CH 114 CH 0114

The Twelve Ancestral Witches felt as if they had come to the prehistoric starry sky. The soles of their feet, the top of their heads, and everywhere they entered their eyes were stars.

Dijun Taiyi and others who fought against the Twelve Ancestral Witches disappeared after entering the space of stars. The Twelve Ancestral Witches immediately braced themselves and formed a circle with their backs facing each other, guarding against sudden attacks.

In the space of stars, Di Jun yelled in a low voice: "Zhou Tian's stars are rising—the mirror image of the stars"

The star space seemed to be infinitely folded, and Di Jiang, Zhu Rong and others who were close together were suddenly separated by the big formation.

Before Di Jiang, Zhu Jiuyin, Zhu Rong and others could react, they only heard Di Jun's voice sounded twice in a row in the space of stars:
"Zhou Tian's Stars and Stars - All the Stars Conquer the Sun"

"Zhoutian Star God, the great sun orders, the stars sway, and the stars fall—"


Thousands of stars trembled slightly, and immediately fell towards the Twelve Ancestral Witches like rain.

Every star's attack has reached the strength of Da Luo, and even stars with the attack strength of a quasi-sage are mixed in from time to time.

For the Twelve Ancestral Witches, although they didn't cause too much damage, the more and more intensive star attacks were on their bodies, and their own recovery continued to keep up with the speed of the injuries.

If this continues, the body's recovery speed will definitely not be able to keep up with the damage speed, and it will collapse sooner or later.

What's more, among the attacks of thousands of stars, more and more attacks have reached the quasi-sage level, which seems to be an appetizer before.

In the space of stars, Di Jiang kept moving and moving, smashing the stars in front of him from time to time, and muttered to himself: "It's not a way to go on like this—"

After all, Dijiang could no longer avoid getting hurt even if he controlled the space, not to mention the other ancestral witches, who were probably even more embarrassed than Dijiang himself.

Even if Zhou Tianxing has separated all the ancestor witches with a large array, the natural connection between the ancestor witches will not be cut off. They each tell their own situation and make a decision. That is a taboo method that belongs to the Wu Clan——Du Tian Shen Sha Formation.

"All the gods and gods are in a big formation—start!!!"

"All the gods and gods are in a big formation—start!!!"

"All the gods and gods are in a big formation—start!!!"


The angry roars of the Twelve Ancestral Witches suddenly sounded in Zhou Tian Xingdou's formation, and even Di Jun couldn't help but look sideways at them. When did the Wu Clan, who has always been the most muscular and fisted, fiddle with the formation?

Even if the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation separates the twelve ancestor witches, a formation connecting the twelve ancestor witches penetrates the limitation of time and space, and connects the twelve ancestor witches into one.

Di Jun saw that the twelve ancestor witches all seemed to be praying for something regardless of the attacks from the Zhoutian Star Dou formation. The twelve ancestor witches emitted a radiance and blocked all the attacks.

Seemingly feeling something bad, he hurriedly ordered: "Quick, output with all your strength, the sun and the moon will grind away, and chaos will reappear—"

I saw that the stars were hidden, and only two stars, the moon and the sun, were still shining and appeared in the sky at the same time.

The power of the ultimate sun and the power of the yin and yang are like a grinding disc, grinding the star space formed by the entire Zhoutian star formation into a mixed one, leaving only the twelve who still radiate light and still resist the great grinding power of yin and yang. Zu Wu is still in place.

In just a moment, the twelve ancestor witches disappeared in place, and under the influence of the formation, they transformed into Pangu's head, hands, feet, five internal organs, spine, and meridians, which were like making a jigsaw puzzle in the Zhoutian Xingdou formation. , to spell out a complete Pangulai.

Looking at Pangu with his eyes closed, although Dijun had never seen Pangu, there was a voice in his heart telling Dijun that this big man was undoubtedly Pangu.

I couldn't help but tremble in my heart. Although I knew that the Wu Clan must have a hole card, I didn't expect that the Wu Clan's hole card would be to directly summon Pan Gu.

The entire Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation is now full of chaos, just like the chaos beyond the prehistoric world, but the evolved chaos is not as violent and full of destructive characteristics as the real chaos.

I saw that Pangu's real body opened his eyes and saw that the chaotic energy was still around him, as if he was stimulated by the chaotic energy, he immediately roared: "Axe-"

The Taiji map, the Pangu banner, and the chaotic clock in the hands of Dijun in Sanqing's hands in the wilderness could not help but want to break away from the control of the three under this will, and Taiyi was so frightened that he quickly separated most of his mind to suppress it. This power of summoning.

Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi who returned to Kunlun Mountain also sat down cross-legged and tried their best to suppress the riots of Tai Chi Tu and Pangu Banner.

Pangu's real body dimly saw that his weapon had not come to him for a long time, a huge force of will rolled up the chaotic energy in Zhou Tianxing's big formation, and turned it into a weapon in his hand that was similar to the real Pangu's weapon. An ax is no different than an axe.


The word spit out from the big man's mouth, and the Pangu ax in his hand was raised, and he slashed at the star space in front of him.

Suddenly, there was a sound of "click... click... click" resounding through the sky.

Under the attack of the Pangu ax condensed by the chaotic energy, the entire Zhoutian Xingdou formation became torn apart like glass. Under this backlash force, the clan died instantly.

Even Emperor Jun Taiyi, Chang Xixihe and the others were severely injured.

After one blow, seeing that Pangu's real body was about to attack again, Dijun Taiyi and the others immediately showed despairing expressions.

Before the ax was struck, Hongjun in a plain Taoist robe appeared in front of everyone.

Emperor Jun Taiyi and others who escaped the catastrophe stood up and worshiped one after another:

"Meet Teacher Hongjun—"

The chopped ax also paused when Hongjun appeared, and Pan Gu's real body seemed to have recovered the will of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, and Di Jiang's voice came out of it:

"Hongjun Daozu, what do you mean? Why do you interfere in the battle between our two clans of liches?"

"The demon clan should not be exterminated at this time—"

"Why not destroy it?"

"The demon clan should not be exterminated at this time—"


Hongjun still repeated these words, like a puppet.

But Di Jiang in Pangu's real body didn't care about Hongjun's state at this time.

"It's a joke... If you want to protect the demon clan, you have to see whether my witch clan agrees with it, and take a full blow from the real body of my father Pangu—"

Speaking of the supreme willpower condensed in the Pangu ax in his hand, even Pangu's real body seemed faintly illusory.

But in a moment, the energy is fully charged.


Under the control of Pangu's real body, the ax struck towards Hongjun, as if it wanted to split Hongjun in half.

I saw Hongjun raised his right hand, and the laws of the Three Thousand Ways were intertwined in his hand to form a crystal clear lotus flower, supporting the chopped Pangu axe.

The lotus blossoms shattered, and the power of the Pangu ax was also reduced layer by layer. When the power of thought on the entire Pangu ax was exhausted, the Pangu ax turned into a cloud of chaotic energy and dispersed, and the lawful lotus in Hongjun's hand also disappeared. Completely shattered.

The whole process seems to be an understatement, as simple as eating and drinking water.

Immediately, Pan Gu's real body collapsed, and the Twelve Ancestral Witches fell out of it with a pale face. Di Jiang looked at Hong Jun with hatred.

However, Hongjun didn't care about Di Jiang's hatred at all, and hid his slightly trembling right hand in his wide sleeve without any trace. Hongjun seemed to have lost the mechanical indifference just now, and said:
"From now on, demons rule the sky and witches rule the land. The two races will not be able to fight again for ten thousand years, and those who violate it will be punished by heaven—"

As soon as he finished speaking, Hongjun disappeared in front of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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