Chapter 150 Chapter 0150
After dealing with the matter of accepting apprentices, seeing that all the 'troubles' hadn't left yet, he couldn't help frowning faintly.

Pretending to be thankful, he looked at the crowd and said, "Dear fellows, my ceremony of accepting disciples has already ended. Chenlong would like to thank all fellow daoists for coming to participate in the ceremony of accepting disciples. I will not send you the important things..."

Although the tone was polite, the meaning of seeing off the guests was clear.

All the great powers looked at each other in blank dismay.

Didn't you say that there is something to discuss after accepting disciples?Now that the apprenticeship is over, they are starting to drive people away. What kind of situation is this?

"Well, Fellow Daoist Chenlong, right, we came to you for something important..."

With a look of sudden realization, Chen Long patted his forehead, and said with apologetic expression:

"I'm sorry, fellow daoists, Pindao just took in three disciples, but he forgot about it in the moment of pleasure."

After straightening out his clothes, he continued, "Since we have something to do, let's talk about it. Tell me, I'll listen..."

Seeing Chenlong acting like you said, I listened carefully, all the great powers felt that this kind of development should not be the case.

It's not that they should fight each other from the beginning, and then beat each other to death...

When Nuwa became a saint, Hongjun once said that a strong saint should not interfere with the operation of the prehistoric world, and Chenlong's teacher, Venerable Changming, was also a saint-level or higher cultivation base, because of the less number of shots and the fact that Hongjun had no reputation at all. Jun's loud voice, everyone subconsciously thought that Daoist Changming was much weaker than Daozu Hongjun, and even thought that even Venerable Changming had to abide by the rules set by Hongjun. This is why everyone has the confidence to come here to ask Chenlong s reason.


"Fellow Daoist, let me just say it straight. We came here this time to hope that Fellow Daoist can tell us the method of gaining merit. We will be very grateful..."

Hearing the Taoist's words, Chenlong narrowed his eyes, and the divine light flickered in them.

It seems that there is a storm brewing among the people, and it will usher in a devastating blow at any time.

Afterwards, Chenlong seemed to have figured out something, he laughed loudly and said, "Why did I come here..."

As for the method of gaining merit, it is easy to say, but difficult to say.

To put it bluntly, it is to do something that is of great merit to the human race, but if it is not done properly, it will not only fail to obtain merit, but will even cause karma.

And even if you don't tell me about the method of obtaining merit, a group of powerful people can still get relevant information by going to the human race to inquire.

What I have to do at this time is to sell the news of the meritorious deeds at a good price.

"It's not impossible to get the method of acquiring merit, but at this price..., fellow Taoists, you have seen the three disciples I just accepted today. It's a pity that I, a poor master, can't give much. A decent spirit treasure..."

The meaning of this could not be clearer, telling everyone clearly: If you want to obtain the method of merit, you can have no problem!But it has to be exchanged with Lingbao.

Everyone hesitated for a while, after all, the congenital treasures are rare for all the great powers, that is, after Hongjun divided the treasures, everyone barely had a decent family background.

Now that Chenlong asked for the Xiantian Lingbao, everyone couldn't help feeling a little bit tight.

It can't be fought, after all, people have agreed, and the price is clearly marked.

If you can't get the method of gaining merit, you can't blame Chenlong, you can only blame everyone for not being willing to part with the spirit treasure.

If he really did something, Daoist Changming would call at the door, even if he asked Daozu Hongjun for help, he would have something to say.

Besides, Hongjun Daozu was so busy, he and others didn't have the face to let Hongjun protect himself and others from a strong man in the realm of saints recklessly.

"Sorry fellow daoist, we still need to discuss it..."

"Let's discuss...discuss, and talk to me about other things when there is a result..."

After speaking, he took the three disciples back to the cave, leaving only the saints looking at each other in blank dismay.

After Chenlong entered the cave with three newly recruited apprentices, he opened the defensive isolation formation in the cave, and only after the secret of isolating everything leaked out did he open his mouth and say:

"Ziyi, I've been wanting to talk since I saw you, but now that I've cut off the secrets as a teacher, you can say it..."

"Huh..., I can finally talk, I'm suffocating, when I was outside, I didn't dare to talk nonsense..."

Then Ziyi quickly expressed his doubts: "Master, do you really have a way to obtain merit?"

For this method, the three of them are also very envious. After all, from a human race with little cultivation, they have broken through to the peak of Taiyi Jinxian because of their merits. It's not rising steadily.

How could their little thought be hidden from Chen Long, an old fritter who has lived for so many years.

Give the three of them a chestnut,

Chen Long just said slowly: "If you want to use the power of merit to break through the cultivation base, don't even think about it now! You can break through with external force under Da Luo, but the road above Da Luo depends on external force. Not for long..."

Hearing that Chenlong was slowly coming up with all the reasons, the three of them couldn't help being afraid for a while.

I didn't expect that there would be so many restrictions in Da Luo's way. This is the comparison between having a master and not having a master.

Without Chenlong's guidance, no one can tell how many detours Suirenshi and the others would have taken.

Chenlong didn't answer the three people directly.

However, when the pros and cons of this were clearly explained to the three disciples, a group of experts outside the cave also discussed a specific plan.

After seeing the four masters and apprentices of Chenlong coming out, one of them was able to hand over the four spiritual treasures shared by everyone to Chenlong and said:
"All of us gathered these three innate spiritual treasures for fellow daoist 'love disciple', so you can tell me about the method of obtaining merit..."

Seeing that everyone was so upright, Chenlong threw the three spirit treasures directly to his three disciples, and asked his disciples to explain them to a group of great experts. After all, it was the three who gained merit, and the master must be better than the guests. Know a little more.

As for Li Chen, he only needs to summarize the method of obtaining merits and virtues for all the great experts after the three of them have finished speaking.

After listening to the answers of Youchao, Suiren, and Ziyi, the complexions of these powerful men who came here turned darker than each other.

Seeing this, Li Chen couldn't help but make up his sword again: "Fellow Taoists, this method of obtaining merit is nothing more than doing things that have merit for the world. What is good for the world?..."

Those who can cultivate to the current level are basically some old fritters, and Chenlong hardly needs to say what follows, and everyone can guess one or two.

But this human race is not heaven and earth, why is it beneficial to the human race, and can gain this merit even if it has contributed to the development of the human race?

Everyone still couldn't figure it out, and Chen Long didn't explain it to everyone. After all, he was not very clear about this aspect.

Ever since, everyone was relying on Chenlong's real 'information' + 'coaxing and deceiving', not only leaving behind everyone's three innate spiritual treasures, but also leaving with inexplicable thinking about the problem, and the whole thing ended in an anticlimactic manner Finish.

When all this was done, Chenlong couldn't help exhaling a long breath...

 I have been moving for the past two days, and a chapter is updated every day, everyone, take care of me!

(End of this chapter)

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