Chapter 148 0148 The Three Ancestors of the Human Race
Because of Chen Long's words, and even more because of the human race, that human race became stubborn about the fire source, thinking about how to obtain the fire source every day.

At the same time, Chenlong even discovered the human race staring at the bird's nest, trying to build a building that would allow the human race to move out of the dark cave like a bird, and the human race woman who stared at the several brothers from Penglai every day, If Chenlong hadn't gone to ask what was going on, Chenlong's brothers would have thought that this woman had taken a fancy to them...

According to the human race woman, if she could make clothes similar to those worn by herself and others for the human race, then there would not be so many people in the human race who would die from the severe cold in winter, and they would not be exposed because of their skin being too exposed. And being injured by those poisons leads to death, even with this clothes, it is like a beast with fur, which can resist part of the damage for the human race to a certain extent...

Sure enough, the three people mentioned by the master are all great sages, and all considerations are from the perspective of the human race.

After that, the three of them went to Chenlong's place from time to time to ask questions, and even went to listen to Chenlong when he was preaching.

In this way, as time passed, the human race who vowed to find the source of fire for the human race passed by the flint tree one day, and heard the sound of "嘎...嘉...哟..." on the tree. At that time, I couldn't help but stop, wanting to see what happened.

What I saw was a bird with a long, metal-like beak pecking at the trunk of the flint tree rhythmically, and sparks burst out from the trunk of the flint tree under the pecking of the beak. , Thinking of the Dao that Chenlong told himself, he suddenly became enlightened.

Among the five elements, metal overcomes wood, wood produces fire, metal produces water, and water overcomes fire. This flint tree just confirms the truth that wood produces fire.

Although the lightning fire is one of the sources of fire for the human race, it depends on the situation. If you are unlucky, you can never get a little fire from the lightning fire for a year or so. the second source of ignition.

But even so, the fire of the flint tree had to be obtained by the human race themselves, and the woodpecker couldn't be tied up as a tool to obtain the fire source.

If so, this is too ridiculous.

Under the flint tree, I took a few larger pieces of dried flint wood, and started to imitate the bird, using one stick to strike the other stick.

After countless hours of experimentation, although the wooden stick was already hot, it was not as capable of knocking out sparks as the bird.

Can't help but stop and think about the reason.

After several years of hard thinking and constant experimentation, even the hands were covered with a thick layer of calluses.

Finally, a flame completely belonging to the human race was born in the hands of the man. This is a flame born of the flint tree, and it is also a fire of civilization belonging to the human race...

At the same time, the house made in imitation of the bird's nest also came to an end under Chenlong's suggestion. The house is not very grand, it can be said to be very simple.

The main frame is made of wood, thatch, and some vines for fixing. The house is very strong, and the inside is dry and comfortable, which is many times better than the dark and damp cave.

Even beside this thatched house, there are houses made of stones, houses made of mud, etc...

For the creativity of the human race, Chenlong was an eye-opener. After all, he only gave a reference for these descriptions.

Although it looks very simple, in Chenlong's eyes, it is more reassuring than that palace, because this simple house represents the human race's desire and pursuit of home...

"The Suiren clan..., the Youchao clan..., the Ziyi clan..."

Chenlong muttered to himself.

The woman who is bound to make a cover for the human race to keep out the cold must be the Ziyi family. At the beginning, she used leaves and vines to make grass clothes that could cover up the shame, and then made animal skins that could keep out the cold. However, they all have their own flaws. Although the grass clothes can hide shame, they cannot keep out the cold, and the animal fur clothes can keep out the cold, but they often have a strange smell because of the processing technology.

Later, when I saw the hemp rope used by the tribe to tie and remember things, I had a whim, because hemp is the least valuable among the human tribe, and it is almost everywhere. It can be said that the material is simple and very strong.

Countless hours were spent rubbing hemp, weaving linen, sewing... Each of these steps has gone through countless trials.

Even so, it took several years to modify, modify, and mend this dress before it was finally finished.

Chenlong still heard these three names from Li Chen's mouth. At that time, Chenlong was still very puzzled, but now he understands the meaning of these three names.

Not just the name, but also their mission, and the glory of the three of them.

If the three were to be ranked in order, Youchao was almost the first to finish, followed by Suiren, and finally Ziyi.

The moment it was completed, a huge power of merit condensed in the sky, almost having the power of three layers of merit that Nuwa became holy.

I saw that the cultivation bases of the three directly broke through to the peak of the Taiyi Golden Immortal with the help of their merits.

Being suppressed by the Taiyi Golden Immortal is precisely because Da Luo has already begun to choose the way. If Chenlong hadn't told the three of them the difference between the Taiyi Golden Immortal and Da Luo, it is estimated that the three of them would have broken through Da Luo directly.

Seeing that the three listened to his words, Chenlong, who was hiding in the void, couldn't help but nodded, but he was very satisfied with the three. He was not confused by the momentary breakthrough, he had self-control, and was the first generation of human race. , but it is a very good seedling for cultivating the Tao.

After the other half of the merit falls into the utensils created by the three people, we can only see ordinary houses (earth houses, stone houses, wooden houses), clothes (grass clothes, animal skin clothes, linen clothes), flint wood, flint, flames, etc. Under the blessing of merit, it becomes extraordinary, and directly becomes the spiritual treasure of acquired merit.

Under the fusion of merit and virtue, Youchao's house suddenly merged three houses of different styles into one; Ziyi's three different clothes were also merged into one under the power of merit; as for Suiren's flint wood and flint Combined into a flint drill, under the blessing of merit, the flame turns from an ordinary wood fire into a slightly golden white flame, and even the flame directly turns into the fire of civilization of the human race under the blessing of the luck of the human race. It can be said that it is the most powerful among these acquired merits and virtues.

After finishing all this, the golden auspicious clouds in the sky dissipated immediately.

Seeing this, Chenlong also showed his figure in front of the crowd, looked at the crowd, and said:

"Didn't you say before that you want to worship me as your teacher? What I said was that the time has not come yet. Now I don't know if you still want to worship me as your teacher?"

The three of them were overjoyed when they heard the words, and hurriedly bowed: "We are willing, we are willing, Master, please accept the disciple's worship!"

Without hesitation at all, he directly bowed to Chenlong.

Looking at the man among the three who completed the construction of the house first, Chen Long said: "In this way, you will be named Youchao clan as the eldest disciple of my sect."

Then he looked at the man who drilled wood to make fire and continued: "You are the second disciple of my sect, and you are named Suiren."

"As for you..."

Chenlong looked at the only woman among the three, and then slowly said: "You will be ranked third, as the younger sister of the two, you will be named Ziyi..."

(End of this chapter)

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