Chapter 128 0128 Transformation
I saw Xiaoji's Jieyun shrank again, and suddenly there were bursts of thunderstorms in the air, as if to wipe out the arrogant person who broke into Jieyun.

When everyone was sweating for the little chicken, they saw a burst of fiery red light in the robbery cloud illuminating the space between the sky and the earth, and the little chicken was reborn from the ashes in it, and the injuries suffered by the thunder robbery disappeared instantly. without a trace.

I saw that the fire suddenly rose, and the entire robbery cloud was swallowed by the flames.

A resounding phoenix cry immediately resounded between heaven and earth, and a magnified version of a phoenix appeared in the sky. Countless birds worshiped the central phoenix one after another. An elephant covers a distance of millions of miles.

"Chicken, no, it should be called Xiaofeng, it's already succeeded—"

Li Chen muttered to himself.

All the visions in the sky subsided one after another, disappearing into the huge phoenix body in the sky.

After passing through the calamity, I saw a cyan beam of light shining on Xiaofeng's body in the air.

Compared with the prehistoric world, this world is much more friendly to those who survive the catastrophe. If they cannot survive the catastrophe, they will die, and if they survive the catastrophe, there will be rewards from heaven and earth.

This cyan beam of light is the light of creation condensed by the power of the law of creation.

With the help of the light of creation, Xiaofeng was slowly transforming into a human form.

After a while, the phoenix in the sky turned into a graceful girl in red with slender eyelashes, black hair like a waterfall, and skin like white jade suet in full view of everyone.


Before Li Chen could react, Xiaofeng came to Li Chen with a flash, and hugged Li Chen in a bear hug.

Quickly pulled Xiaofeng off his body and asked.

"Wait, what did you call me?"

When Li Chen realized it, he had an extra daughter?
I saw Xiaofeng had a puzzled look on his face, as if he was saying that if he was not allowed to be called Dad, he would cry for Li Chen to see.

After hearing this, Li Chen didn't refuse, nor did he agree, so he couldn't help covering his forehead.

Thinking of the next three, Li Chen couldn't help guessing that they would also call him Daddy like Xiaofeng——

But why didn't I notice this sign before, I couldn't help but feel a little miscalculated.


Xiaohuo (Fire Qilin), Xiaobao (Silkworm Baby), and Xiaoqing (Four-legged Snake) saw Xiaofeng successfully transforming into form, and couldn't sit still any longer, and quickly released their aura.

Immediately, the thunder from the sky stirred the fire on the ground, and the calamity cloud that was slowly dissipating in the sky began to slowly gather again under Sanxiao's arousal, but this time compared with Xiaofeng, the scope of the calamity cloud was much larger. It is much wider, more than three times that of Xiaofeng Jieyun.

After all, sometimes 1+1+1 is not equal to 3, and the three minors crossing the tribulation at the same time simply increased the person's thunder tribulation several times.

Seeing this, Li Chen smiled playfully.

It seems that these three little ones are going to suffer some flesh and blood.

"Father, the three of them crossed the catastrophe, why is this catastrophe cloud so much bigger than mine?"

Xiaofeng asked worriedly, wondering why Jieyun was acting like this.

"The calamity of three people is not necessarily three times that of one person. In Dao's eyes, messing with other people's calamity is to provoke the rules of Dao. Although the three are all crossing the catastrophe of transformation, the rules are rules, so everyone's calamity is different. Add a little more, and it will become what it is now——, but it’s also my fault that Dad didn’t explain it clearly to you.”

Li Chen said it very simply, but the evolution of the Dao cannot be summed up in one or two sentences.

Li Chen stopped talking about this, and stared straight at Jieyun, ready to help at any time.

After all, these three little ones have been raised by themselves for such a long time, so we can't let them just fall under this transformation calamity.

In Jieyun, a water tank-sized thunder pillar with a scorching aura suddenly attacked Xiaohuo and the three of them, and turned into three thunder pillars to attack the three of them in the middle.

This first lightning tribulation was just an appetizer for the three of them.

Especially for Xiaohuo, it was simply a tickle. The law of fire attack carried by the lightning pillar could only be regarded as a temporary filling for Xiaohuo. Sanxiao felt like she was undergoing electrotherapy.

The first thunder calamity passed, and before the three of them could rest, the second thunder calamity followed immediately.

I saw a khaki thunder pillar flying out of the robbery cloud, turning into three slightly smaller thunder dragons, and flying towards the three of them——

Compared with the first thunder tribulation, this power is simply a world of difference.

"Xiaohuo and the others are in danger now. It's actually the tribulation of the reincarnation of the five elements. The reincarnation of the five elements is endless, and the most difficult thing to deal with. If you get through it, the future will be brighter. If you can't get through..."

The implication is that if you can't get through, even if you help yourself, the future will be considered useless, and there will be no great achievements.

But Li Chen won't say it, otherwise Xiaofeng and Xiaoxiao will probably be worried again.

It's not like the three of them have no chance at all. Although there are many dangers at this time, if the three of them can work together, they may not be able to survive this catastrophe.

The whole set of Five Elements was robbed, and the three of them were in a hurry.

The fire unicorn that was originally fiery red turned black and red in patches, like a skinny man.

The silkworm baby, which was originally fat and white, was even more miserable. It looked like it was almost cooked, and it could even be seen that its body was still steaming.

The four-legged snake Xiaoqing was a bit better, the scales on his body blocked most of the attacks for him, and the scales were basically good and bad under the attack of Lei Jie, but his body did not suffer much damage.

After experiencing the thunder disaster, the fire unicorn became more powerful, the silkworm baby became more crystal clear after transformation, and the four-legged snake can no longer be called a four-legged snake. The horns on its head have grown out after the thunder disaster. It looks like a lively green dragon.

Immediately after the three of them survived the calamity, three rays of good fortune descended from the sky, on average they were much thicker than Xiaofeng's.

Not only have all the injuries in the three people's bodies been repaired, but even the cultivation base of the three people has improved a lot again.

Seeing that the three of them were fine, Xiao Xiao and Xiao Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and their faces that were originally bitter also turned into smiles.

Xiaofeng's vision is that all birds are facing the phoenix, and the three of Xiaohuo also have visions.

The vision of Xiaohuo is a lava hell. The whole vision is full of boundless lava, and lava erupts from time to time. The environment is as bad as hell.

Xiaobao's vision is very simple, it is just a huge white cocoon, if you underestimate this cocoon, you will suffer a big loss, this cocoon is not only invincible in defense, but also has the effect of slowing down the passage of life and assisting in deep sleep , the ability to slow down the passing of life is simply the ability that all ascetics dream of.

Xiaoqing's abilities are the same as Xiaofeng's. Xiaofeng is like a hundred birds facing the phoenix, while Xiaoqing's is like a thousand beasts facing the sky. The visions of the two can even complement each other. Joining forces is not as simple as one plus one.

But to Li Chen, it doesn't matter how their vision is, as long as they are safe--

The final outcome was exactly as Li Chen expected, there were three more cheap cubs——

(End of this chapter)

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