CH 126 0126

Anyway, I want to bring Wang Wei back to the Wang family, hoping that the ancestor can persuade Wang Wei well, after all, Wang Wei listens to the ancestor's words the most in the Wang family.

Wang Zhongming didn't expect that after he explained everything clearly, he only exchanged a light sentence from his ancestor.

"If he wants to learn from a teacher, let him go. This is Wei'er's own choice. Whether it is good or bad, bitter or sweet is his own business."

"But we just offended that could he take Wei'er as his disciple?" Wang Zhongming couldn't help feeling anxious.

"If you want to become a talent, it is important to experience polishing. My ancestors counted that Wei'er's generation would lead our Wang family to rise, but they couldn't figure out the specific reason. They only left a sentence of 'let nature take its course, resign to fate, you can hear it, you can see it, you can't say it. ...'" Wang Xian'er, the patriarch of the Wang family, seemed to be recalling something when he said these words, and his eyes became a little lax when looking at the void.

After a while, he said to Wang Zhongming: "Perhaps this strong man is the opportunity predicted by the ancestors. In short, you should not get involved in Wei'er's affairs. Seeing that you have suffered internal injuries, it seems that the other party is still holding back." , otherwise you would not be walking back now but lying down."

Hearing what his ancestor said, Wang Zhongming didn't say anything. After saluting, he left and went to heal his wounds.

After all, this injury can't be dragged on for too long, otherwise it's out of my control what it will develop into.


Li Chen actually didn't say anything to Ah Man, after Li Chen invited Ah Man into the small courtyard, he took out a set of tea sets and made tea.

But for a rough man like Ah Man, he drank all the tea in one gulp, like a cow chewing peonies, and he couldn't appreciate the artistic conception carried by tea at all.

But this tea is enlightenment tea, even a rough man like Ah Man can benefit a lot from drinking it for the first time.

Originally, Ah Man came here to find out the reality of Li Chen, but now it seems that there is no need, just from the formation in this small courtyard and Li Chen's previous move, one can infer one or two.

After drinking tea, Ah Man bid farewell to Li Chen.

As soon as he went out, he found Wang Wei walking towards him. Even Li Chen, who was following Ah Man to see him off, was a little surprised to see Wang Wei still coming to him.

"Boy Wang, why are you here again? Do you really want to have your tongue pulled out by Fellow Daoist Changming?"

Ah Man said with some doubts, looking at Wang Wei with strange eyes.

Could it be that this boy Wang has a tendency to shake M?

Li Chen on the side thought about it, and couldn't help shivering.

Hearing the words of City Lord Aman, Wang Wei also knew what to call Li Chen, and finally he didn't need to call him senior, which felt weird.

Quickly knelt down to Li Chen and said: "Junior Wang Wei still hoped that Senior Changming would accept me as an apprentice. The apprentice had offended me a lot before, but now he has sincerely repented, and I hope that Master will take me in—"

"Wait...wait...wait...wait..." Li Chen felt that he couldn't make up his mind. Before this, he was an enemy, so why is he now playing the game of asking for a teacher and accepting an apprentice.

And why do I feel that the most powerful thing about this Wei Wang is not his gossiping mouth, but his face. He didn't agree to it, so he began to call himself a disciple.

Quickly stopped what Wang Wei wanted to continue, Li Chen said: "When did I say I accepted you as an apprentice? I think your face is as good as your tongue? Don't talk about accepting apprentices." , you can go back..."

The city lord Ahman at the side heard the conversation between the two, and looked at Wang Wei thoughtfully.

It's just that it's not clear whether the old lady of the Wang family is giving advice to this boy Wang or this boy himself sincerely wants to learn from him.

But if this boy Wang can really worship Chang Ming as his teacher, maybe Chang Ming, a strong man who doesn't know how deep he is, will stay in this Que Ling City. It won't be long before the next beast tide. Those who have more strength.

The people in Que Ling City can also survive more...

In just a short while, Ah Man thought about a lot.

Jokingly suggested to Li Chen: "I said friend, you see that this boy Wang's temperament is not bad, or you can accept him, after all, it is a piece of beautiful jade, isn't it..."

Hearing the city lord Ah Man speak good words for him, Wang Wei couldn't help but his eyes lit up, but Li Chen's next words made Wang Wei feel cold.

"Go...go...go, if you want to take disciples, you take them yourself, the poor don't have such a leisurely heart..."

Even Ah Man's words don't work, it seems that Senior Chang Ming definitely won't accept him as a disciple.

Thinking of this, Wang Wei couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

But thinking back to Li Chen's eyes that looked like trash and his merciless words, no one in Que Ling City has ever treated him like this, no matter whether everyone's strength is higher than his own or lower than his own. , all wearing a hypocritical face.

He will never let himself realize what he really is like like senior Changming, fortunately, he was still complacent about the glory that his Wang family ancestors exchanged for their lives.

Clenching his fists, Wang Wei seemed to have made up his mind.

"I want to worship you as my teacher! If you don't agree, I will kneel here and can't get up..."

Hearing his words, Li Chen immediately sneered: "Oh, I'm afraid you won't be able to kneel here anymore? If you love to kneel, just keep kneeling. I want to see how hard your bones are..."

Ah Man on the side nodded and shook his head when he saw this, making Li Chen amused for a while.

Whether it was him who forced others to apprentice him or him, it seemed that Ah Man was more anxious than himself.

Li Chen quickly opened his mouth to see off the guest and said: "Fellow Daoist Ah Man, I won't see you off any more, come and play with me at your home when you have time—"


Speaking of which, Ah Man didn't stay long, sighed lightly, glanced at Wang Wei, then turned and left.

I only hope that Wei Wang can retreat in the face of difficulties, and don't be as stubborn as his father. Thinking of Wei Wang's father, Ah Man left even faster.

When Li Chen saw Wang Wei who was kneeling there with his back straight, he couldn't help but snorted coldly, shook his loose sleeves, and turned back to the small courtyard.

In this way, time passed day by day.

Wang Wei still knelt outside the door, whether it was the scorching sun or the wind and rain, he still knelt at the door motionless.

If it wasn't for the support of his body, he probably would have collapsed long ago without eating or drinking.

"Father, that villain who wanted to snatch the Fire Qilin is still kneeling outside..."

Li Chen smiled, touched his little head and said, "We don't care about him, if he likes to kneel, then kneel!"


"Father, it's been almost a year, why is that scoundrel so stupid? Knowing that you won't accept him as an apprentice, you still kneel down like this stupidly..."



"One, two, three, Dad, Dad, it's been three years, and the Wang Wei is still kneeling outside the door, or you can forgive him and accept him as a disciple..."

I saw Xiaoxiao counting with her fingers, and suddenly Xiaoxiao felt that this Wang Wei was really pitiful.


Li Chen was speechless, this little boy rebelled so quickly.

But it's been three years, and it's time——

(End of this chapter)

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