Chapter 131 0131 Horror Beast Tide (Second Change)
After sending out a group of disciples to practice, Li Chen woke up within half a month of retreat, feeling as if something had happened.

After leaving the customs, he received a report from his subordinates, saying that the city lord Ah Man had something to look for him, presumably it had something to do with the feeling when he was in the seclusion.

Li Chen was a little surprised. After all, now is not the time for him to preach. If there is something that he does not say during the sermon, he has to ask Ah Man to come to him.

After thinking about it, Li Chen really couldn't think of what the problem would be, so Ah Man came to him specially, patted the dust that didn't exist on his body, tidied his sleeves, and opened the door Li Chen Then he walked to the living room.

Speaking of which, during Li Chen's time in Que Ling City, because of preaching from time to time, his status rose again and again, almost surpassing Ah Man, the city lord, thanks to the relationship between Ah Man and Li Chen, who are both teachers and friends Don't care about these false names at all.

Seeing Li Chen coming, Ah Man quickly got up and saluted.

At this time, Li Chen's cultivation level was higher than that of Ah Man, and he often gave sermons to everyone. Of course, Ah Man was also among them, and he deserved to be honored by Ah Man.

But for Li Chen, he didn't care about these empty courtesy at all, raised his hand slightly, and said helplessly:
"I've said it before, you don't need to care about these empty etiquettes in front of me, why don't you listen? You are, Xiao Huo Xiao Xiao and they are too, it really makes me worry—"

Ah Man scratched his head in embarrassment and said: "The so-called master is a teacher..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Li Chen hurriedly stopped him.

"Come on, you don't have to say it anymore, I can recite this sentence every time I repeat it over and over again, so tell me, is there anything worth your coming to me?"

Ah Man knew Li Chen's temperament, and he didn't beat around the bush after hearing Li Chen's words, and said directly:

"I really came here for something important. According to the news from the strong human race guarding the boundary sea and the foreign city, riots started to break out in that unknown place again. Countless ferocious beasts gushed out of it. Lingcheng is at the forefront of the fortress of the human race, but it is the first to bear the brunt. I know Changming... Senior, your strength, and please save the people in the city when the time comes—”

After speaking, Ah Man was about to kneel down.

Seeing this, Li Chen quickly swung a wave of mana to hold Ah Man's knee, preventing him from kneeling down.

After all, as a member of Que Ling City, it is only natural for me to do my best, not to mention that this is not the business of Ah Man alone.

Looking at Ah Man's expectant eyes, Li Chen thought for a moment, then nodded slightly and said: "I promise you, I am also a part of this Sparrow City, and it is only natural to take action. Besides, you are not alone in this beast tide." This matter is the matter of the entire human race and the matter of all the races in this universe. Furthermore, a man has gold under his knees, so he must not kneel down at will in the future!"

With that said, Li Chen patted Ah Man on the shoulder and left the hall.

A burst of laughter reached Ah Man's ears.

"Hahaha... Everyone in the world knows that I am the patriarch of Taoism by preaching to all living beings and Taoism, but have you ever felt that my fighting power is also unparalleled? I want to see how powerful this beast tide is..."

After Ah Man heard it, he couldn't help but secretly lamented Li Chen's true temperament in his heart.

Li Chen wasn't too worried about the safety of his own cubs. After all, the life-saving things had been given to everyone. If so many life-saving things were still alive, it could only be said that they couldn't adapt to the cruelty of this world.

So for Li Chen, he is still very optimistic about his disciples.

However, Li Chen's current cultivation has only returned to the Golden Immortal Realm, which is equivalent to the Quasi-Emperor Realm in this world.

Although relying on some means to rival the great emperors and powerhouses of this world, it is still not a long-term solution. To be on the safe side, Li Chen decided to take advantage of this time to refine a few killing arrays.

Among them, the most powerful killing formation is the Zhuxian Sword Formation in the prehistoric world. It not only mainly kills, but also absorbs evil spirits to increase its power. Faced with this situation, it is the best choice.

Although the refined imitation Zhuxian Sword Formation is only seven or eight times as powerful as the genuine one, it is considered a rare treasure for Li Chen who is currently at this level of cultivation.

If it weren't for his Tongtian Pagoda being suppressed in his sea of ​​consciousness for some reason, why would Li Chen go to the Shanzhai Zhuxian Sword Formation.

It took Li Chen only a few months to use some quick refining methods to successfully refine the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

In order to be fully formed, killing must be carried out, and only by absorbing infinite killing energy can it be done.

The siege of the beasts has been going on for several days, and the whole city has already started fighting to defend the city. Because of Li Chen's preaching, the cultivation of many people in the city has improved a lot, but for the time being, there is not much. Able to hold on even under great pressure.

Having never seen Li Chen come out, Ah Man couldn't help feeling a little anxious, and didn't know what Li Chen was messing with.

If it weren't for the most critical time, Ah Man would have already rushed to Li Chen's Youkeju to see what Li Chen was busy with.

Compared with ordinary beasts, the vicious beast that attacked the city didn't have much change at all, except for the eyes that turned blood red for some reason and the body that was dozens of times larger than ordinary beasts.

The only thing worth mentioning is that this ferocious beast has a very high resistance to Taoism, unless it attacks them with weapons, the power of Taoism hitting them must be at least half.

Therefore, when the countless people in Que Ling City faced the beasts, they fought like ordinary people with spears and knives at close quarters.

Although these ferocious beasts lost their minds for some reason and did not know how to advance and retreat, they were desperate to fight, but it also caused a lot of casualties on the side of Que Ling City.

This is only the first wave of beasts, and each wave of beasts will last for nearly a month, and it is not known how many waves will follow.According to records, since several beast hordes, the least one had twelve waves of beast hordes, and the most was 36 waves of beast hordes, which lasted for more than three years. overwhelmed.

Every beast tide can be said to be a mountain of corpses, and mourning is everywhere.

"Hurry up, change to the third team, and the second team to rest..."

"This is a ration for a team..."

"Hurry up and send the wounded to the healer..."

The whole city is like a clockwork machine, and it starts to run at full speed, and countless things are arranged in an orderly manner.

At this time, no matter who they are, no matter what kind of conflicts the two parties have, they all put aside their mutual prejudices, back to back, and face the common enemy of all living beings—the beast.

(End of this chapter)

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