancestor of Dongfang wood;
Human body with animal head, wearing red scales, piercing ears with fire snakes, and feet with fire dragons, it is Wu Zhurong, the ancestor of fire in the south;

Human body with python head, wearing black scales, stepping on a black dragon, and wrapping green python in hands, it is Wu Gonggong, the ancestor of the northern water;


The twelve ancestral witches are all different. After transforming into their real bodies, all the laws in a radius of hundreds of millions of miles cannot be mobilized by the ascetics, and they are all under the control of the ancestral witches' innate magical powers.

The attack of the magic weapon on the bodies of the ancestor witches did not cause any serious injuries to the ancestor witches. It just made the ancestor witches bruised and purple, but they recovered after a while.

It is simply a super perfect invincible red buff, an unbeatable Xiaoqiang.

Like swatting mosquitoes, they continuously slapped away some of the incoming magic weapons one by one.


Sanqing and the others at the side saw that the two races were starting to face each other, and they felt that their chance had come.

I saw Lao Tzu dodge, grab the Kongtong seal in his hand, and prepare to leave.

But seeing that Taiyi was quick and quick, he directly hit Lao Tzu with a chaotic clock. Before Lao Tzu could teleport away, he was smashed on his right leg by the chaotic clock.

Immediately, there was a "click..." and it was broken directly.

Hearing the sound of a broken bone, Yuan Shi and Tong Tian couldn't help being shocked, and sacrificed their magic weapon to attack Tai Yi.

Taiyi didn't care about attacking again, and quickly recalled the Chaos Clock to protect himself.

Lao Tzu couldn't help shouting: "It hurts me too—"

Under Taiyi's attack, he couldn't help but fell forward, and the Kongtong seal in his hand flew out immediately, and flew to the invisible position of Li Chen's spiritual sense——

Li Chen immediately showed his figure, and the Kongtong seal immediately fell into Li Chen's hands.

Yuanshi, Tongtian, and Taiyi couldn't help but pause when they saw that it was Li Chen.

I just heard Li Chen say: "Baby is destined for me, and I will take care of it from now on, do you have any objections?"

I saw Taiyi and the others shook their heads, and Li Chen muttered: "I just came here to be a melon-eating crowd, but I didn't expect the baby to run into my arms by itself, hey, life is as lonely as snow, even if you want to keep a low profile—— "

Shaking his head, Li Chen left the place where the two clans fought.

I saw that I didn't get the Kongtong seal, not to mention, even my right leg was discounted by Tai Yi, I really stole the chicken and lost face, and threw the face to my grandma's house.

For Li Chen, I dare not hold any grudges, but for Tai Yi, I gritted my teeth.

If it weren't for him, it would be impossible for his own leg to be broken, and the Kongtong Seal would not have fallen into Li Chen's hands.

At this moment, Laozi felt his heart was bleeding, as if he had missed a very big opportunity.

Originally, the fractured right leg could be recovered with a little bit of magic power, but Lao Tzu did not do this, but left the injury as a warning.

After all, I have not broken through the realm of saints now, and the Yaozu is too powerful to take revenge, so I can only wait for the future when the Yaozu is declining, and then avenge myself.

He took out a stick to support himself, gave Tai Yi a vicious look, and snorted coldly: "Tai Yi, I have written down such kindness, and it will definitely be repaid in the future!"

With the support of Yuanshi and Tongtian, he left the place where the liches were fighting.

Regarding Lao Tzu's words, although Tai Yi felt something in his heart, it seemed that something would really happen because of Lao Tzu.

But at this moment, Di Jun and the others were in an inextricable fight with the Wu Clan, so they pressed their worries to the bottom of their hearts, sacrificed the Chaos Clock and hurriedly joined the battle group.

"All the demons listen to the order, and quickly set up the next week's star formation—"

This Zhou Tian Xingdou formation was completed by Di Jun after the Beiming battle. If not, Di Jun would not have the confidence to start a war with the Wu Clan now.

Under Di Jun's order, the sky gate opened wide, and countless monster races filed out from it, and stood in the established position——

Immediately, the layout of the Zhoutian Star Array was completed, and the stars were shining brightly, shining brightly, and the stars appeared in the daytime.

All the ancestral witches only felt a flash in front of their eyes, and they were involved in this week's star formation...

(End of this chapter)

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