Chapter 157 0157 Inside the Main Shrine
Li Chen was quite surprised by the main god's invitation. Not only did he promise the authority of the main temple, but he even had the opportunity to take charge of the main temple if the conditions were met.

It's just unbelievable.

Li Chen has no idea what kind of state the Lord God is in now.

If the main god is a living being, even if the main temple only exists in the form of a weapon spirit, it is basically impossible for anyone to take charge of the ownership of the main temple, and even set up obstacles so that even those who meet the qualifications have no chance to take charge main shrine.

After all, if the main temple has spiritual wisdom, the spiritual wisdom has the final say on everything in the main temple without an owner. If there is a main temple with a master, whether the spiritual wisdom can survive in the hands of the person in charge is one thing .

Anyway, no one wants to hold a bomb in their hands, right? Who knows when the bomb will explode.

Even if his wisdom is to use the authority of the main temple as a bargaining chip, it's just a feint, and the actual action is to let people take control of the main temple.

However, if it is regarded as an artificial intelligence, in accordance with the procedural rules, what the Lord God said on the invitation is still very authentic.

However, it cannot be ruled out that this is the main god's intention to set up obstacles and lure himself into the bait.

Regardless of whether the main god is the said pre-master of the main temple is real or not, for Li Chen, the benefit he can get now is part of the authority of the main temple.

Even with Li Chen's cultivation at the peak of Hunyuan at this time, Li Chen feels that with the help of the main temple, he can gain a lot.

You can even find some real information about the world in the main temple...

All in all, the benefits are great.

To be honest, Li Chen is tempted right now!
Li Chen still had doubts about the cooperation that the Lord God said, so he began to communicate with the grand will in the invitation.

This grand will, to Li Chen, feels a bit like a pan-will, and a bit like an intelligent program.

Rigid, without a little 'live' feeling, just like a feeling of a machine.

I don't know if this is the 'real' main god, or if he just pretended to confuse Li Chen.

For Li Chen at this stage, with the Tongtian Tower in his body, all ghosts and monsters will have nowhere to hide, and all conspiracies and tricks will be smashed under the powerful force.

Even the main god has to weigh whether he can withstand the smashing of the Tongtian Tower, after all, the smashing of the Tongtian Tower is equivalent to the combined attack of six low-grade Chaos Supreme Treasures!
However, Li Chen felt that facing the attack of the Tongtian Tower, the main temple must be useless. After all, the main god wanted to get involved in the prehistoric world in a sneaky way. Li Chen reckoned that it was only at or below the perfect prehistoric level.

Under the request of the main god's "will", Li Chen's will followed the will of the main god, across infinite time and space, and infinite distance, to come to the main temple that exists in the dark.

The Tongtian Pagoda was engulfed in Li Chen's will, and the imprint of the Tongtian Pagoda looming between his brows, as if it would explode at any time.

After all, now in the main temple, it is the home field of the main god (big light ball), so Li Chen can't help but relax.

The main god 'will' who talked with Li Chen returned to the big ball of light in the central area of ​​the main temple after returning to the main temple.

However, it is obvious that Li Chen is treating the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. When he came to the main temple, there was no attack or suppression against him as he had guessed, and the whole main temple was peaceful.

Looking at the main temple from the perspective of Li Chen Hunyuan peak powerhouse, the main temple is not as glamorous as it appears on the surface. Under the cover of the light ball), most people can't see the edge, but in Li Chen's eyes, the main temple is almost just a remnant of the building.

Incomparably incomplete, incomparably dilapidated.

However, Li Chen can feel that reincarnators are constantly doing tasks, bringing back the origin, luck, etc. in each world. After being absorbed by the main god, those broken places are shrouded in a kind of white light, and the repair speed is almost invisible to the naked eye. .

It is conceivable how much damage the main temple suffered.

Under the guidance of the main god's will, Li Chen came to the central area of ​​the main temple.

This is a restricted area for all reincarnations, and the only one who can enter here is the authority dog ​​of the main temple...

When Li Chen entered here, he thought he would meet many authority dogs like himself, but he didn't expect that there was no one here at all.

It was quiet, as if no one had been here for hundreds of millions of years.

Li Chen couldn't help asking the main god the specific reason curiously.

"Your Honorable Eternal Brightness, the highest combat power of the senior reincarnators currently possessed by the main shrine is only in the quasi-sage realm compared to the prehistoric, and has not yet met the requirements to become the preparatory leader of the main shrine. Therefore, you will be excluded here. No other living beings have been here before..."

Hearing the Lord God's words, Li Chen was somewhat skeptical about the Lord God's claim that his cultivation was the highest but not in the prehistoric quasi-sage realm, but Li Chen did not think that the power of the Lord God was only that of the quasi-sage realm, if there was no power stronger than the quasi-sage How could it be possible to suppress those strong men in the main temple who had almost become old fritters.

As for this, just listen to it, if you regard this as the strength of the main god, you will probably die a miserable death.

When he came to this space exclusively for authority dogs, white light spots danced in front of Li Chen, and under the condensed will of the main god, he turned into a light man.

"Lord God?"

Seeing this naked man, Li Chen called out tentatively.

Except for the main god, Li Chen couldn't think of anyone who could gather and disperse freely in this space with strict laws.

Even Li Chen couldn't analyze what the white light spots were. In Li Chen's eyes, these white light spots were like the basic substances in the world.

There is no power fluctuation but can be controlled by the main god, especially like the role played by technology in Li Chen's previous life.

Or the power of the main god to control these light spots is simply beyond what Li Chen can observe at this stage.

"Your Honorable Eternal Brightness, what's the matter with you?..."

The light man asked very politely.

"Nothing, just to see if it's really you..."

"No problem, everything in this space is my carrier, so I can do almost anything in this space..."

Seemingly seeing Li Chen's doubts, the Lord God explained for the first time.

Li Chen nodded to express his understanding.

The power of the main god is very mysterious, even now, Li Chen can still feel a lot of things from the trace of power in the invitation of the main god.


(End of this chapter)

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