Chapter 127 0127 Li Chen preaching
Wang Wei has been kneeling outside Youkeju for three full years, even a man of iron can't stand it if he kneels for such a long time.

At this time, Wang Wei was supporting himself or he would pass out. In three years, he was originally a handsome rich man, but now he looked sloppy.

Especially those eyes, they are no longer the unruliness of three years ago, but only calm.

However, the bloodshot eyes all over the eyes, and the drowsy look that could hardly open the eyelids all showed that this was about to reach the limit that Wang Wei could bear.

"Senior Changming, accept...Accept me as..."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Wei fell down and passed out.

Li Chen, who was sipping tea, suddenly stopped holding the teacup, and ordered the servants in the yard: "Prepare a guest room, and carry Wang Wei to the guest room..."

In the past three years, this Youke has become much more angry. Now besides Li Chen, Xiaoxiao and the four little things, Li Chen has taken in eight people as servants to take care of himself, Xiaoxiao and others.

"Father, are you going to take that Wang Wei as your apprentice?" Xiao Xiao asked Li Chen with a surprised face.

Li Chen lightly knocked on his small head, and said: "I didn't say I was going to accept apprentices, but that Wang Wei knelt and fainted outside the door, I couldn't bear it..."

"I know, I know... my father has the best heart, he must have had the heart to ask the servants to bring him in..."

Do you look like a good-hearted person?
Thinking of this, Li Chen touched his nose in embarrassment.

In fact, even now, Li Chen has no plans to accept apprentices, after all, he can't slap himself in the face for what he says.

But Li Chen also has Li Chen's method. Although he can't accept disciples, it doesn't mean he can't teach Wang Wei the way——

Three years is not only a time to test Wang Wei, but also a time that Li Chen set for himself to broaden the Taoism in this world.

Wang Wei woke up and found himself lying on the bed. He was shocked, thinking that he was taken home by his family.

I got out of bed, looked around, and found that this was not my home, and there was a sound of preaching scriptures outside the door.

This is the voice of Senior Chang Ming.

After Wang Wei heard the voice, he immediately recognized who the owner of the voice was, and it was the protagonist whom he wanted to learn from his heart—Senior Changming!
'Could it be that Senior Changming is willing to accept me as an apprentice? '

Wang Wei thought to himself, and immediately ignored the soreness in his knees, he opened the door, wanting to find out.

In the courtyard, Li Chen was sitting cross-legged in the first seat, opening his mouth to speak eloquently.

The audience below said neither too much nor too little.

At the front are Xiaoxiao, Fire Qilin, Four-legged Snake, Chick and a fat silkworm baby.

It looked as weird as it wanted, and even Wang Wei could feel that the fire unicorn, four-legged snake, chick and silkworm baby were all listening carefully.

After the five original crew members, there are eight servants.

Wang Wei also knew these eight people. When he was kneeling outside the Youke residence, he saw Li Chen bring these people into the mansion. Later, after inquiring at Xiaoxiao's place, he realized that these eight people were Li Chen. A servant bought at the slave market.

Li Chen sensed that Wang Wei came out, but he ignored Wang Wei, still immersed in the way he said.

On the other hand, Xiao Xiao, who was listening vigorously, sensed Wang Wei's arrival, opened his eyes, and took out a futon from nowhere and put it beside him.

"Come... come... come"

Xiao Xiao made hand gestures, Wang Wei confirmed several times that Xiao Xiao was calling him, and hurriedly came to Xiao Xiao's side lightly.

"Shhh, when daddy is preaching, you just listen and don't bother daddy..."

I saw Xiaoxiao talking in a low voice, that voice was comparable to that of a mosquito, even if he didn't pay attention, Wang Wei didn't hear what Xiaoxiao was saying.

Under Xiao Xiao's tugging, Wang Wei sat on the futon that Xiao Xiao took out.

He thought in his heart that he would beg Senior Changming to accept him as a disciple after Senior Changming finished his sermon.

After thinking about it, it didn't take a while to fall into the Taoist environment created by Li Chen.

"Tao begets one, one begets two, two begets three, three begets all things, so Tao is one, and it is all things..."

The sound of the brilliant avenue, uttered from Li Chen's mouth, spread outside the small courtyard, and passers-by heard it, and couldn't help but stop and listen.

Just like that, one or two, slowly, the entire Youke Residence was surrounded by people.

For Li Chen, he didn't mind those pedestrians learning the way he taught, and he was even happy to see it as a way to promote this happening.

After all, the road is the road, and only when there are more people walking, this road is the way to reach the sky.

What's more, I want to be a Taoist ancestor in another world, hiding my family background, and I don't have the heart to be a Taoist ancestor, let alone be a Taoist ancestor.

Li Chen preached, when he talked about smooth things, everyone danced and smiled, and when he talked about obscure things, they all frowned, pondered hard, or cried loudly, and the appearance of all living beings was vividly reflected here.

All of a sudden, a shock surged up in the courtyard, and the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds.

Li Chen also stopped preaching immediately, and everyone woke up from the Dao realm.

I saw that the fire unicorn, silkworm baby, four-legged snake and chick heard under Li Chen's seat all broke through to the stage of transformation because of Li Chen's preaching.

In this world, transformation is not as difficult as in the prehistoric world.

Seeing this, Li Chen quickly taught the four little ones the method of transforming into form, and with a wave of his sleeves, the four of them flew out of Que Ling City in one go, and landed on a hill not far from Que Ling City.

In a short while, the Transformational Thunder Tribulation in the sky was assembled.

I saw that the chicken was the fastest, and it directly turned into a rainbow light, and got into the robbery cloud.

Suddenly, there was a crackling sound like sparks bursting between the sky and the earth, and at the same time, a smell of meat came from the robbery cloud.

Seeing this, Xiao Xiao next to Li Chen couldn't help but tighten Li Chen's sleeves, and asked worriedly: "Daddy, Daddy, is the chick okay?"

Looking at Xiaoxiao's appearance, people who didn't know thought Du Jie was Xiaoxiao and not someone else.

But Xiaoxiao is not to be blamed, she has been accompanied by Fire Qilin, Silkworm Baby, Four-legged Snake and Chick for so many years.

Si Xiao is already a bit older than before, Xiao Xiao is still the same as before, there is basically no major change, three years is like three days on Xiao Xiao, time has not left on Xiao Xiao at all what traces.

"It will be fine, not to mention that your father and I are still here, you are not careful with the chicks, do you not have confidence in your father and me?"

Li Chen said rather bearded and staring, but Li Chen doesn't have a beard...

(End of this chapter)

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