Chapter 149 0149 Apprentices
You Chaoshi, Suirenshi, and Ziyishi have just worshiped Chenlong as their teacher, and they have not yet performed the ceremony of apprenticeship, but they have only verbally confirmed their status as masters and apprentices with Chenlong.

The uninvited guest came to the door.

It is for the merits and virtues obtained by the three of them.

As Hongjun said, there are three methods of proving the Tao: proving the Tao with strength, proving the law and proving the Tao with merit. Among them, Nu Wa only spent about half of her merits to become a saint.

For the great powers of the prehistoric world, the combination of the three people's merits and virtues only needs [-]% of the merits and virtues to create another heavenly saint.

How can this not make them jealous?

Moreover, all the prehistoric powers have not seen any big actions of this human race like Nuwa, so they have obtained about [-]% of the merits of creating a human being. This merit is too easy to obtain.

Even Li Chen was a little curious about it.

This is the way of heaven, usually a little bit of merit is so stingy that you can't wait to use it bit by bit, but now you are so generous to the human race, this is very unnatural and unscientific!
If you want to say that the human race is the protagonist, it is impossible for Li Chen to believe it.

There has never been anything predetermined, only whether the fist is hard enough.

Moreover, this human race has revealed a mysterious atmosphere since Nuwa created humans. Although it was created by Nuwa, in Li Chen's view, it is just a certain will to create the human race with the help of Nuwa. Why did Nuwa only create a defective product when Kaitian created the human race again.

However, Li Chen is curious, but his divine sense has been paying attention to the dynamics of the human race. After all, the human race is under his protection at this time. If someone kills him or something happens, he will be slapping himself in the face.

You can slowly explore your own things if you are curious, but you must never allow others to touch the human race!
This is Li Chen's attitude.

Chenlong was about to lead the three of them to complete the teacher apprenticeship ceremony, but he sensed several streamers flying from all directions, menacing and quite unkind.

Protecting the three of them behind him, he looked at them solemnly.

The rainbow light stopped suddenly, and several figures appeared in front of Chenlong one after another. Chenlong could feel that there were still people on the way behind.

The comers are not only strong men with great Luo Jinxian cultivation base, but even strong men in the middle stage of quasi-sage.

Even some little-known strong men who were also one of the three thousand guests in Zixiao Palace came one after another.

Although there are many people whose cultivation base is much higher than that of Chenlong, Chenlong is not stage fright at all. After all, he still has many methods prepared by Li Chen. Escaped with ease.

What's more, Chenlong is Li Chen's disciple. Li Chen's divine sense is always paying attention to this place. With Li Chen's protection, even if something happens, it is very difficult.

"I don't know what the fellow Taoists are talking about when you come to the human race? It just so happens that I have received three talented and beautiful jades. If you are not busy, can you witness this ceremony of apprenticeship for us?"

Chen Long said.

Although Chenlong only has the cultivation base of the peak of Daluo, everyone has lived for so many years and they are all old fritters. They don't want to offend Chenlong at all. After all, his master is Daoist Changming. Can't help but look at each other.

"In this way, according to what fellow daoist said, our affairs will be discussed after fellow daoist accepts disciples..."

When everyone heard this, they all agreed.

Seeing this, Chenlong nodded in satisfaction.

He took out the altar that had already been refined from the space, and did not go back to the cave. After placing the altar, he continued the apprenticeship ceremony directly.

A statue of Li Chen was enshrined on the altar. After Chenlong raised a stick of incense, he brought three people from Youchao's Suiren's to worship.

"Disciple Chen Long has received three excellent apprentices, and I have come here to report to Master, and I hope Master will allow..."

As time passed by, the eyes of the statue seemed to light up, as if scanning Youchao, Suiren, and Ziyi.

After half a sound, the word "quasi" was heard just now.

With permission, the three of them wiped off the almost nonexistent sweat on their foreheads.

An apprenticeship made him nervous.

After receiving Li Chen's approval, Chenlong just took out the copy of "Three Tribulations of Transformation and Life", and branded the names of the three people on it.

And let the three of them leave a trace of the original brand on it.

After completing this step, the three of them looked at Chenlong with puzzled faces, waiting for him to explain that this is recording the name and leaving the original mark, what is the use of it.

Even those mighty ones who came here with impure purposes were very puzzled seeing this.

Apprenticeship in the prehistoric world couldn't be easier. After confirming the status of master and apprentice, just go through the ceremony of apprenticeship. If you are prepared, you can add a feast of apprenticeship at most and you're done.

Chen Long didn't explain it either, and after reporting to his master, he stood aside and received three head slaps from the three of them, and it was considered a ceremony.

Quickly helped the three of them up.

Only then did he gesture to the copy of the "Three Tribulations of Transformation and Life" in his hand, and slowly said: "This is my Penglai treasure, and it is also the foundation of my Penglai inheritance. It is a split of the supreme treasure, only named The disciples who entered it have just been recognized by my Penglai, and their luck is connected with my Penglai, and they are protected by the master, that is, your ancestors. Even if you die, there is a chance to revive you..."

Hearing this, everyone thought of when Di Junxi and Nuwa got married, at that time Nu Wa hadn't become a saint yet, and a treasure that was presented to celebrate the two people's wedding - Zhaoyao Banner.

It is also like this copy of the "Three Tribulations of Transformation and Life Sutra", which can resurrect the person branded in it, but the life and death have to be controlled by the person who holds it.

Seeing the strange gazes of the group of great experts and the ignorant eyes of the three, Chen Long knew that the group of great experts were thinking wrong at all, and the three of You Chao didn't understand at all.

Chen Long couldn't help explaining: "My Penglai's "Three Tribulations of Transforming Life Sutra" is different from the demon banners of the Yaozu. Besides, relying on the master's cultivation in the Hunyuan realm, it needs to rely on such low-handed means. Do you control the doorman?..."

"We believe that Master will not harm us!" Although You Chao and the others still didn't know what was going on, they instinctively believed that what Chen Long said was true, and opened their mouths to express their attitude.

Seeing this, Chenlong didn't say much, after all, he couldn't explain it clearly. After joining Penglai, he would naturally understand that what he said was true in the future.

Taking three of them as disciples, Chenlong naturally had to show something.

Since Hongjun San preached, there are also many spiritual treasures on him, which are prepared for his disciples, and it is just right to give them to the three of them at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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