Chapter 121 Chapter 0121

After returning to the ground again, Li Chen faced the entrance of the cave, urging his spells, and controlled the soil to block the entrance of the cave.

Maybe Li Chen will never come to this place again in the future, let alone let Xiao Xiao come to this place again!

After finishing all this, just then left holding Xiaoxiao who was pouting because Li Chen blocked the hole.

The willow tree on the small dirt bag seemed to be saying hello, and the willow branches moved without wind, but Li Chen never saw any of this.

Xiao Xiao, who was pouting at first, grinned when she saw it, and waved her palm in the air, as if she was saying goodbye to the willow tree.

After returning to the foothold, Li Chen now has to go back to his own job - to be a teacher.

Although he became an ordinary person after coming to this world because he was a strong man in the Hunyuan realm, but the realm did not fall, and the ability to know everything that belongs to the Hunyuan powerhouse still exists.

Although Li Chen could understand the meaning expressed by Xiaoxiao, Huo Qilin, etc., it was only one-sided.

However, Li Chen understood that what he said, Xiao Xiao and the others had only a half-knowledge, and they basically relied on deception and guessing.

It made Li Chen feel like singing a one-man show.

If he still has the cultivation base in the wild, Li Chen doesn't need to worry about this trivial matter at all, and everything can be solved with a direct enlightenment.

In the current situation, Li Chen can only teach by hand.


"Xiao Xiao, my name is brother, come on, follow me to say ge... ge, brother"

Li Chen pointed at himself, mouth-synched, and taught him word by word.

"Pot pot..."

"No, it should be, brother..."


"This is a little chicken——, xiao...ji, little chicken..." Li Chen pointed at the little chicken and said.



After that, Li Chen was busy teaching Xiaoxiao to recognize things all day, and thanks to Xiaoxiao's strong learning ability, he could basically teach many things once or twice.

It really saved Li Chen a lot of worry.

Even when Li Chen was teaching Xiaoxiao to recognize things, he would write out the corresponding characters and teach them to Xiaoxiao together.

Its good name is to solve the problem once.

Although there were various problems during the period, but stumbling, I still taught Xiaoxiao a lot of things slowly.

The little words that Li Chen handed over were not Daoist scriptures in the prehistoric world, not divine scriptures in the ancient world, not witchcraft scriptures from the prehistoric witch clan, not to mention demon script from the demon clan, but from Li Chen's previous life on Earth. Chinese characters.

Square and square, neat and orderly, each font reveals a different kind of beauty, and each splendid article seems to be in formation to fight.

There are nearly 2000 Chinese characters, and Li Chen only taught Xiaoxiao more than [-] traditional Chinese characters. After all, there are nearly [-] Chinese characters, many of which Li Chen himself does not know, let alone teach Xiaoxiao.

Only this kind of text without any power can be used in all worlds, and will not be rejected by this world with incomplete avenues.

If the Dao Shen Wen, Yao Wen, Wu Wen, etc., which contain profound power, appear, it is estimated that once they appear in this world, they will attract heaven's punishment like Cang Jie's invention of characters.

When night comes, give the collected blood qi fruit to the fire unicorn, chick, silkworm baby, and four-legged snake one by one, and after coaxing the little one to sleep, Li Chen sits cross-legged on the bed and continues to practice...

Every day after that, Li Chen basically made the same arrangement. During the day, he taught Xiaoxiao how to read characters, and at night, he meditated and deduced the principles of the Dao of this world.

Even later, when teaching Xiaoxiao how to read and write, even the fourth elementary school he had adopted listened carefully, as if he could understand.

After teaching Xiaoxiao 2000 traditional Chinese characters, Li Chen took out the poems and articles he had transcribed before, and let Xiaoxiao read them by himself.

Li Chen was also at ease.

In this way, the sun rises and the moon sets, and the time flies like water. Unknowingly, Li Chen has been in this city for several years.

Even his cultivation base, Li Chen has recovered to around the realm of the Earth Immortal, at least he will no longer need to walk step by step on foot like before.

However, Li Chen only felt that his own strength and so on had improved in the realm of the Earth Immortal, but he didn't feel how much the lifespan of his physical body had increased. It seemed that there was a lack of longevity in this world.

This specific situation is really puzzling. In the wild, the lifespan of earth immortals is at least 120 million years, and even heavenly immortals can live as long as heaven.

Although Li Chen has no pursuit of life span, life span is something that reflects the laws and rules of this world at a deeper level in one aspect.

It can even reflect the mentality of those strong people in this world.

Even Qin Shihuang sought alchemists many times to refine elixir and sent virgins, boys and girls to search for immortality and ask for medicine in order to pursue the illusory longevity, not to mention those monks who have truly experienced longevity.

Probably even crazier.

But these are not the issues that Li Chen has to consider now.

Now that Li Chen has recovered to the cultivation base of the Earth Immortal realm, he also has a certain amount of self-protection power in this world, at least for Li Chen, those who have cultivation below the Golden Immortal realm are simply child's play.

Although Li Chen is only an Earth Immortal, there are not too many means that Li Chen can use. Anyway, Li Chen is also a strong man in the Hunyuan realm.

And seeing how broken the laws of this world are, Li Chen doesn't think there will be many strong people whose cultivation base is above the Golden Immortal.

Strength is the capital of Li Chen's self-confidence.

Now what Li Chen has to consider is how to take the four little things and Xiaoxiao to find the place where intelligent life exists in this world as soon as possible. Li Chen's eyes were still dark.

"Xiao Xiao, hurry up and pack your things, we will be leaving later—"

Li Chen shouted to Xiao Xiao who was still playing with Huo Qilin and the other four children outside the house.

"Got it, Dad—"

"I've said it all, call me brother, don't call me father, why don't you listen—"

"Got it, Dad—"

Li Chen covered his head speechlessly, this little boy didn't know what books he read, but when he taught him to call him brother, he called himself brother a few times, and then he kept calling himself daddy.

No matter how I teach, I don't change my name to "brother".

Every time Li Chen corrected him, although Xiaoxiao said verbally that he understood, she turned around and continued to yell 'Daddy', 'Daddy'.

Li Chen was also very helpless about this.

I am a single dog, I have lived for so many years, and I want to be a father before I get married. Only Li Chen knows the complicated thoughts.

In fact, Li Chen doesn't have many things, most of them are toys that Li Chen has made for Xiao Xiao one after another in the past few years.

Li Chen also made a storage ring for Xiaoxiao to store his toys. Not long after, Xiaoxiao came to Li Chen with a fire unicorn, a chicken and a four-legged snake——

"Father, everything is packed, let's go—"


(End of this chapter)

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