Chapter 122 0122 Bird Ling City
"I've said it all, call me brother—"

"Got it, Dad—"


Li Chen didn't continue to correct the little address, and when he saw that everyone had come, he used his magic power to fly through the clouds.

Leading everyone above the clouds, they quickly floated in the direction of the rising sun.

This speed is countless times faster than at the beginning of one.

"Father, fly up, fly up—"

Standing on top of the clouds with an excited face, Xiaoxiao yelled in excitement, her whole little face flushed with excitement.

And the Huo Qilin at the side looked under the clouds, and leaned towards Li Chen with some fear.

"Father, I want to learn to fly, I want to fly by myself—"

"Okay...ok...okay, when we get there, brother will teach you—"

After flying for a long time, Huo Qilin was no longer afraid of falling suddenly.

Xiao Xiao also passed the initial excitement, and dozed off with her head on Li Chen's lap.

Although several years have passed, Xiao Xiao hasn't grown much, she only looks like one or two years old.

It seemed that time passed very slowly on Xiao Xiao.

After discovering this problem before, Li Chen also thoroughly inspected the small body, but he didn't find any problems.

In the end, I didn't find anything wrong with Xiaoxiao, so the matter was left alone.

Li Chen closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, focusing on controlling the clouds to fly across thousands of mountains and rivers, and kept flying towards the east.

The scenery under the clouds has also changed from being desolate at the beginning, to slowly becoming vibrant.

Although Li Chen didn't open his eyes to look, Li Chen's divine sense has been paying attention to the disturbance around him.

The sun in the sky rose and set and rose again, three times like this, but three full days have passed.

Above the clouds, Xiaoxiao and Huo Qilin looked listless.

But the chick and the four-legged snake are still the same.

The four-legged snake rolled head to tail into a bracelet on Li Chen's wrist, like a dead object.

And because the chick can fly, it falls to the ground from time to time and picks up some shiny, brightly colored stone ores, etc., and stores them in the storage space that Li Chen refined for it and hangs around its neck.

Seeing Li Chen and others flying away, he quickly turned into a red rainbow light and caught up with Li Chen.


"Father, there is a city ahead..."

Xiao Xiao immediately swept away his previous listless appearance, and hurriedly tugged on Li Chen's sleeve and called out.

Even Huo Qilin, who was lying on the clouds, stood up quickly after hearing about it.

"Well, I know, I know. There is a city! Xiao Xiao, you have to wait until we get closer before going down, otherwise such a long journey... I don't mind, I don't know..."

Li Chen paused for a few seconds while speaking.

I saw Xiao Xiao hurriedly said: "Go down when you get there, go down when you get there——"


"Who is it—" a majestic voice came from the city, echoing between heaven and earth.

When Li Chen and the others heard about it, they landed on the cloud and landed on the city wall.

A strong man carrying a huge ax flew from somewhere in the city and landed on the city wall. Li Chen and others could even feel the city wall vibrating due to gravity.

However, the city wall was also built very strong, so it didn't collapse.

Only the strong man said: "Who are you, don't you know that flying is prohibited in the sky above Que Ling City?"

"Don't blame the strong man, but my father and son came from other places. After traveling for several days, we didn't see a city. I am very happy to come to Que Ling City. We don't understand the rules of Que Ling City. It’s no wonder that you still look for a strong man—”

As he spoke, Li Chen bowed to the big man.

"It's okay, the so-called ignorance is not a crime, don't call me a strong man, I am the lord of this city, my name is taboo, just call me Ah Man."

Ah Man is somewhat familiar, and introduced himself.

"I'm quite familiar with the way you salute, let me think about it—"

For Li Chen's gesture of saluting just now, Ah Man vaguely felt very familiar.

After a while, I remembered that I seemed to have seen my master perform the salute once when I was young, and it was the only salute I had ever seen in my life.

It was also because of the graceful movements of this method of saluting that I just memorized it firmly.

But the object of the master's salute seems to be a young man like Li Chen.

Later, I even asked the master specifically, and learned that this is the method of salute among alchemists.

Seeing this ancient etiquette again, Ah Man asked aloud, "Where did you come from? How could you know such an ancient alchemist etiquette?"

Li Chen smiled and said: "I come from Huaxia City in the Yellow River and Yangtze River valley on the coast of the East China Sea. This etiquette is a kind of etiquette that all monks in our place..."

"The valley of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River on the coast of the East China Sea? Huaxia City? Never heard of it..."

After thinking for a long time, Ah Man couldn't find where Huaxia City was in his head, he shook his head and said.

If you've heard it, you've heard it, if you haven't heard it, you haven't heard it. For Ah Man, he won't pretend to know it for the sake of face.

Ah Man didn't intend to break the casserole and ask the end, he waved his hand and said: "Forget it, I don't know where the place you mentioned is, but since you came to my Que Ling City, as long as you don't endanger my Que Ling City People of Ling City, then I, Que Ling City, welcome you, and I won’t say much else. After you settle down in this city, I will come to you to talk in detail when I have time. At this time, I am going to the west of the city to fight the law. After a good fight, I won't communicate with you too much..."

Speaking of which, Ah Man walked down the city wall, not forgetting to turn around and warn Li Chen and others on the way:
"By the way, I forgot to mention one thing. Remember not to fly in the city, or you will be attacked by the city defense formation—"

Li Chen nodded, indicating that he already knew.

After Ah Man saw it, he left in peace.

Li Chen withdrew his gaze, looked at Xiao Xiao and said, "Xiao Xiao, let's live in this Sparrow City for a while, what do you think?"

"Okay, okay, there are a lot of people in Que Ling City—"

Standing on the city wall, Xiaoxiao saw people coming and going on the streets in the city, and it was a world of difference from the half of the city (only half of the city) where the two of them were before.

Xiao Xiao felt that she seemed to like this bustling city more, and when she heard Li Chen's inquiry, she quickly expressed her truest thoughts.

Li Chen smiled, and stroked his little head with thick hair.

After a while, they brought Xiao Xiao and Huo Qilin down the city wall. Fortunately, the melon-eating crowd gathered around because of Aman's shouting also dispersed after the city lord Aman left, and did not cause any harm to Li Chen and others. What trouble.

However, a young man dressed as a rich man in the distance did not leave with the crowd, but when he saw the Huo Qilin behind Li Chen, his eyes lit up, staring straight at Huo Qilin.

His eyes were so hot that Huo Qilin felt a little scared, and quickly hid behind Li Chen——

 Recommendation tickets????????????, do you have any recommendation tickets?


(End of this chapter)

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