Chapter 130 0130 Experience (Part [-])
"Father, Wei and I are sincere..."

Before Xiao Huo finished speaking, Li Chen waved his hands quickly and said, "Come on, what about love, I can't control you..."

Li Chen was able to guess what was going to happen before he even said a word, making himself look like a big villain, wanting to forcibly separate the two of them.

Li Chen didn't want to watch this kind of plot too much when he was on Earth.

Xiaohuo and Wang Wei escaped, Li Chen saw Xiaoxiao staring at him helplessly, he couldn't help but sighed, I don't care about your affairs, you are an adult now, you can do it yourself .

It's really a big deal!

Li Chen felt a little disappointed in his heart, feeling as if his daughter had been snatched away, but in a short while, all his emotions were completely suppressed by Li Chen.

After all, at Li Chen's level of cultivation, he has almost completely controlled his emotions. Li Chen still has these feelings because what Li Chen practices is the way of sentient beings, not the ruthless way that kills the seven emotions and six desires.

If not, it is estimated that no matter what you say, or even what the surrounding environment is like, Li Chen's will will not be shaken at all.

The horror of the ruthless way is that all wills act around maximizing their own interests.

"Thank you daddy (Senior Changming)..." Wang Wei and Xiao Huo looked at each other, the meaning in their eyes was self-evident, and they and Xiao Xiao thanked Li Chen.

Li Chen didn't say anything after hearing this, and waved his hands.

"Father, if there is nothing else, then I will take my leave first."

Everyone saluted Li Chen.

Seeing everyone leaving, Li Chen suddenly thought of something, and quickly stopped everyone from leaving:
"and many more……"

When everyone heard this, they all turned their heads to look at Li Chen, with doubts in their eyes, not knowing what else Li Chen wanted to order.

"Did you think of any names when you were away from home?"

Li Chen didn't mention this, and everyone hasn't discovered this problem yet.

"Is it the same name as Dad, Changming Daozu?" Xiao Xiao asked with some doubts.

However, Wang Wei stood up and bowed at this time and said: "I want to report to Senior Changming, the junior thinks that this name is earned by breaking away, just like the senior, teaching the Dharma and teaching the Tao, and everyone respectfully calls the senior the ancestor of Taoism." ..."

Hearing Wang Wei's words, Li Chen nodded in agreement. Although he could feel that Wang Wei was a bit flattering, no one would listen to nice words, even Li Chen couldn't avoid it.If you have a beard, you probably have to stroke your beard and pretend to be a master.

Thinking about how long it will take for everyone to leave, Li Chen thought about it, and replaced the death talisman, the escape talisman, and each person with an extreme weapon (Emperor Armor) and The Zhundi soldiers waited for everyone.

In order to refine this extreme weapon, Li Chen not only used the materials he collected in the chaos, but also collected countless materials in this world, and it took decades to refine it. .

Compared with Honghuang's, the refined magic weapon has reached the level of Houtian Lingbao. It is estimated that there are reasons for different world materials. Li Chen even refined a magic weapon of the level of Houtian Supreme Treasure.

Many of the materials collected by the refiner are left over from the failure to breed innate treasures. After all, there is a shortage of heaven and earth, and it is impossible to breed a few decent innate treasures.

After thinking about it, Li Chen distributed the directional exercises to be practiced later to everyone's hands——

After distributing the treasures, Li Chen sent everyone away.

Looking at the backs of everyone leaving, Li Chen always had the feeling that he didn't know when he would meet again, and he didn't know if it was his own illusion.

It was also for this reason that Li Chen prepared all these for his little bastards in advance. Li Chen didn't want to wait until something really went wrong before regretting it.

However, in view of the special nature of this world, if his hunch is correct, Li Chen doesn't know whether he will meet these cute little kids like himself in the future——

The future of this age of mythology is their world.

Thinking of these, Li Chen began to retreat again, no matter what the future holds, the present is the most important thing.

As long as you have strength, no matter how you develop in the future, you will never be out of your control.


In the prehistoric world at this time, ten thousand years have passed, and without the constraints of the Hongjun Ten Thousand Years Covenant, the two clans of liches suddenly began to move around again.

For Lich, it is basically a life-and-death situation, not only the conflict between the low-level demon clan and the witch clan, but also the resentment between the two high-level clans.

Emperor Jun Taiyi and others were unwilling to defeat the Wu Clan, the Wu Clan was unwilling to interfere with Hongjun, and so on.

It can be said that the current situation of the two Lich clans cannot be formed overnight.

During these ten thousand years, Xihe of the demon clan gave birth to ten princes of the demon clan for Di Jun, and Chang Xi also gave birth to twelve little princesses of the demon clan for Di Jun.

Because of the defeat at the hands of the Wu Clan, the top ten demon commanders of the Yao Clan also worked hard to practice in seclusion. They wanted to avenge their shame in the next battle, and their cultivation bases broke through to the quasi-sage realm one after another.

Not only the monster clan has developed, but the witch clan has also emerged a large number of rising stars in the past ten thousand years, such as Jiufeng, Xingtian, Chiyou, Fengbo, Yushi and so on.

The high-level combat power of the monster clan is almost equal to that of the witch clan, and the mid-range combat power of the witch clan has also caught up with the monster clan. The low-level combat power basically has very little impact on the battlefield between the two clans, so one plus one subtracts It's really not clear who will win and who will lose if they fight again, maybe it will be a loss for both sides.

Ten thousand years of prehistoric times were basically in a very peaceful state. Di Jun was devastated by the affairs of his ten princes. After all, the Ten Golden Crow was born not long ago. The control can't reach the point of doing whatever you want at all.

In addition, the guards in the Heavenly Court and the Sun Star, the base camp of the monster clan, are all ordinary monster clans. Is it common for those monster clans to be injured by the power of real fire, causing a lot of low-level monsters to be injured? The Yaozu dare not speak out.

Di Jun simply transplanted a branch of the Fusang sacred tree into Tanggu, and directly threw the Ten Golden Crows in Tanggu.

Compared with the Ten Golden Crows, Di Jun's twelve daughters are basically dispensable in Di Jun's eyes. Although they still inherit Di Jun's blood, they are not in the shape of a Golden Crow, but in the shape of a lunar rabbit. shape.

Feeling that his daughter was being neglected, Chang Xi took all his daughters back to the lunar star in a fit of anger.

Its reputation is that the lunar star can make twelve daughters grow up healthily.

It's really a needle in the bottom of a woman's heart, so far Di Jun still doesn't know the real reason why Chang Xi returned to the Moon Star.

However, it is probably also the reason why Chang Xi gave birth to the Twelve Lunar Moon Rabbits and because Xihe stayed on the sun star and never returned to the lunar star. pulse body.

It is also at this time that these monks are confused by the dignity of the saints, and they don't care so much about the dignity below these saints, otherwise they really have to lament the fickleness of the way of heaven, but in the future, a statue between heaven and earth Basically, countless monks can fight for the position of honor, but these are things for later——

 It's on the shelves today, and please support me a lot, update a chapter for free, and make up 130 chapters. . .

(End of this chapter)

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